You're on the right track, @porra but didn't nail the right one...
Minions usually support each other exclusively
Curls for the Egirls and Cielostrong2 are very likely to be the same user, he has admitted to being mentally ill so I have not attacked him in my posts but this user doesn't admit to being wrong when proven wrong with evidence so it's a bit hard to continue the good faith. He has slipped up a few times and uses the same words on both accounts and his estimates are the same so it is very likely the same person.
WillIAm30 is a returning banned user, the account is only a few weeks old but someone different.
If I can remember correctly creating multiple accounts is not against the rules of this forum anymore since the new owner and moderation took over here. You can have as many accounts as you like but you cannot be abusive. These accounts are not abusive so I don't think they have broken rules but this user doesn't admit to being wrong and is typing a load of nonsense on both accounts even when his estimates are disproven with visual evidence. I don't think we should assume good faith any longer. Over the years some users have blocked me, I have blocked very few but I think it might be time for that.