Measured porn stars??

Lol actually I did and do give evidence. I don't say this person is just this size. Danny D dildo is 8.5 inches. Even the people who claim Mandingo is under 9 will say Mandingo is at least .5 inches bigger than Danny D. So .5 plus the size of Danny D dildo would make Mandingo 9 inches. You see how that works? Of course you don't.

Lol Hand size doesn't prove shit to anybody but people who don't know any better like you. As stated by other people various females have hands just as big as males do. Every single female on this planet doesn't have the exact same hand size. Lol you don't buy Lisa Ann hands being 3.3 inches? Good for you. There is a picture of her holding a tape measure. But I guess that is too much for your mind to comprehend too huh? Also that hand size study that keeps being brought up took play back in the 40s. Females have become taller since then. I guess you didn't know what either.

There is no evidence showing Mandingo is under 9 inches. Besides the people who want to downplay certain porn stars dicks for clearly reasons.

Here is something you might be able to comprehend. You bore me and you don't deserve to type to me anymore. So you know what that means? You get ignored. Have a nice day and just like everybody else who has/had the honor of being blocked by me watch you keep typing to me screen name.

LOL you are still here. You have been BANNED on this forum hundreds of times. Some of your previous accounts:

Chris Warren

You join this forum every few weeks and talk about Mandingo and how hand size is irrelevant or how black men are bigger than Latino or white guys. You are disgruntled racist black man who who here to peddle race bias.

You are literally the same as Goldzilla, except he was doing the opposite for whites. You Goldzilla and Rjf are the three stooges of LPSG and all three of you are still on this forum, creating different accounts every week going back YEARS. Pathetic.

And don't talk shit about strivingforperfection. He owned you.
Alright Chris Warren/Georgeforeman804/DonaldHump/Whatever other internet pseudonyms you want to go by, here is the proof. This is not my opinion nor is it anything subjective. This is the objective reality (do you understand those words?).

  • Was measured with a Barbie doll. However, here’s the catch: the doll was NOT parallel with his cock, along with his cock being basically pointed to the ground, and he was STILL 2+ inches shorter than the Barbie doll which is 11.5. Correct for all of those discrepancies, and it’s an obvious sub-9-inch result
  • A few dozen pages back in this thread, there’s some photos of actress Riley Reid holding a ruler. Accompanied as well with a photo of her holding Mandingo’s dick. It’s painfully obvious (judging by the photos) that her knuckle width is well under 3 inches. If you look at the photo of her hands on him (or any photo with them together for that matter) he’s AT BEST 3 of her knuckle widths, which translates to <9 inches.
  • He was measured with a water bottle that has been identified as 7.8 inches long. The catch here though is that the bottle was pressed against his leg which is why he appears significantly longer. Place the water bottle on top of his cock without bone-pressing and again, it’s painfully obvious he’s maybe AT BEST an inch longer, absolutely no more.
I’m not saying anything that hasn’t been stated a dozen times over already. It just has to be stated because people like yourself won’t just accept the evidence that exists. Anyone on this thread is welcome to prove my stance incorrect. Go ahead. Show me the evidence and I will concede.

Sadly, however, the only responses I will get from this post are likely going to be random pictures without any frame of reference coupled with a rude and snarky statement like “lmao no way he’s under 9” dude”.

So unless your dumb racist ass (or anyone else) can come up with ACTUAL EVIDENCE that contradicts the points I just made, it’s all just biased irrelevant opinions that are about as meaningful as a pissed-on pile of newspapers.

well said.
LOL you are still here. You have been BANNED on this forum hundreds of times. Some of your previous accounts:

Chris Warren

You join this forum every few weeks and talk about Mandingo and how hand size is irrelevant or how black men are bigger than Latino or white guys. You are disgruntled racist black man who who here to peddle race bias.

You are literally the same as Goldzilla, except he was doing the opposite for whites. You Goldzilla and Rjf are the three stooges of LPSG and all three of you are still on this forum, creating different accounts every week going back YEARS. Pathetic.

And don't talk shit about strivingforperfection. He owned you.

Lol strivingforperfection is back. Clearly the moderators don't care anymore. Or maybe they do. They banned you before and I will assume you were banned countless other times. You come back after a week and do the same thing. Talk about how somebody else is a "returned banned member" then talk about how everybody hates Criss Strokes some more. Wouldn't you at least come back to the forums and be calm for a few weeks? You will be banned again and come back in another week do the same thing. You really need help kid. Nothing you type bothers me kid. You get reported and blocked again.

You know there is a search engine in this forum. People have already stated how long they thought James Deen and Chris Strokes are already. So why put up some videos of their scenes and ask the people what are their thoughts? Most people think Strokes is around 7.5 inches and James Deen is 5.5 according to his dildo and I just put up the link to that a few pages ago.

