Measured porn stars??

I had a hard time with him. Do you know his height? Cause he seems like maybe one of those tall guys whose dick looks smaller than it is because of his height. Browsing his images sometimes he looks as short as 6.75 and others close to 8. I’d guess 7.25-7.5 length and 5.5 - 5.75 girth.

Agreed on length. He doesn’t look as big as that 7.5 dildo I posted earlier.

*I’ve noticed with my own sex videos over the years and porn, that sometimes we look much bigger than we are, and others much smaller. Due to camera angles, lighting, etc. I think best we can do when guessing others size is look at multiple vids/pics of the guy and determine the max and minimum and split the difference.
I believe the guys (Justin Hunt) is 6'2 I personally guessed 7.5-7.75 length x 5.5-5.75 girth so we're actually in complete agreement with the girth.
About what size is the average length by girth in porn?
Anyone have any guesses on the average porn actor size? I know we’ve speculated before but it seems we’ve refined our estimates lately (we were underestimating girth in past, etc)

Haisons ‘Blacked’ average was 7.35 X 5.5. Since that’s a a BBC fetish site, I’d assume the overall average would be considerably lower. My guess is 6.5 X 5.25 but curious what others think.
This is what I posted a while back based of Haisons estimates on BBC.
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In professional porn I mean.
This is what I posted a while back based of Haisons estimates on BBC.
Nah ... Even in pro (non monster cock) porn ur looking at ~6x5 NBP as the average.

~6.5 nbp avg porn big dick
~7 nbp monster/huge cock porn
~7.5 + nbp "outliers in porn

~5 = avg pro porn dick
~5.5 = huge porn dick
~6+ = outliers in porn

~ = +- .25"