Measured porn stars??

Labeling is different due to localization. Doubt that the dimensions are that different though.
Third picture is an overlay of the measurement and the screencap. That would put him at about 19cm (7.5") and again would show how differently we perceive size in porn and real life.
Not sure how that's 19cm. He doesn't appear longer than the remote that you measured at 17.5 cm = 6.89"
Turooso- I didn't look that hard at it, but it almost looks the other way around (or equal). It really makes Sins look skinny though. If the other guy did somehow happen to be longer, it sure wouldn't be by much, but his girth is way over Sins.

Here's what one of those Strokes things probably looked like:


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that's what i thought too, sins is 7" at best this means that jason brown is nowhere near 7.75"..........right???

I have covered sins on my blog and this forum, I believe he is a solid 7.5 on a good day. I am aware he was measured at 7" in one photograph but wasn't fully erect. The 7.5 claim is even listed on some porn websites. I would say him and Jason Brown are pretty much a similar length.
He was measured many times he was never 7.5" in any of them
I remember watching videos with hims as a teenager and thinking he was huge. I was bigger all along if you believe the 7 inch measurement still don't fully believe it. The one measurement pic i have seen he doesn't look fully erect.