
Does Marijuana make sex...

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Not sure how many partake but seeing it’s legal in Colorado we have started to smoke it again as adults and the sex has become amazing. So many strains to choose from and some are so mellow. Just happy to be alive during times like this.

What’s your “toke” on weed?
I enjoy but my wife doesn't. I last longer with it, and the pleasure sensations are so much better. The only part that sucks is the dry mouth.:confused:
Try a new strain, I’ve found a few indicas that have no side effects like dry mouth, eyes, dizziness, etc...
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They hybrids that are Indica dom are the shit these days. Most people hear Indica and they think couch lock. Take a sour pair it with a go kush you have the best of both worlds in a hybrid strain
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They hybrids that are Indica dom are the shit these days. Most people hear Indica and they think couch lock. Take a sour pair it with a go kush you have the best of both worlds in a hybrid strain
Always been a straight up indica guy and don’t really feel the “couch lock”. It just relaxes the hell out of me. I function fine. Sativas just make my anxiety spike
I've never actually had sex while high. However, when I get high one of the things I am guaranteed to do is masturbate because I feel like its just much better when high. I tend to be able to last longer and when I do cum my orgasm is more intense, both because I've gone longer and because I'm high.

I might get a little paranoid if I were high having sex with someone, though. Hopefully I get a chance to find out at some point.
Wife and I both enjoy weed. We tend to enjoy Sativa dom hybrids or straight Sativa for sex. For her she loves to suck cock with a nice high. And I get very confident sexually when I'm high. With the right mood, I can let my cock go semi soft in her pussy so it sort of "flops" in thru her lips. Then let it get hard once in. The other VERY important side affect of it is... She uses toys on my ass like a champ!
It gets my cock super hard, super sensitive, my nipples get sensitive. Yes marijuana is great for sex

The same when I used to smoke marijuana years ago. I have not smoked in years as where I worked did work for the government under contract and that required the company to do some kind of drug testing the government approved. The one thing when smoking I learned to edge and when edging your dick will get really hard and sensitive as it always did when smoking Marijuana. My nipples were only extremely sensitive while smoking Marijuana.
I'm 60+ and always found sex better with pot. kept me rock hard and recovery time was just a few minutes. and still works pretty well today!
You know we (the over 55) are the fastest growing users of pot.