Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley

I'm not a Marylander but I watch from across the river. I like his politics, and these pics make me like him even more.
Here's some more that I've collected. I think he's incredibly good-looking. Perhaps not drop-dead gorgeous in a movie star way, but a very handsome man nonetheless..


The first pic I've attached below would be my nomination for hottest shirtless pic of him. His shoulders, arms and chest just kill me in the pic..

I can't tell if it's these pictures or Clinton's speech at the DNC, but I've never been more turned on by an American politician.
QUOTE=Humfridus Ferret;2421592]You just validated what is wrong with the US populace in one fail swoop.

The man ran the most corrupt and violence plagued city in the nation, so it is only fitting that he should run the state. Good idea.:confused:[/QUOTE]

How interesting. This is the most vile thing anyone has said about O'Malley. And it isn't even vile.

Now if he were a Republican, on the other hand, some of the folks on here would be spewing vitriol from every orifice in order to denigrate the man even if he held exactly the same political views.

I find that facinating.
QUOTE=Humfridus Ferret;2421592]You just validated what is wrong with the US populace in one fail swoop.

The man ran the most corrupt and violence plagued city in the nation, so it is only fitting that he should run the state. Good idea.:confused:

How interesting. This is the most vile thing anyone has said about O'Malley. And it isn't even vile.

Now if he were a Republican, on the other hand, some of the folks on here would be spewing vitriol from every orifice in order to denigrate the man even if he held exactly the same political views.

I find that facinating.[/QUOTE]
Not fascinating at all. Unless Gov. O'Malley has ever demonstrated that he wishes to destroy what's left of the middle class or dismantle the safety net that the poor and elderly rely on then no reason to consider him the Son of Satan.
I know Baltimore. O'Malley was mayor. I know of no information suggesting he was corrupt or violence prone. The dismaying level of Baltimore violence was, in its excess, largely drug related, protracted, difficult to stop, and manifestation of an East Coast problem using abandoned neighborhoods in a city of declining population as its warzone. The worst of the phenomenon mostly occurred in the 1990’s. Mayor Schmoke, the city’s mayor at the time could hardly be blamed; perhaps he might have done better to end it.

One unheralded impact upon Baltimore that has done and continues to do some good is the Federal Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 and it’s multiple amendments. The banking industry's red-lining practices turned large areas of Baltimore abandonable [were such a word to exist]. Red-lining seeps; it’s contagious. Neighborhoods adjacent to red-lined neighborhoods, get red-lined. It wasn’t only that poor people couldn’t get mortgages, rehabbers, risk takers, entrepreneurs, speculators, all of those actors – the good, bad, or ugly – could not move in to turn around this once valuable real estate; even if they personally had funds, they would not because others couldn’t and wouldn’t give them the profit they’d pursue.

By the 1990’s, Baltimore began changing. It was awash with development. It’s taken a long time. We now see a difference. That murder rate is halved. Abandoned war-zoned neighborhoods are shrinking. A succession of mayors made some difference, I’m sure. I had great hopes in Mayor Schmoke; he was erudite, committed, and promising. I don’t think he accomplished much but can’t rule out his having laid foundation. Concurrent with O’Malley’s administration we witnessed lots of change; I’m can’t remember scandal. When elected Governor, O'Malley was succeeded by Mayor Dixon, sister of basketball star Juan Dixon; she become a subject of scandal and was removed from office to be replaced by the current Mayor Rawlings Blake.

Incidentally, I for one think the Dixon scandal was comparatively minor. As City Council President she had accepted gifts from her boyfriend without reporting them as required by law. We don’t think she was hiding graft, we think she was hiding the extent of her involvement with a married man; when that failed she got nailed on evidence she had used gift cards donated to her as mayor for the benefit of needy people for personal use. She plea-bargained. I believe she did it. I believe it is wrong. She should have known better and known to be fastidious and scrupulous about such things, but it is hardly evidence of a scandal-ridden and corrupt city.

Baltimore is, however, home to lots of entertaining TV cop series about corruption, murder and drug violence. These TV episodes show something which is real, no denying; they just don't show 100 times as much as equally real which is not corrupt or violent.
I had a little "run in" with the Honorable Martin O'Malley back in September. I was in Annapolis showing a friend who was visiting from CT the beautiful sites. We just turned the corner onto Maryland Ave. and we were looking around, not paying a lot of attention to the sidewalk. As we approached Galway Bay Pub, I collided with someone - smack right into them! The person grabbed my arm as I almost fell and said "Holy crap man...are you ok???" I looked up and it was the governor! He was in a crisp white shirt, great graphic tie, nice suit pants and looking very handsome! I grabbed his arm and my oh my, what a bicep! I said "I'm fine - oh! Mr. Governor Sir! I'm soooo sorry!!!!" He was nice as could be..."No worries...just hoping you're ok". I said "yes I am!". He hopped into the passenger side of a big black SUV, his driver got in and off they went.

In person, he is even more handsome than in pictures!
^^That's a great story. He really is a handsome guy, and he's built like a brick house. I've seen him perform live in person and I've taken a couple of pictures with him. I'm trying to picture him saying "Holy crap, man..." LOL!
It took me by surprise that he was so relaxed about someone colliding into him. But it definitely was "Holy crap, man..."

^^That's a great story. He really is a handsome guy, and he's built like a brick house. I've seen him perform live in person and I've taken a couple of pictures with him. I'm trying to picture him saying "Holy crap, man..." LOL!
