
He literally told you exactly what the pictures would be. EXACTLY. You literally have 12 different examples of what tasteful nudes means and the context as evidenced in the calendar that was referenced AGAIN AND AGAIN. He releases the exact same content... Actually more because we got a butt shot that wasn't just from the side.

Yet here half of you are acting drained and outraged because you told yourself that it was going to be content that he literally said it was not going to be. Like what in the actual hell is wrong with you people?

It's 3 freaking dollars... For charity. Get a grip. Also people begging for the pics to be posted... Again, it's 3 dollars... For charity. None of you are that damn broke.
I almost never want threads locked but this thread is absolutely insane, its gotta be locked. I'm four pages behind and it's only been 4 hours....its all bickering bc horny ppl didn't bother listening to mark in the slightest when he said he wasn't doing literal porn.
He literally said he would go full cock and balls on a stream?
He was so obviously joking. He couldn't even get the first word out with a straight face.
To further revise your flawed metaphor:

You did go to the zoo. A zoo which, in no uncertain terms, stated they didn't have a cock exhibit. You went knowing that your preferred specimen was not going to be on display, and you still have the gall to whip out your Karen-Card and have a temper tantrum.

There was no false advertisement. There was only cognitive dissonance on your end.

Maybe it's time to stop touching yourself and start touching some grass...
First, Why are so many of you unable to counter an argument without throwing juvenile insults into it? Relax, no one is ding dong ditching your house.
Second, Who claimed false advertisement? I gave a justified reason for those who are upset with the quality of content he's shared. You brought up cognitive dissonance, how's your reading comprehension skills?
I gave a justified reason for those who are upset with the quality of content he's shared.
Mark was never, ever gonna go full porn. Overwhelming evidence existed to suggest we'd be getting calendar 2.0 kinda stuff, and that's exactly what we got. If you allowed your brain to wander so far from reality that you thought his dick was gonna be staring you in the face, that is nobody's fault but your own.

It's fine to want to see more (who doesn't?), but he didn't mislead anyone. Not even a tiny bit.