Matheus Claus Aka Matheuscllaus

If you don't know how to bait don't try to bait such studs! Start small. Now you've ruined it for all of us
i agree our forum friend should have waited and chatted with matheus a little more until he had shown his whole dick head or at least a snap that framed it all
So how does he actually make a living, or is the family wealthy?
i would like to know too but i think his family is from the working class is usual to photographers to rent a apart hotel to do a pro photoshoot which is probably were his luxury content comes from he must emulate this life to attract more followers and his real apartment must be the one in the last video

matheus claus 1.jpg

matheus claus 2.mp4

matheus claus 3.mp4

matheus claus 4.mp4

matheus claus 5.mp4