Measured porn stars??

no thats because her hand is spread open dude....lmfao...the stuff you listed would make marginal difference at best

His dick might look bigger than it really is in relation because part of the dildo is can tell if it was visible it would be the same or very similar to his dick.
If you can't see the dildo is out of plane then there is no point arguing
If you can't see the dildo is out of plane then there is no point arguing

I said it would make marginal difference. This pic was posted here and many of the current posters agreed he was the same no one came with out of plane nonsense...yes we can see that a can also tell his dick is the same as the dildo basically come on and thats not the only evidence of his girth...You are kidding yourself if you think Manuel is 5.75 girth. You used to say 6 to 6.25 now you say 5.75 with no more evidence, in fact evidence going the other way just to make your length estimation better ratio in your mind plus your love of downplaying every last mm.

I pointed out how you are hypocritical accepting Shane and Billy with far less evidence and not accepting Manuel (well you did and changed your mind for no reason) Your reply? "i dont have solid proof its just my opinion" so you are just ignoring my points. We can agree to disagree as we did before if we percieve something different but when I am talking specific things it doesnt make logical sense that you just ignore it and restate your opinion without explaining why you disagree.
Well true but none has such keen eyes to estimate millimetres. So we can't be sure 100% even with the most favourable of pics

right and we couldnt be sure with billy and shane either yet they accept that??? Billy didnt even have a dildo next to his dick...

My point is there a lot of evidence that Manuel is over 6 girth more than other guys they accept but they ignore it I wonder why?

I notice if a guy is really huge people are forced to give credit begrudgingly like Billy Glide they just say yeah hes 6.5 girth whatever. But when guys are very big but not super huge they try to chip away as much as possible its amazing.

Everyone agreed the best estimate we can go by both by how he looks AND his dildo and his dick in relation to others whose girth we have a good idea of and his dick next to his dildo ETC ETC ETC was 6.1. Now all of a sudden its 5.5 or 5.75 coming from another site that isnt the official listing 5.5 girth proven to be wrong or 5.75 which unkownuserx probably thinks makes his 6 length estimation seem in better ratio with no other evidence. I mean its truly unreal.

This isnt logic.
BTW, the reason I argue so much over Manuel and Chris Strokes is the same reason others have in the past which made Chris Warren say we love our "penis heros" and wanna "boost them up". It's of course not because I have any special feeling for these guys (I think Chris is a white rapper type joke clown with no great girth. Manuel I think girls would like but I wouldnt really want to be a pornstar myself, I think the career is whack and Ferrara does seem kind of annoying on twitter etc.) It is because these two guys are some of the most popular pornstars and the most prone to fanboys or detractors either artificially "boosting" (lol) or downgrading with bias. I have seen some insane bias on either side of the argument with these guys.

That is why they become the subject of debate here and I'm forced to argue either side when people come with BS. Manuel at 7.5x6.5 is nuts but so is 6x5.5/5.75. Chris at 8x6 is nuts but so is 6.5x5.
BTW, the reason I argue so much over Manuel and Chris Strokes is the same reason others have in the past which made Chris Warren say we love our "penis heros" and wanna "boost them up". It's of course not because I have any special feeling for these guys (I think Chris is a white rapper type joke clown with no great girth. Manuel I think girls would like but I wouldnt really want to be a pornstar myself, I think the career is whack and Ferrara does seem kind of annoying on twitter etc.) It is because these two guys are some of the most popular pornstars and the most prone to fanboys or detractors either artificially "boosting" (lol) or downgrading with bias. I have seen some insane bias on either side of the argument with these guys.

That is why they become the subject of debate here and I'm forced to argue either side when people come with BS. Manuel at 7.5x6.5 is nuts but so is 6x5.5/5.75. Chris at 8x6 is nuts but so is 6.5x5.
so criss is 5.5" now that's news to me i you are clearly overestimating girth, there is a solid proof for shane as i said he compared to his dildo in more than one scene and from good angles
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i said i don't have solid proof yet but you are talking like if you had measured him personally if you are talking about facts how do you know the difference in the pic is minimal????? i saw guys cheating their length using the same trick and gainning 0.5" or more
i searched for the dildo again and there is more than one dildo for manuel
i said i don't have solid proof yet but you are talking like if you had measured him personally if you are talking about facts how do you know the difference in the pic is minimal????? i saw guys cheating their length using the same trick and gainning 0.5" or more

you can pick away at anything 1 by 1 but we can only go by the BEST we have and we have more for him than Shane Diesel and if you disagree about Diesel because the "angles" are better then why do you accept Glide is 6.5???

My point is there is no reason to all of a sudden estimating Manuel at 5.75 I dont understand it, its bizarre to me, so I can only conclude there is some biased reason
I think this thread is officially dead. Nothing but blustering and bloviating at this point

Thats what happens when you challenge it, if I didnt challenge the direction here then everyone would be fine and friendly posting BS. Just like in the beginning when people tried to overplay they were challenged for bias, now when they are downplayed I will challenge their illogic too.

If you dont like it, post your own measurements and start the convo in another direction. Otherwise, be quiet
i searched for the dildo again and there is more than one dildo for manuel
the one on the left is 6 x 5.5 and the one on the right is 5.5 x 6.1 according to most sites i didn't notice that he has two different dildos
the one on the left is 6 x 5.5 and the one on the right is 5.5 x 6.1 according to most sites i didn't notice that he has two different dildos

Okay that is weird I see what you mean but how is the one on the right shorter than on left??? the 5.5x6.1 is the official one (lets forget length argument which you can see balls robbing insertable) One of the 2 measurements has to be wrong, dont you think it could be the one that isnt official with rough estimated measurements? Also there is another site selling it claiming it is 4,5 girth!


In b4 , but hes a pornstar, they wouldnt make him smaller than his actual size !

Okay. so Manuel Ferrara is 5.5x4.5 :)
Okay that is weird I see what you mean but how is the one on the right shorter than on left??? the 5.5x6.1 is the official one (lets forget length argument which you can see balls robbing insertable) One of the 2 measurements has to be wrong, dont you think it could be the one that isnt official with rough estimated measurements? Also there is another site selling it claiming it is 4,5 girth!


In b4 , but hes a pornstar, they wouldnt make him smaller than his actual size !

Okay. so Manuel Ferrara is 5.5x4.5 :)
no other website lists the dildo at 4.5" maybe it was a mistake like before shane's dildo was listed as 5.5 by one website
one is 5.5 x 6.1 (lighter coloured) and the other is 6 x 5.5 according to most sites i would say the second is more accurate imo
no other website lists the dildo at 4.5" maybe it was a mistake like before shane's dildo was listed as 5.5 by one website
one is 5.5 x 6.1 (lighter coloured) and the other is 6 x 5.5 according to most sites i would say the second is more accurate imo

Okay so the review on August 22 is lying? He mentions everything we are talking about, he measured it himself it is 2nd from top review. DONT DODGE THIS.

Also check out the listing it says 1.75 width and 5.5 girth, that is actually a hair above 1.75 pi, clearly they just took rough width estimate at any point and then extrapolated for circumference, makes no sense Manuel dick isnt perfect cylinder so his actual girth would be below 5.5 if he was 1.75 wide, it is a very rough measurement just like the one that said he is 1.5 width and 4.5 girth. Both are nonsense.

the 6.1 girth makes the most sense it was actually measured precisely at 6 1/8th AS SEPARATE OTHER USERS here have verified. Because that is a precise sounding girth and it also makes sense with around 2 width as dicks arent perfectly cylindrical.

Do you really not see all the evidence?