Matty Carrington (model)

If I wasn't obsessed with him before, I surely am now after receiving my copy of Yummy8. I didn't get the kneeling cover because I ordered before they released that one. I had the one he's showing his arm pits. Apart from flipping to the first page to take out the extra poster and post card, I haven't looked at any other pages yet and have been staring at the cover the last hour. :heart_eyes:
exactly what i thought. my copy of yummy finally arrived last night and i havent even had a chance to open it. and i know all of his images have already been published but i still cant wait to see his shots on glorious high gloss paper. i picked the cover with him kneeling with his dick partially reflecting on the wet sand
What was your reaction to the copy with Marty, now that you’ve had a chance to look at it?
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