According to an emergency medicine journal, the prevalence of rectal foreign bodies presented to emergency rooms is higher in males than in females (a 28:1 ratio). The typical patient falls between the 20-30 year marks, with the peak age of the patients being in their 20s, which is attributed to anal erotism activities. In the case of rectal foreign bodies (as opposed to other rectal emergency complaints), the majority of patients presented themselves after multiple attempts at self-removal. Depending on the lost item, you risk anything from extreme embarrassment to bowel and intestine perforation. So how will you explain an accident of this nature to your parents and the emergency room personnel vs. an anal toy? I understand neither is probably an option to you so here is my recommendation:
Use your finger or buy a toy designed for anal stimulation. If you are in a smaller city or an area where adult shops arent available, there are some very good online stores. Many of these are listed elsewhere on this site. Nowhere to get mail like this? Get a P.O. Box. They are inexpensive. If you are in a city with adult shops, you are more fortunate. Recently, I needed to rent a variety of porn for a pro-exotic writing/porn-feminist paper I was trying to write. Being a bit embarrassed, I called ahead of time to a store close to home. I was very surprised and pleased with my experience. This particular store had staff that included two young women well versed on the feminist vs. porn issues, a gay staff member that was helpful in recommending some gay video selection, and other assorted staff members that would make pretty much anyone comfortable in the store. Not only did I get an interesting assortment of videos for my project, but I also discussed some of their other products, which included sex toys. Call a store in your area ahead of time to see if there is someone you can ask for when you go in that will work with you to find the right kind of toy. Dont settle for the novelty items (which are usually cheaper), as they are designed for show and not play, and can be dangerous to actually use. As far as hiding it at home, I understand this is can be tough depending on your parents take on privacy and what not. This is something youll have to figure out for yourself, but I think the cliché Where theres a will, theres a way applies.
Lastly, words of advise and caution:
Research anal toys before you buy on the internet, there are several really good sites that offer toy reviews.
Vegetable insertion is risky. An journal article I read about 10 years ago cited a man who presented to the emergency room with a carrot stuck up his butt. He said it happened when he accidentally sat on it while cooking in the nude. Do you believe him? Neither did I?
Also, beware of items that can form pockets of air, like bottles, TUBES, etc. These can form a vacuum that can be very dangerous to your health and well-being.
Happy hunting.
P.S. I am not a professional of any kind. I am just well read.