Measured porn stars??

But I need to know why is that the case? anatomically a bigger dick can reach deeper in the vagina and touch the P spot and the A spot, so what the hell is nat turner touching that is making her orgasm? he wasn't rubbing her clit or anything, just stroking in and out like everybody else.

She has chemistry with him? He doesn't smell bad/have bad breath? He is in a good mood that day/ hasn't fucked for a week. Actually hundreds of reasons why a scene would go one way or another.
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But I need to know why is that the case? anatomically a bigger dick can reach deeper in the vagina and touch the P spot and the A spot, so what the hell is nat turner touching that is making her orgasm? he wasn't rubbing her clit or anything, just stroking in and out like everybody else.

Manuel is great at making chicks cum and hes less than 7 inches longx6.1 girth. Girth does matter more , but James Deen was probably chicks favorite for a long time and hes also less than 7x 5.5 or less girth. A lot of it has to do with what the guy looks like and his personality. Think about it, would you enjoy sex more with a chick with a super ridiculously tight pussy (might even be a negative thing tbh) and average or ugly face or a hot chick with just a somewhat normally tight pussy. Obviously its the latter at least for me.
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Is this actually common for you guys? Have seen comments along this lines before. Do you see yourself if the actor's role when watching porn?

To me it's always two strangers having sex. I don't substitute myself with the woman.

Its not so much a substitute. I dont even really like pov. More of an identification though and less of a totaly voyeuristic thing. Hard to explain the guy doesnt have to be just like me but its too different if the guy is a totally other race. Same if hes super old or fat or my olympia muscled etc. I cant jerk off if ron jeremy is in a porn or that lee stone guy.

Same, i rarely watch porn if hes black or/and average. I don't imagine myself being the guy, but since im white and above average im more used seeing a cock like that, so it "block" me less. Idk ^^
Same if hes old or fat.
Generaly when Im looking for porn its name of the girl (one I find hot) and then check if she did scene like "teen like it big" or BJ /HJ I like thoses kind like Hegre art :p
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I wonder how people can get fully erect and hold penis downward for it would be painful and hard to do

You must be like me, i point up to the skies at full mast. I also have a strong curve and straightening it out at full mast is impossible.
it's hard to guess guys that never gets erect like mr18 and jack napier
It's also difficult sometimes (for me at least) to distinguish the "never gets erect" from the "pumped a bit too much before the shoot". It's easy to figure "he must get a lot bigger when he has a good erection", but the truth might be that this starting point you're seeing isn't his normal soft or semi-hard size to begin with, and may be the very reason that he's stuck in that floppy zone. His true hardest state may actually be something close to what you're seeing only more rigid and with less girth.
I wonder how people can get fully erect and hold penis downward for it would be painful and hard to do

Depends on how loose one's ligaments are, but the true measurement would still be done parallel (measuring at a down angle would add false size), since the dick goes in the vagina parallel.
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Isn't it that looser ligaments causes lower angel of erection and its harded to get over parallel especialy for big volume (lenght x girth) penis?
I agree lower penis angel is more of penis that would be under fat pad is visible and it's about 0,4" more lenght
Isn't it that looser ligaments causes lower angel of erection and its harded to get over parallel especialy for big volume (lenght x girth) penis?
I agree lower penis angel is more of penis that would be under fat pad is visible and it's about 0,4" more lenght

yeah but even if it hangs down and cant be lifted up, it still goes in parallel into an orifice if you understand what i mean