Massive uncut cocks

We've seen this guy many times before but I've just tumbled across his tumblr. Truly massive! He goes by the names of BigDong92 and thickdong92 . . .








BigDong92 explains his size to his fans:
Word of Advice
I have been getting alot of messages regarding my Cock size, How did i make my Cock and Balls so Big, if i pump and how to pump etc. Well Firstly, i do pump. Pumping is for fun, for the feel of heavyness. However, I never ever tried pumping my Balls. Pumping may influence Cock growth but its minimum. You can gain girth and some length pumping, but if your Cock is 6inches, you never going to get to 10.5 inches. Naturally i am well endowed. Im 10.5 inches long and thick as a beercan. I say my Girth is greater then my length as my Cock is very very thick. I would say that if i never pumped, i would still be around 10 inches long and still very very thick. Im packing a monster from my early teens. My Cock and Balls was very Big from a young age and its not pumping or any tablets that helped. Just like how some guys have big feet, very tall, big ears etc, i have a Big Cock and Balls and i shoot huge volumes of cum. When i pump my Cock, it gets more thicker, more girthier , heavier mass only for that time and it feels good but it goes back to normal. I love to walk when my Cock is heavily pumped. I pump twice or thrice a week. My pump is XXL with expanded rubbers. I pump max at 25 mins. I never pump more then 25 mins. I always pump when my Cock is warm. I never pump when its cold and so shouldnt you. I Pump after a hot Shower or Bath. I use a slippery lotion and not an absorbing lotion. Its better then lube. Always wash your pump at least after a 5 uses.. You can use your diswasher to wash the Pump and the rubbers suctions. However try not to set your dishwasher on hot if you washing the rubbers. Dont over pump. If it hurts then you pumping too much. Use a warm towel. Sit on a Sofa, spread your legs over the arm rest so that your Arse is stretched out and your Balls is hanging and then pump. I pump sitting on my recliner in the lounge, while relaxing, having a beer, watching porn etc. i pump with a low guage building my way Up. After 25 minutes of Pumping the guage is so high, that i can be lifted of the recliner by picking up the pump. My Cock can take strain as im pumping for years . I am fortunate that i have big low hanging balls and my shaft is very thick, but if your balls sits up and your shaft is thin, be careful that your Balls does not get sucked into the pump as it could be painful. Shave your Cock and Balls hairs. The grip and suction around your Cock would be better. Dont buy a small pump if you have a Big Cock and dont buy a big pump if your Cock is small. Also dont listen to anybody elses advice. If they say im wrong, tell them to drop their pants and then tell me to drop my pants…..then compare …I know what im talking about … BigDong.