Masturbation in public restrooms: Have you done it? How often?

Based on the many hidden cam videos I've encountered online where guys are caught jerking off in restrooms, it seems that indeed many guys masturbate in public restrooms. Either that or all those videos are staged.
i think almost all of them are staged. still hot
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what….? starbucks bathrooms are one person use only at a time, there’s only one toilet in the locking room
Exactly the washrooms are only for 1 person as opposed to the trough style urinals at some bars or train stations which I kinda do like too however one can’t really milk one in a trough urinal however you do get to lower your tights and flip out a semi size for all to see … squeeze the head for the last few drops…
College was the first place that I jerked off in the dorm bathroom. The toilet and shower stalls were more private than the dorm room. Once I started working, I jerked off in just about every work place bathroom. I was always discreet about it. The bathrooms were definitely not a turn on. But for much of my life, I’d pop a boner at the slightest provocation and it was difficult to hide back in the day when men wore tight pants.
I did cum at a urinal in a public bathroom once. I was near the end of a two week trip with friends and I hadn’t had any private time to rub one out. I didn’t dare go for it while in the shower for fear of the accusations of ”taking too long”. I had gone off on my own to have dinner at a food court and stopped by the restroom to take a leak before going back to the hotel. After finishing taking a piss, I was shaking the last of it out when I noticed that the shaking motion felt extra good due to the weeks of inattention to my dick. The restroom was otherwise empty, so I engaged in a little extra shaking for another 10, maybe 15 seconds before I start feeling the pressure build and I blow a giant load into the urinal.
Apparently, men masturbating in public restrooms is pretty common. I wouldn't have thought. I only did it twice in my office building restroom a while ago because I was very horny and needed the release. In a mall or an airport, too noisy, many distractions and the risk of getting caught wouldn't let me even get hard.

I am curious to know if any of you have jerked off in public restrooms, whether it is at the gym, office, airport, the mall, you name it.
If you have done it, why? Is it just a normal thing to do whenever you go to the restroom? is it that jerk-off in public spaces gets you horny? were you cruising? or just that when you get horny and need the release, you do it whenever you have an opportunity?
Have rubbed a few out in mall toilets stalls mainly but a few times at urinals in public park toilets where you can hear if someone is coming (no pun intended)
A few times in stalls have found fresh cum on the floor or walls
I did cum at a urinal in a public bathroom once. I was near the end of a two week trip with friends and I hadn’t had any private time to rub one out. I didn’t dare go for it while in the shower for fear of the accusations of ”taking too long”. I had gone off on my own to have dinner at a food court and stopped by the restroom to take a leak before going back to the hotel. After finishing taking a piss, I was shaking the last of it out when I noticed that the shaking motion felt extra good due to the weeks of inattention to my dick. The restroom was otherwise empty, so I engaged in a little extra shaking for another 10, maybe 15 seconds before I start feeling the pressure build and I blow a giant load into the urinal.
So hot you only needed that short of time before cumming
that dude exposed himself to a minor which was the crime. no one is “going to prison” for jerking off in a bathroom stall with the door closed.
You can't expect him to actually read the article he frantically googled to try to support his point.
My colleague gives good advice, and you should follow it.

I would add, in direct response to your question, that masturbating in a public stall with the door locked still may be lewd conduct. Any defense attorney would argue it is not, but there is no guarantee you'll win simply because the door was locked (you definitely lose if no door). Other factors (noise, people in bathroom) would come into play, as would any jury's disgust with the behavior.

Let me give you an example about right to privacy: you have a right to privacy to use a public telephone booth for making a call. Wiretap or other listening is forbidden, per Katz v. US. However, if you leave the door open and shout, you may give up that right. Similarly, if you masturbate in the booth, you have no right to privacy, because that is NOT an activity that the booth conventionally protected. If you masturbated in a public stall with the door open, this is not a case to try in front of a judge or jury.

While therapy may help with your court case, I only recommend it for that reason...if you don't think you have a problem, and can stop doing risky masturbation settings, then that's your decision.
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I've seen shadows in bathrooms of wanking for sure. What bathrooms do you guys seem to find the most at? I don't think the police are busitng people for quietly rubbing one off in a stall with the door locked. Also that would pose the question why someone is looking in your stall to begin with that could also be illegal. Ive seen dudes at rest stops doing it, you can see through the crack in the door and no one gives a sh*t. Now if you are exposing yourself with the door wide open and espically w kids around then that is an issue.
My colleague gives good advice, and you should follow it.

I would add, in direct response to your question, that masturbating in a public stall with the door locked still may be lewd conduct. Any defense attorney would argue it is not, but there is no guarantee you'll win simply because the door was locked (you definitely lose if no door). Other factors (noise, people in bathroom) would come into play, as would any jury's disgust with the behavior.

Let me give you an example about right to privacy: you have a right to privacy to use a public telephone booth for making a call. Wiretap or other listening is forbidden, per Katz v. US. However, if you leave the door open and shout, you may give up that right. Similarly, if you masturbate in the booth, you have no right to privacy, because that is NOT an activity that the booth conventionally protected. If you masturbated in a public stall with the door open, this is not a case to try in front of a judge or jury.

While therapy may help with your court case, I only recommend it for that reason...if you don't think you have a problem, and can stop doing risky masturbation settings, then that's your decision.
God, you are fucking desperate.
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