mandingo and realistic look at size

MrHUGE1n measured at 9 inches
I sincerely hope "measured" was your key word ;)
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I know that this is an old thread, but I have seen a few of these on here and there's a lot of faulty assumptions about the size of someone's penis. No, you cannot guess at the size of someone's penis based on their height or other body attributes. Penis size has zero connection with those things. I can even speak from personal experience, having had friends and family members whose penis size was brought up in conversation. Not only were they taller than I am, some by as much as eight inches difference, but they also had smaller penises than I do. They had longer legs, longer arms, larger frames, and yet smaller dicks. The size of a person's body or body parts has zero link to penis size. You can be a short person with a huge wang.

The best way is either to directly measure of have confirmable and easy to measure items beside said penis. Otherwise we have to take their word on it. But honestly, there's no way that Mandingos dick is as small as some of you are claiming it to be.
I know that this is an old thread, but I have seen a few of these on here and there's a lot of faulty assumptions about the size of someone's penis. No, you cannot guess at the size of someone's penis based on their height or other body attributes. Penis size has zero connection with those things. I can even speak from personal experience, having had friends and family members whose penis size was brought up in conversation. Not only were they taller than I am, some by as much as eight inches difference, but they also had smaller penises than I do. They had longer legs, longer arms, larger frames, and yet smaller dicks. The size of a person's body or body parts has zero link to penis size. You can be a short person with a huge wang.

The best way is either to directly measure of have confirmable and easy to measure items beside said penis. Otherwise we have to take their word on it. But honestly, there's no way that Mandingos dick is as small as some of you are claiming it to be.
Actually the only scientifically proven correlation with penile size is height, so while it doesn't matter on an individual level, on average taller guys have bigger cocks.

As for Mandingo, I think most here consider him either 8.75-9'ish or 9-9.25'ish depending on their affiliation to either "the downplayers" or "the porn inch believers".
Actually the only scientifically proven correlation with penile size is height, so while it doesn't matter on an individual level, on average taller guys have bigger cocks.

As for Mandingo, I think most here consider him either 8.75-9'ish or 9-9.25'ish depending on their affiliation to either "the downplayers" or "the porn inch believers".
This. Height is weakly correlated with penis size. Aside from digit ratio, it's the only thing that correlates.

& yup LMAO it's a major upgrade from the days of "porn inch believers" legitimately arguing he was a footlong on here
I've done the same thing with one of those caulking tubes that goes in a caulking gun. IIRC, the tube was something like 8.5x6 and it looked absolutely ridiculous even on me (I've got a decent sized waist and wide hands). People just don't stop to figure out what some of these sizes look like in real life before throwing these numbers around. The other day I was reading a thread with two different people claiming to be 9.5 x 6.5 and was thinking about Mandingo and the caulk tube. I've thought before it would be nice if all the numbers that show up in this place were automatically replaced by hyperlinks to small pictures of equivalently sized objects. Having someone say "My last boyfriend was about an inch longer than the current biggest guy in the porno industry and about a half inch bigger around." sounds pretty ridiculous, yet every day you've got piles of people in here mentioning 9,10, and 11 inch guys. :confused:

Find a caulking tube and try it yourself. :wink:
Hey @Shepardson !! I have done this same comparison with an empty tube of caulking (standard size 8.5”x6”) like you said and I’m always amazed, the tube looks huge as an everyday object trying to imagine it as a cock, which gives some perspective. Here are my comparison pics of me with a tube of caulk after a pumping session!


Freddy beat me to it, but yeah, they'd be the ones in the center of his picture. Those two jumbo-sized ones on the ends make them look small (they're definitely not). I think the cardboard tube from a roll of paper towels is probably close, though maybe not as big around.

Point being, if you take one of those, or something cylindrical and that size, and hold it where your dick is, you can easily see the resemblance to a Dingo dick, and as I mentioned, it looks really ridiculous. The idea that everybody in here, or their BF/husband, is the size of (or even an inch or two bigger than) a guy who was made world famous for the size of his penis, the likes of which hadn't appeared on the porn scene until circa Y2K and to this day is pretty much unrivaled there, is absurd.

Take Care
I use the standard caulk tube as a comparison to my dick all the time. And I agree, when you look at just the tube held up Against your pubic bone and look at how huge it looks (both length and girth!) it does really put things in perspective! The tubes do measure a bit over 8.5” length x 1-17/8” inside diameter, or 6” circumference around the outside. So that is some serious volume!!
Here is a photo of my dick compared to the tube. It would be a dream to get my dick to the same size!!!
View media item 7175871
I use the standard caulk tube as a comparison to my dick all the time. And I agree, when you look at just the tube held up Against your pubic bone and look at how huge it looks (both length and girth!) it does really put things in perspective! The tubes do measure a bit over 8.5” length x 1-17/8” inside diameter, or 6” circumference around the outside. So that is some serious volume!!
Here is a photo of my dick compared to the tube. It would be a dream to get my dick to the same size!!!
View media item 7175871

What does Mandingo's dick have to do with you putting up pictures of your dick?
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