Measured porn stars??

I found another one,not sure if the list was updated on first page but here is scott nails.


You know I am Carl Weathers and I beat up Sly Stallone right? Anyway I am sure Jack Napier is bigger than 8 inches. If he isn't 8 inches then how big are guys like Julian Rios? I read post and people think he is about 8 inches and he isn't cloes to being Jack Napier's size.

So I am guessing Napier is close to 9 inches if not 9 inches, Lexington Steele to be about 8'5 if that and Mandingo to be about 9.5. And of course me Carl Weathers to be at least 15 inches.
Wow this last guy got banned quickly! LOL
I've gotten two things outta this thread...

1. A crushed fantasy in that I thought these guys were a little bit bigger than they actually are. I always tell my friends that I don't want to bother watching porn with "stars" that are smaller than me.

2. My GF's claims that I should be a pornstar are in fact plausible and possible right...
Matt Hughes...impressive flaccid. How big does it get?
Based on the CFNM video, I'll give him between 8 7/16" and 9"... at his best.
I'm guessing his cock head is around 2". In the still frame I choose, the cock is not at 90 degrees. It might not be the best erection. In my 'stacked heads', I might be giving some leeway, but that might help factor in the variable questions...If 2 1/16", that would be 9 9/32" at extreme high end.
Was it a full moon?
Did he take any L Arginine supplements?

In the video she's promised 12 inches. She should have had a ruler handy.


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After doing some more scientific study of the CFNM video and superimposing myself in similar pose with ruler (see attachment) , I'm guestimating Matt Hughes from the side measures app. 9.375" . He should be able to do 10 quarters (9.55"- 24.26 cm).

Don't call me RTJ or whoever he was from moons ago, but I am OCD with size.
At least I don't claim to be as big as Matt Hughes.

L Arginine (WIKI):

Arginine plays an important role in cell division, the healing of wounds, removing ammonia from the body, immune function, and the release of hormones.[2][6][7] Arginine,[8] taken in combination with proanthocyanidins[9] or yohimbine[10], has also been used as a treatment for erectile dysfunction.
The benefits and functions attributed to oral supplementation of L-arginine include:

Matt Hughes...impressive flaccid. How big does it get?
Based on the CFNM video, I'll give him between 8 7/16" and 9"... at his best.
I'm guessing his cock head is around 2". In the still frame I choose, the cock is not at 90 degrees. It might not be the best erection. In my 'stacked heads', I might be giving some leeway, but that might help factor in the variable questions...If 2 1/16", that would be 9 9/32" at extreme high end.
Was it a full moon?
Did he take any L Arginine supplements?

In the video she's promised 12 inches. She should have had a ruler handy.


Is there anything for James Deen yet?
The screen on movie 3 is a start, but not good enough to be decent evidence I guess. Maybe an estimation.
The clip is of something different when you download it too.
Milfs Like It Big

LOL - guess he's around 6" long - lol, but still labelled as "huge cock"...