Marshall price

He likes and retweets so many gay onlyfans and gay porn in Twitter. He even retweeted a “retweet if you wanna fuck me” tweet. I know sexuality is more than just retweets but what straight man would do that on his own will? Pretty sure he’s at least bi
One who's trying to get as many gullible gay dollars as he can
One who's trying to get as many gullible gay dollars as he can
I swear this is something some gay men have a hard time coming to terms with. Everyone is NOT gay or bi smh
I swear this is something some gay men have a hard time coming to terms with. Everyone is NOT gay or bi smh
Exactly this. Just visit the Jordan Torres thread for a glimpse of the level of hopeful delusion people have. There's no such thing as a straight man according to people here. Every male in existence is either an open gay, a closeted gay, a repressed gay, or half a gay.