yeye, that post totally made you look mature. like i care. but what did I expect after the way you "discussed" with calboner. totally not worth the time arguing with you.
and for the sake of .... start using interpunction. it isn't that hard.
FYI, unless the fleshlight he uses is no original one (what I highly doubt), it's between 9" and 9.5" (tube + case the way he uses it). I used the data from their homepage and measured one myself. So even when I use the 9", analyzing the picture still puts him at 8.3" (and 8.8" when i use the 9.5"). And before someone calls the picture fake, watch the video.
Oh yeah, and I am calling you the new rfj because you say "mimimi I am bigger than him yadda yadda". I wonder why you don't prove you have 9" yourself.