Alright Chris Warren/Georgeforeman804/DonaldHump/Whatever other internet pseudonyms you want to go by, here is the proof. This is not
my opinion nor is it anything subjective. This is the
objective reality (do you understand those words?).
- Was measured with a Barbie doll. However, here’s the catch: the doll was NOT parallel with his cock, along with his cock being basically pointed to the ground, and he was STILL 2+ inches shorter than the Barbie doll which is 11.5. Correct for all of those discrepancies, and it’s an obvious sub-9-inch result
- A few dozen pages back in this thread, there’s some photos of actress Riley Reid holding a ruler. Accompanied as well with a photo of her holding Mandingo’s dick. It’s painfully obvious (judging by the photos) that her knuckle width is well under 3 inches. If you look at the photo of her hands on him (or any photo with them together for that matter) he’s AT BEST 3 of her knuckle widths, which translates to <9 inches.
- He was measured with a water bottle that has been identified as 7.8 inches long. The catch here though is that the bottle was pressed against his leg which is why he appears significantly longer. Place the water bottle on top of his cock without bone-pressing and again, it’s painfully obvious he’s maybe AT BEST an inch longer, absolutely no more.
I’m not saying anything that hasn’t been stated a dozen times over already. It just
has to be stated because people like yourself won’t just accept the evidence that exists. Anyone on this thread is welcome to prove my stance incorrect. Go ahead. Show me the evidence and I will concede.
Sadly, however, the only responses I will get from this post are likely going to be random pictures without any frame of reference coupled with a rude and snarky statement like “lmao no way he’s under 9” dude”.
So unless your dumb racist ass (or anyone else) can come up with ACTUAL EVIDENCE that contradicts the points I just made, it’s all just biased irrelevant opinions that are about as meaningful as a pissed-on pile of newspapers.