Max And Harvey Mills

My post was deleted for baiting, but I literally said nothing about baiting. Others did, but I didn't. All I asked was whether his public Tinder profile indicted what he was looking for. And why was the pic of the profile deleted? It's in the public domain. I understand deleting the baiting comments, but not the entire conversation.
My post was deleted for baiting, but I literally said nothing about baiting. Others did, but I didn't. All I asked was whether his public Tinder profile indicted what he was looking for. And why was the pic of the profile deleted? It's in the public domain. I understand deleting the baiting comments, but not the entire conversation.
Welcome to LPSG.
My post was deleted for baiting, but I literally said nothing about baiting. Others did, but I didn't. All I asked was whether his public Tinder profile indicted what he was looking for. And why was the pic of the profile deleted? It's in the public domain. I understand deleting the baiting comments, but not the entire conversation.
Who’s profile?
My post was deleted for baiting, but I literally said nothing about baiting. Others did, but I didn't. All I asked was whether his public Tinder profile indicted what he was looking for. And why was the pic of the profile deleted? It's in the public domain. I understand deleting the baiting comments, but not the entire conversation.
It doesn’t mention what he’s looking for unfortunately but definitely girls only.. Came across him and his friend dobby’s profiles… now that would be a duo I’d love to spend the night with