There is a famous interview I remembered where Kylie Ireland a former pornstar said she had slept with Michael Jordan and when asked about the size of his dick she said he "wasn't as big as you would think." This would mesh with the rumors that Scottie Pippen was huge and Jordan was jealous and not that huge himself (apparently Madonna was into Pippen because of it). I was a Chicago Bulls fan growing up and this actually was like a thing and joked about lol.
Anyway when asked about it , Kylie kinda backtracked a bit probably realizing she just insulted MJ, but she said he wasn't that big compared to a guy like Lex Steele but was more "Sean Michaels sized but thicker".
The point being Kylie saw Lex and Sean Michaels as noticeably different lengths.
So I definitely agree with you that Sean isn't as big as Lex.
But I do think as I said he has looked different sizes at different times. I could see him as low as 7.5 peak length with mediocre girth but not less than that. I could also see him as 7.75/close to 8 though. That might be angles though as you said. I am not super familiar with his scenes so would have to look into it more to be sure. He looks like a slightly bigger version of Criss Strokes who is like 7.25x5 ish to me.
The time where hes looked barely over 7 seem to me where he's much older and has weaker erections/is fatter.