Measured porn stars??

Don't believe everything you see on the internet











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no, actually I thought you were smart enough to use google. guess I was wrong. :rolleyes:
guess we got us a new rfj

Lol smh rfj huh... well lets remember everyone here has engaged me in an argument about Danny D including you so how exactly can you say im a new rfj when i was just giving you an explanation on my claims? And why would I go look that up when you are trying to convince me? You started with me so you need to make your weak argument valid not me smh I thought you were smarter than that lol you need to stop acting like a spiteful little boy because your man crush isnt as huge as you'd like him to be thought you were more grown up than that smh but you're more like a heart broken child lol smh

yeye, that post totally made you look mature. like i care. but what did I expect after the way you "discussed" with calboner. totally not worth the time arguing with you.
and for the sake of .... start using interpunction. it isn't that hard.

FYI, unless the fleshlight he uses is no original one (what I highly doubt), it's between 9" and 9.5" (tube + case the way he uses it). I used the data from their homepage and measured one myself. So even when I use the 9", analyzing the picture still puts him at 8.3" (and 8.8" when i use the 9.5"). And before someone calls the picture fake, watch the video.

Oh yeah, and I am calling you the new rfj because you say "mimimi I am bigger than him yadda yadda". I wonder why you don't prove you have 9" yourself. :rolleyes:
yeye, that post totally made you look mature. like i care. but what did I expect after the way you "discussed" with calboner. totally not worth the time arguing with you.
and for the sake of .... start using interpunction. it isn't that hard.

FYI, unless the fleshlight he uses is no original one (what I highly doubt), it's between 9" and 9.5" (tube + case the way he uses it). I used the data from their homepage and measured one myself. So even when I use the 9", analyzing the picture still puts him at 8.3" (and 8.8" when i use the 9.5"). And before someone calls the picture fake, watch the video.

Oh yeah, and I am calling you the new rfj because you say "mimimi I am bigger than him yadda yadda". I wonder why you don't prove you have 9" yourself. :rolleyes:

Lmao! You sound like you're mad lol take a look up a few posts i posted length and girth pictures(at the request of your buddy freakdick2hands or whatever his name is idk) and this is the internet not english class so i dont need to use any punctuation if I dont choose to smh you are a bitter little so and so aren't you lol get a life and get over it like i said my intention was not to claim i am bigger my intention was to point out he's not as big as advertised through my estimations and you got all hurt about it I hope you feel better sweat heart lol gtfoh

Oh and fyi i saw the video and he said as he was using both the mouth and the anus fleshlight he had to buy his own so they were the regular manufactured items that everyone else buys so there goes that theory lol smh
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Lmao now every body's subliminal instead of direct if any of you think my pics are photoshopped be my guest and prove it it's funny how when requested I bring proof and you guys are so mad you'll question the validity of my pics in an indirect manner lol i'll be waiting for the so called photoshop exposure when you guys are... GO! Lol smh

But when I say Danny D is not 9 of course im wrong and blah blah blah lol this is the funniest shit ive ever been involved in I can already see somebody making a bogus pic trying to prove I photoshop and I dont even own that program lol you guys are too much smh but really have at it it will only make you look more ridiculous

No way your dick is that size Kottin only my man crush/cock hero is that big because his porn marketing team says're just a rotten fibber and an attention whore I cant and wont believe that isn't a photoshopped pic of your dicky it can't possibly be bigger because you're not a porn star or my hero! AND A FIRST CLASS JERK!

Lol that's how all of you sound to me lol smh
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Ok, let's just get back to the subject at hand PORNSTARS. Honestly, I can't see Johnny Sins being more than 6.5, if you want to put lee at 7.5 and he's clearly bigger. I could see Johnny being 7 bonepressed but no more than that. If he is, then Lee has to be eight.
Ok, let's just get back to the subject at hand PORNSTARS. Honestly, I can't see Johnny Sins being more than 6.5, if you want to put lee at 7.5 and he's clearly bigger. I could see Johnny being 7 bonepressed but no more than that. If he is, then Lee has to be eight.

i saw sins measured at 7 inches bone pressed when he first started out. had to be one of his first videos with a milf.
Lmao! You sound like you're mad lol take a look up a few posts i posted length and girth pictures(at the request of your buddy freakdick2hands or whatever his name is idk) and this is the internet not english class so i dont need to use any punctuation if I dont choose to smh you are a bitter little so and so aren't you lol get a life and get over it like i said my intention was not to claim i am bigger my intention was to point out he's not as big as advertised through my estimations and you got all hurt about it I hope you feel better sweat heart lol gtfoh

Oh and fyi i saw the video and he said as he was using both the mouth and the anus fleshlight he had to buy his own so they were the regular manufactured items that everyone else buys so there goes that theory lol smh

haha seriously? the only one who takes things a lil bit too serious is obviously you. why else would you attack everyone personally :rolleyes: but nvm.

so by saying those are the original fleshlights you admit that he's between 8.3" and 8.8". q.e.d. i guess :cool:

btw: your measurement pic of length is bullshit.
haha seriously? the only one who takes things a lil bit too serious is obviously you. why else would you attack everyone personally :rolleyes: but nvm.

so by saying those are the original fleshlights you admit that he's between 8.3" and 8.8". q.e.d. i guess :cool:

Um go back a page or two and you'll see i said to Egg I can fathom 8 from the point he made smh instead of worrying about my punctuation read

Of course it's bullshit lol just as much as your so called 8.8 fleshlight measurement lol smh
I agree with Sins being 7 bpel Lee being 8 bpel. Most of the pornstar measurements are bonepressed, so i think we could give them an extra .5 meaning dingo might be 9.5

I noticed you mentioned wesley pipes earlier and i think you said his girth is 4.5 well i think it's more like 3.5 or 4 and i'm here to estimate size nothing else to prove other wise
3.5 girth woah thats a bit too low

that's how it looks to me... I always thought he was somewhere between 3.5 or 4 he's super thin in my opinion... well now that I think about it maybe 4-4.5 I may have under estimated him because the last scene I watched with him included mandingo... lol
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Um go back a page or two and you'll see i said to Egg I can fathom 8 from the point he made smh instead of worrying about my punctuation read

Of course it's bullshit lol just as much as your so called 8.8 fleshlight measurement lol smh

well, deny facts. maybe you don't know how to analyze pictures accurately, i don't know. and quite frankly i don't care. keep on trolling.

Well, this verification pic shows him flaccid at above 7" (7.2-7.3" approx) btw.
You can't deny that a din A4 sheet of paper is 8.27" high. Analyze the pic or take out a ruler if you can't do it.

So keep on fighting dude. I am outta here.
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well, deny facts. maybe you don't know how to analyze pictures accurately, i don't know. and quite frankly i don't care. keep on trolling.

Well, this verification pic shows him flaccid at above 7" (7.2-7.3" approx) btw.
You can't deny that a din A4 sheet of paper is 8.27" high. Analyze the pic or take out a ruler if you can't do it.

So keep on fighting dude. I am outta here.

I have been finished with this argument lol I have proved my point and that pic proves nothing other than he has a chubby lol smh if you dont believe what I say why are you still trying to prove me wrong? You must see validity in my argument lol

And yeah where's that 8.8 inch fleshlight pic? Oh yeah doesnt exist I forgot smh
(but I actually have a real length pic to prove my point but it's bullshit because you say so lol)

And of course I dont know how to analyse a pic simply because you say so lol

But im the new RFJ LOL yeah of course

And im still waiting for someone to prove i photoshopped my pic there are plenty of apps to expose me please do lol smh

Boy it sure is quiet around here... lol
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