Matthew noszka

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Can some one please catfish James Pulido. Look at this guy!! We gotta see more of him. His Instagram is jamesjoseph__
if anyone does please share the pics!
Wrong thread dude. Start your own for James. This thread is about MATTHEW.

Feast your eyes, guys. This is something he just shot in Colombia. Can I get an AMEN for the outline?
he's actually very humble! I talked to him once years ago when he first started modeling and was getting famous I believe it was after his episode with Ellen, I followed him on snapchat and he was open to receive messages from fans, so I send him that I'm a big fan and he inspire me to work out and stay in shape. he replied and said thank you so much for the support.
I don't remember him being homophobic, I remember he said on snapchat a while ago that he receive a lot of dick pics and it's gross, if guys kept doing this he'll make his snapchat private, which is fair enough! I would feel the same even though I'm into guys! I don't know if his snapchat still open to fans I don't use it anymore, I follow him on twitter though and he always talk about money and buying expensive shit! I didn't know modeling makes people rich fast! I hope he doen't turn to a doughbag, but in general he's a really nice guy.
His sister by the way is also on insta and shes openly gay and in a committed relationship with another woman so him being homophobic would be REALLY odd. But if guys were sending him dick pics it would be understand
able that he might be ticked off.He wouldnt have been prepared for everything that came with becoming suddenly famous.
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