What i think is strange is that you say that all ofcthe pirnstars ( most of them) are between 6 and 8 inches. Why not bigger cause lot of people in this website seem yo have 9inch+ dicks.... or is that not real too?
See the previous page and other pages on this thread. The so called biggest dicks in porn have been measured, not only were all the measurements dodgy i.e. from the side but none of them are above 8.5" in length, infact most turned out to be measured at 6.5 - 7.5 inches. There is not a single measurement in porn that is 9 inches.
Pornstars like Criss Strokes have been measured at 6.5 inches and with all the tricks in porn they can make them look 8" or bigger. See previous page for measurement photos. Ramon isn't even 8 inches and they can make him look huge. These men have big dicks but they are nowhere near the size the porn industry claims.
There's people on this website with genuine 9 inches.. see bigdicknickb, pirapus, hornyuklad, quercusone etc and quite a lot more but not loads. I never said genuine 9 inches don't exist they are out there. It's just rare to find it in the porn industry or in reality. I don't think people realise how long a real 9" would be. Look at Pirapus, he's bigger than 99% of pornstars. He's not claiming to be anymore than 9" or so himself and bigdicknickb is claiming to be just over 9" (he was measured this as well).
Bigdicknickb Massive English Cock - XVIDEOS.COM
That's bigger than anything I have seen in porn and the immediate reaction would be to turn around and say "if it's only a 9"....
Monstercockland - Home of the biggest monster cock videos and pictures - The Swedish Mandingo
If these are "only" 9 inches and they are far bigger than the majority of pornstars then what would a 10" look like? It's safe to say there are no 10 inches in the porn industry. If a genuine 10" is to be found it would probably be on this website.
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