Measured porn stars??

who do you think is the thickest pornstar?

my guesses are
shane diesel
tony duncan
manuel ferrara

Shane is about 7"at best. Tony Duncan, it's a rough call due to his length and erection (lack of ) quality. But it's entirely possible he's a bit thicker than Shane.

Manuel..I'd say Manuel's packing 6" , possibly a bit more. He isn't the longest cock around, so it makes it look even thicker.

Shorty Mac, wins. I'm unsure of his exact measurements. Keep in mind he's a short guy... 5' - 5'5 ish. I'd say the guy can't be more than 7" in length, but he's got to be pushing near 7.5"-8" in girth. One of the ugliest cocks I've seen though, and it's attached to someone who has no idea what to do with it and looks terrible, too. He also is one of the dumbest dudes in porn. And that's saying something.
KOTTIN in the Comcast remote comparison you look fully erect and if the remote is 8 1/2 inches then clearly your dick is shorter. You are measuring wrong trying to give yourself more inches. I agree that Danny Long or Matt Hughes or whatever he calls himself isn't 10 inches or even 9 inches. Maybe a best slightly above 8 but you aren't as big as you claim either.
Anyone know about winston burbank, I like his series of video "Suck It dry" and I would guess is 7.5 - 8 inch

I seems like every time you see him in a video it's with the same camera angle so you don't have different perspectives to compare. I would guess he is 7 inches.
How big do you think this guy is from the dogfart gloryhole series?

More pics can be found just searched google images for dogfart gloryhole.

Also how big is Scoot Lyons? AT first I thought he was small, but he seems to have decent girth and I it looks like women have trouble deepthroating him. I couldn't find any pics, so maybe people that know him could give an estimation. I could try to find pics to post if needed though.
KOTTIN in the Comcast remote comparison you look fully erect and if the remote is 8 1/2 inches then clearly your dick is shorter. You are measuring wrong trying to give yourself more inches. I agree that Danny Long or Matt Hughes or whatever he calls himself isn't 10 inches or even 9 inches. Maybe a best slightly above 8 but you aren't as big as you claim either.

Lmao whatever you say bro lol for your info if i was fully erect my dick would curve and i wouldn't be able to straighten it for comparison lol smh
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Right because you say so KOTTIN? Then why take a picture of your so called limp dick with the remote? Wouldn't it be easier to take a fully erect picture if you are going to use a remote to show big you are? Because you are fully erect and pushing the remote into the side of your leg and you are still smaller than the remote. So I don't see how one guy lying about his dick size is going to get angry because people believe Danny Dong is bigger than he is in reality.
Right because you say so KOTTIN? Then why take a picture of your so called limp dick with the remote? Wouldn't it be easier to take a fully erect picture if you are going to use a remote to show big you are? Because you are fully erect and pushing the remote into the side of your leg and you are still smaller than the remote. So I don't see how one guy lying about his dick size is going to get angry because people believe Danny Dong is bigger than he is in reality.

Smh this is comedy you're obviously trolling and i can almost garuntee you're one of the guys I have called out about their size and you are upset and now you've made an alias or you've gotten another friend to create an account and follow you're instructions to try and discredit me lmao... but I'll entertain it for a bit because it's funny lol

First of all im not "limp" im semi hard so b4 you try and discredit me you should realize when you have a semi you're not infact fully hard therefore i can straighten the head area of my dick to complete a straight up and down comparison with the remote(if I was fully hard my dick would curve noticably therefore I wouldn't be able to do a proper comparison)and you can lie all you want about me supposedly pushing the remote into my stomach to discredit me anyone can plainly see im not pressing anything lol but hey if you say so lol

Lmao and yeah Danny Dong is not as big as me lmao dont get all but hurt cause you and your man crush dont measure up life sucks sometime especially yours obviously lol
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KOTTIN you never called me out because I never put any pictures on here. You can shake your head because you come to tagged and try to down pornstar guys for lying about their dicks when you do the same shit. I couldn't care less about Danny Dong. He isn't 10 inches but he is bigger than you though. And he gets paid money to fuck females and you are just here on tagged trying to cheat with a remote to make your dick seem bigger than it is lol. Funny kid.
KOTTIN you don't have the remote next to your leg? I can see the picture kid. That isn't they proper way to measure your dick. You know who does that? Pornstars and black dudes who think they are so well endowed because fat white females tell them they are lol. You are suppose to stand up and place the ruler right over your dick. Not next to your leg and don't push it into your gut. If you measured your crooked dick properly you wouldn't be 8 inches. I should put pictures of my beautiful straight 8 and half inch dick on here so you can see how to measure your dick silly kid.
How big do you think this guy is from the dogfart gloryhole series?

More pics can be found just searched google images for dogfart gloryhole.

Also how big is Scoot Lyons? AT first I thought he was small, but he seems to have decent girth and I it looks like women have trouble deepthroating him. I couldn't find any pics, so maybe people that know him could give an estimation. I could try to find pics to post if needed though.
The pics look like 2.5 of her hands long. I'd say 7.5 length
I was thinking the girth though. That is what stands out there. Would it be 6" to 6.5" at the base? I have seen him deepthroated though, but those porn girls are paid a good bit and they have a lot of experience. And they are pornstars after all lol.
KOTTIN you don't have the remote next to your leg? I can see the picture kid. That isn't they proper way to measure your dick. You know who does that? Pornstars and black dudes who think they are so well endowed because fat white females tell them they are lol. You are suppose to stand up and place the ruler right over your dick. Not next to your leg and don't push it into your gut. If you measured your crooked dick properly you wouldn't be 8 inches. I should put pictures of my beautiful straight 8 and half inch dick on here so you can see how to measure your dick silly kid.

Lmao! A coward and his alias smh thanks for playing im done bitter little man sucks to be you