I think it is time some people go on ignore
I could believe that Charlie Mac is 7.7.. But Richard man at 7.6 lol... I would give him a range of 7.8 to 8.0 or 8.1 based off Roikd thing and other analysis. Charlie Mac is very similar in size so at the least I could see him being 7.7 but again I am giving a range of variation. No less than 7.7 no more than 8.0 or 8.1 inches for either Charlie Mac and Richard Mann.
And LOL at his massive downplaying. Legit flush top side measurements like this are legit as far as I am concerned and many other studies and people. This notion that we should ignore all of the entire penis shaft that is OUTSIDE of the fat pat and is usable and functional is fucking ridiculous.
Measuring at #1 does not yield the entire length of the shaft if it is down via the in denial crews stringent and insane criteria. As Strivingforperfection noted there is more of Chris Strokes dick they are ignoring when they go by their measurement criteria in fact they ignore a substantial good 0.5 inches of observable penile shaft.
Yeah no way is Pipes in the 8.5 to 8.9 inch range. He can look damn lengthy at times, but maybe at a pumped max the guy is 8.5 or 8.6 from glans swelling. I give him 8.25 to 8.40 inch range. And yes he does look similar in length to Lexington Steele very close or identical. It should also be noted that people posting half hard or non fully erect pictures of Pipes or Lex is disingenous. Both guys especially Pipes do not always start out their scenes fully hard but then get there.
I mean look yourself man and save this video. He damn near fills up the 9 inch remote but is about half an inch and a little more shorter than it. A low 8´s estimate for him 8.2 to 8.4 max is reasonable.
I do not get the terimonology you are using and would just like to know what you mean´t and what length range you personally give for wesley pipes.