Measured porn stars??

lol Are some of you guys sincerely contending that Mandingo is only half an inch longer than Lex? That's as dumb as the claim of Chris Strokes being 6.5"
Dudes saying Jack Napier is 8" lmao. No seriously just GTFO and rethink your entire life.

My opinion on this is you are over-estimating the sizes of these pornstars phenomenon. In some of your other posts you have said Jack Napier is 10 inches, White Pony over 9 inches and Mandingo is 11 inches but you provide no evidence for these claims. You were shown Lexington Steele measured from the side at a dodgy angle just over 9 inches and you still said he was 9.5 inches. When you were shown about 30 images of Mandingo with two hands on his penis with only the glans remaining you said he must have giant hands but provided no evidence for said statement. I understand you want magical foot-long dongs to exist but there is not a shred of evidence they do. Look on this forum the biggest one on here seems to be 9.8 inches and it is longer than Danny D, Jack Napier or Mandingo. As shown above the biggest dicks in porn are 8-9 inches. It is not biological possible 13 or 14 inch dongs exist.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Show me a photograph or video of Danny D, Criss Strokes or Mandingo with 5 solid hands on their penis. None exist.

So that only looks 1 inch shorter than Mandingo?

Criss Strokes is the same length as Sean Michaels, you were shown this Deacon. So why not an inch or so away to Mandingo? And it is easy to select photographs where Strokes doesn't look as big because the camera is at a distance. Here is Strokes in full view:

Criss Strokes and Mandingo are very different height, different girth and shape of penis. We see same actress can get similar amount of hands on Criss Strokes and Mandingo (above previous posts). Strokes is not 6.5. I have shown above a realistic estimation of his size. Take care.


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Dudes saying Jack Napier is 8" lmao. No seriously just GTFO and rethink your entire life.

Jack Napier is 8-8.5 inches, because he is a similar length as Criss Strokes (with Natasha White). Unless you want to believe Strokes is 6.5 inches like Deacon does.



Mandingo and Ice Cold = 9 inches
Danny D = 8.5
Lexington Steele = 8.5
Criss Strokes = 8

Wait. How do reach that numbers?
Most of them look like two times the hand (2,91inches) and then the head and maybe a bit more left. Also the hands of those female will be below the average. So lets take 2.7 (hand) * 2.5 (times) = 6,75inches. That is very much below anything you posted as sizes.
Mandingo and Ice Cold = 9 inches
Danny D = 8.5
Lexington Steele = 8.5
Criss Strokes = 8

Wait. How do reach that numbers?
Most of them look like two times the hand (2,91inches) and then the head and maybe a bit more left. Also the hands of those female will be below the average. So lets take 2.7 (hand) * 2.5 (times) = 6,75inches. That is very much below anything you posted as sizes.

Because it won't be entirely accurate - this is only good for realistic estimation. And I always be more than fair and give them 3" inch hand width by default. Its 3 + 3 + 2.5 or 3 + 3 + 3. Ice Cold, Danny D and Mandingo are 3 hands. If I see 5 hands on these guys I will retract my claims but it doesn't exist. All these guys are 8-9 inches. There is not a single penis in the world with 5 solid hands on it. 5-6 hands is OG Mudbone posted previously fake plastic dong 13 inches.
Because it won't be entirely accurate - this is only good for realistic estimation. And I always be more than fair and give them 3" inch hand width by default. Its 3 + 3 + 2.5 or 3 + 3 + 3. Ice Cold, Danny D and Mandingo are 3 hands. If I see 5 hands on these guys I will retract my claims but it doesn't exist. All these guys are 8-9 inches. There is not a single penis in the world with 5 solid hands on it. 5-6 hands is OG Mudbone posted previously fake plastic dong 13 inches.


If you look at Sean Michaels, Criss Strokes and Ramon. It is two solid hands (3 + 3 = 6 inches) with the glans remaining (average glans width 1.37 inches being more than fair as it varies on shape of penis 1.5 inch) + 0.5 inches (small bit left). They are all around 8 inches. Of course it is not 100% perfect but gives a realistic estimation. Which actually match measurements:


Ramon 8 inches.
Because it won't be entirely accurate - this is only good for realistic estimation. And I always be more than fair and give them 3" inch hand width by default. Its 3 + 3 + 2.5 or 3 + 3 + 3. Ice Cold, Danny D and Mandingo are 3 hands. If I see 5 hands on these guys I will retract my claims but it doesn't exist. All these guys are 8-9 inches. There is not a single penis in the world with 5 solid hands on it. 5-6 hands is OG Mudbone posted previously fake plastic dong 13 inches.

Well the 5 or 4 hands are obviously far off and at least take the average for her hand size and not above it.

So with this in mind I made this picture:

So Mandingo is 2,62 the width of her hand long.
This means if her hands are average size he is 2,62 * 2,91 = 7,63 inches long. 9 is more than generous, it is simply off I think.
Lol no what we can say is there are a lot of so called straight dudes in here who are trying to build up Criss Strokes because they have a thing for them. Also I bet you 99 percent of the guys saying Strokes is 8 inches are white guys who only like him because he is white and then want to believe he has a bigger dick or just as big as black guys like Mandingo.

Strokes is 8 inches yet in the measurement cheating from the side he still isn't 8 inches. This forum is hilarious.
Lol no what we can say is there are a lot of so called straight dudes in here who are trying to build up Criss Strokes because they have a thing for them. Also I bet you 99 percent of the guys saying Strokes is 8 inches are white guys who only like him because he is white and then want to believe he has a bigger dick or just as big as black guys like Mandingo.

Strokes is 8 inches yet in the measurement cheating from the side he still isn't 8 inches. This forum is hilarious.
I'm not (fully) white and criss strokes is clearly 8 inches. He is not 6.5 inches which is a good Size but I've seen enough to know he's bigger than that. He's not as big as mandingo but the difference between the two is not that big - around an inch
That is all cute Pippi but you see the thing is your opinion isn't really even a opinion. You are just a guy who is madly in love with another guys dick. So you don't want to believe Criss Strokes is only 6.5 inches. You can see the picture where he is measured and you will only say well he has a curve so he must be 8 inches. Then I put that other picture of him up where he is cheating from the side and still can't even reach 8 inches. Cheating he is only 7 1/4 inches. But in your eyes you will still see him as big as you want to believe he is. Sad stuff actually.
1g5463 I didn't ask you what you thought he was. Or you seen so many dicks you can judge it by looking . I told you he was measured at 6.5 inches period. Something is clearly wrong with you. Maybe you should have yourself checked out. A guy dick is measured at 6.5 inches but you feel the need to cry over it and try to make it seem bigger. Like I said even in the picture where he is measuring from the side he still can't reach 8 inches so how the he is 8 inches? Because you love him so much huh?