Here is a picture from page 34. Everyone back then thought Wesley Pipes was 8.5 inches. Even though Mandingo is clearly longer than Pipes Mandingo is shorter than 8.5 inches now.

its the same bottle as used in the sceen with alexa grace who put it to the side of his dick

View attachment 972227

we can see here where bottle starts and ends

View attachment 972248

6.6" of bottle plus glans - 1.6" is 8.2" not minimum 9"
and btw he was erect here
View attachment 972242

I have just been looking at this. If you look closely at the bottle you will see it is fatter than the one you have measured.

I believe you have the wrong bottle. In regard to Niagara water bottles, it might actually be the 3rd one.


The bottle is wider than the one you have measured.



I have just been looking at this. If you look closely at the bottle you will see it is fatter than the one you have measured.

I believe you have the wrong bottle. In regard to Niagara water bottles, it might actually be the 3rd one.

View attachment 973421

The bottle is wider than the one you have measured.

View attachment 973419
no it doesn't and it's clear from the shape that the bottle in mandingo scene is the second one from the left
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Most people think Strokes is around 7.5 inches and James Deen is 5.5 according to his dildo and I just put up the link to that a few pages ago.
by most people you mean you and your several other accounts??
it's funny how you downplay some guys like james deen jason brown and overestimate others that you have a crush on like criss and dingo

You know there is a search engine in this forum. People have already stated how long they thought James Deen and Chris Strokes are already. So why put up some videos of their scenes and ask the people what are their thoughts?
lol coming from the guy who keep posting the same links of the dildos that were posted many times before
you hijacked the last page with random pics of pornstars and were asking people for their opinions
Here is Phoenix Marie with Danny D who has a dildo with a 8.5 inch insertable part .

Here is Phoenix Marie with Mandingo

So apparently Lexington Steele is exactly 8.2 inches because of his dildo.

Shane Diesel if 7.5 inches max because of his dildo.

Yet Manuel Ferrera is 6.75 to 7 inches even though his dildo has a 5.5 inch insertable length

And of course Danny D who dildo has 8.5 inches of insertable inches is actually only 8 inches or less because you know. Penis experts of this forum say so.
just found a Jason Brown video that is not shot by Blacked.

He doesnt seem as gigantic here as he does in the blacked videos. 2:23 for a clear view.
right but what's interesting is he looks huge in all his scenes for Blacked.


in here he looks bigger than flash brown, and flash brown was estimated to have 8 + inches.


You know Flash Brown isn't completely hard in that picture and Jason Brown is closer to his full erection. Second Flash Brown is 7.85 according to his dildo 3rd I would say full aroused Jason Brown might be a little big over 7 inches. Which is how long he looks in all of his scenes. He may look bigger compared to a really skinny female like the one in the first picture but compared to any female who isn't skinny he always looks what he is. Which is bigger than average but no where near the Jack Napier, Mandingo, or Julio Gomez size.

Jason Brown on the right side of course. Bigger than average but not huge.

Here is a picture from page 34. Everyone back then thought Wesley Pipes was 8.5 inches. Even though Mandingo is clearly longer than Pipes Mandingo is shorter than 8.5 inches now.

Isn't there a video of Mandingo getting measured? I am sure I saw it years and years ago. You don't see his face, but you know its him. And he is measured by a brunette who does a lot of those shaming male videos.
by most people you mean you and your several other accounts??
it's funny how you downplay some guys like james deen jason brown and overestimate others that you have a crush on like criss and dingo

lol coming from the guy who keep posting the same links of the dildos that were posted many times before
you hijacked the last page with random pics of pornstars and were asking people for their opinions

He is trolling he keeps saying "he has to be this big" and posts flatterin pictures. Strivingforperfection is right shame he gor banned.

I am more inclined to think Strokes is 7.5 then these other wild claims. If Kieran Lee is 7.25 then wouldnt strokes be likely a little larger?

You know Flash Brown isn't completely hard in that picture and Jason Brown is closer to his full erection. Second Flash Brown is 7.85 according to his dildo 3rd I would say full aroused Jason Brown might be a little big over 7 inches. Which is how long he looks in all of his scenes. He may look bigger compared to a really skinny female like the one in the first picture but compared to any female who isn't skinny he always looks what he is. Which is bigger than average but no where near the Jack Napier, Mandingo, or Julio Gomez size.

Jason Brown on the right side of course. Bigger than average but not huge.

Flash brown was measured at 8.1 or 8.2 inches laying down from a side measurement. Hardly accurate he was them measured again under his shaft at about a little less than 8 ifor memory is right. He is sub 8 for sure.

Isiah maxwell is there longest guy who isn' mandingo or gomez.
Someone post tje still shot from that scene at 2:23 then we can pixel it and do aalysis
pic 1
my 3 fingers 57 mm
her hand 46.8 mm 67 pix
his dick 189 mm 270 pix
pic 2
my hand 73 mm
her hand 60 mm 52 pix
his dick 181.1 mm 157 pix
pic 3
my hand 59 mm
her hand 48.5 mm 46 pix
his dick 182.4 mm 173 pix

so average of the 3 pics is 7.25" i did a study for jason a while ago and got similar results (7.28")
but as said before many times this is not enough to give a solid estimation more pics with different girls need to be analyzed
