Marc Gomez

Anyone get that snap before he deleted it?!?!?! Just him walking round in his underwear dude was swinging for a skinny boy. IDK how to save or screen record things but it was gone before a friend could do it. Who grabbed it?
Anyone get that snap before he deleted it?!?!?! Just him walking round in his underwear dude was swinging for a skinny boy. IDK how to save or screen record things but it was gone before a friend could do it. Who grabbed it?
Ah man I hope someone has it
Correct without the beard he looks like a malnourished 13 year old. Besides he’s cringy af with all his attempts to flex. Don’t know what people see in him.
Unfortunately I love average looking men so now I kinda find him attractive even when he flexes his non-existent muscles lol.