Married Moby

Thanks for sharing! I have most of these, but I'm curious to see the "new" ones. He's going to be BIG MAD if he ever finds this thread. I may almost get back on Twitter to watch it unfold.
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Thanks so much for sharing! Though I must say, after checking out all of these I won't be looking into buying his files since these pretty much confirmed the reviews I've heard about him.

Without his peddling and carefully crafty Twitter posts adding context, these videos look just like something you can find off of xvideos.
Thanks so much for sharing! Though I must say, after checking out all of these I won't be looking into buying his files since these pretty much confirmed the reviews I've heard about him.

Without his peddling and carefully crafty Twitter posts adding context, these videos look just like something you can find off of xvideos.
Agreed. I think the "Stepdad" Twitter account is him as well. Anything to sell a video.
I'm sorry but I totally, unapologetically, call bullshit on this dude and everything that he says.

There must be very few married men with wives and families willing to go to an orgy, fuck and be fucked by men and women, and have it filmed so that one dude out of the group can upload it all over the internet. But still, isn't it just totally convenient that MarriedMoby has managed to find a rather large handful of them, all in one place, and establish a *totally real* 'married cheaters club', which is ever-expanding with new members being added almost every fucking week?
But this is semi-believable at least. There are men married to women who have unhappy marriages and experiment outside of the marriage. Still, I call absolute bullshit for the reasons above.

However, the 'father and son' who go to the orgies together? That's just the most unbelievable thing I've ever heard. It is straight out of a lazy smut fiction written by someone with daddy issues. What father and son in their right mind would go to an orgy and have sex together, or be sexually open to the point of sending each other nudes? And what father and son in their right mind would not be merely mortified by the prospect? I bet 0000.01% of father-sons have a relationship like that (and thank fucking God), but isn't it convenient that MarriedMoby has found one duo like that at all? And about the 'dad's' Twitter account - isn't it so weird how it's written in the exact same style that MarriedMoby uses on his own Twitter account, almost as if they're run by the same person...?

This is the stuff of fantasy. If you buy his content you're either being sold pictures of orgies that the real owner of the account has been to but is lying about the context, or you're just being sold pictures that aren't even theirs at all. Either way, you're being told that it's all real, and therefore you're being scammed.