Measured porn stars??

What i think is strange is that you say that all ofcthe pirnstars ( most of them) are between 6 and 8 inches. Why not bigger cause lot of people in this website seem yo have 9inch+ dicks.... or is that not real too?

See the previous page and other pages on this thread. The so called biggest dicks in porn have been measured, not only were all the measurements dodgy i.e. from the side but none of them are above 8.5" in length, infact most turned out to be measured at 6.5 - 7.5 inches. There is not a single measurement in porn that is 9 inches.

Pornstars like Criss Strokes have been measured at 6.5 inches and with all the tricks in porn they can make them look 8" or bigger. See previous page for measurement photos. Ramon isn't even 8 inches and they can make him look huge. These men have big dicks but they are nowhere near the size the porn industry claims.

There's people on this website with genuine 9 inches.. see bigdicknickb, pirapus, hornyuklad, quercusone etc and quite a lot more but not loads. I never said genuine 9 inches don't exist they are out there. It's just rare to find it in the porn industry or in reality. I don't think people realise how long a real 9" would be. Look at Pirapus, he's bigger than 99% of pornstars. He's not claiming to be anymore than 9" or so himself and bigdicknickb is claiming to be just over 9" (he was measured this as well).

Bigdicknickb Massive English Cock - XVIDEOS.COM

That's bigger than anything I have seen in porn and the immediate reaction would be to turn around and say "if it's only a 9"....

Monstercockland - Home of the biggest monster cock videos and pictures - The Swedish Mandingo

If these are "only" 9 inches and they are far bigger than the majority of pornstars then what would a 10" look like? It's safe to say there are no 10 inches in the porn industry. If a genuine 10" is to be found it would probably be on this website.
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See the previous page and other pages on this thread. The so called biggest dicks in porn have been measured, not only were all the measurements dodgy i.e. from the side but none of them are above 8.5" in length, infact most turned out to be measured at 6.5 - 7.5 inches. There is not a single measurement in porn that is 9 inches.

Pornstars like Criss Strokes have been measured at 6.5 inches and with all the tricks in porn they can make them look 8" or bigger. See previous page for measurement photos. Ramon isn't even 8 inches and they can make him look huge. These men have big dicks but they are nowhere near the size the porn industry claims.

There's people on this website with genuine 9 inches.. see bigdicknickb, pirapus, hornyuklad, quercusone etc and quite a lot more but not loads. I never said genuine 9 inches don't exist they are out there. It's just rare to find it in the porn industry or in reality. I don't think people realise how long a real 9" would be. Look at Pirapus, he's bigger than 99% of pornstars. He's not claiming to be anymore than 9" or so himself and bigdicknickb is claiming to be just over 9" (he was measured this as well).

Bigdicknickb Massive English Cock - XVIDEOS.COM

That's bigger than anything I have seen in porn and the immediate reaction would be to turn around and say "if it's only a 9"....

Monstercockland - Home of the biggest monster cock videos and pictures - The Swedish Mandingo

If these are "only" 9 inches and they are far bigger than the majority of pornstars then what would a 10" look like? It's safe to say there are no 10 inches in the porn industry. If a genuine 10" is to be found it would probably be on this website.

ask any girl and they will tell you- they want a big guy but they dont want obscenely huge. a legit 12 inch penis would look absolutely inhuman. not sexy. more of a "ripleys believe it or not".
Isn't this page called measured porn stars? Not show a picture of a guy and say he is 9 inches or more because you want to believe it?

There is no one here who has a real measurement not cheating 9 or better and no amateur or pro porn star has a real proven 9 inch measurement either.
Shane Diesel in an interview regarding the manufacturing of dildo. He says it was molded from his dick and the Manufacturing Rep gives the insertable and circumference measurement 7.5" inches insertable X 5.5" circum.

Shane doesn't "bat an eye" when she reveals this data. Probably right on the money.

Just goes to show that 7.5" X 5.5" is truly a monster....

Watch the video at 1:30 to begin on the discussion of insertable and circumference dimensions.....

Shane Diesels Big Black Realistic Dildo - YouTube

I still find that hard to believe. I mean I have personally considered my size by a little above average, but every women I have been called it big. I still think that thing must be bigger than 5.5. I am 6 inches of girth, hmmm I don't know. I guess people weren't lying who knew.
SchlongusGermanius he does remind of rfj but even more annoying.

I have a feeling you are the banned user CurlyFries on a sock puppet account. You only have done a few posts and you are mentioning the user rfj, how else would you know this person? You mentioned this person and compared them to me on your CurlyFries account. Having just read through rfj posts on this thread my posts are nothing like him, whilst he got a few things right about fraudulent dick sizes in the porn industry he was wrong about many things. He was claiming the biggest dicks in porn are 7.5 inches and he had the biggest dick on this forum at 7.9 inches, a real silly claim. Danny D is 8.5". There's no 10s in the porn industry most are 6-7 but certainly bigger ones out there than 7.5, a few in the 8 range for example and there's genuine 9 inches from members on this forum.
Isn't this page called measured porn stars? Not show a picture of a guy and say he is 9 inches or more because you want to believe it?

There is no one here who has a real measurement not cheating 9 or better and no amateur or pro porn star has a real proven 9 inch measurement either.

You are definitely CurlyFries... Welcome back :wink:
I've measured myself, I think correctly (on top brim base to tip, is that right), and I've measured myself almost exactly 9 inches a few times, on good horny days. But I'm always no less than 8 3/4 (see attached, but I was a tad flaccid in the first one (which was a solid 8 3/4). Didn't measure the second one, but it's fucking long). And the 3d one is my girth, which is most women's favorite thing. This was a hair short of 7" circumference. but I'mj always at least 6 3/4. Basically, I have a huge fucking cock. No complaints yet.
I suck working this site, but for some reason, the first picture was repeated. Thank god I have a huge cock, or I'd never get by.
You guys need to be fair. Yes, most penis' in porn are not nearly as large as they are stated to be. But some of these measuring pics? Like, you can clearly tell that in the picture of Billy Glide and Preston Parker that they are not completely all.

Hell, even when I go to measure myself...if I spend 30 seconds looking for the ruler I go from 100% to 85% erect at best. You can easily see that in any of the videos where these guys are getting measured that they are far from completely "into it" at that point.
pretty sure mandingo is bigger than him
IMO the biggest dick confirmed in mainstream porn is Danny D, he claims to be 12 inches but all porn actors lie about their size, he's still the biggest that has been measured. His measurement was also discussed on this thread in serious detail quite a few pages back, it was a solid 8.5 inches on top (I know the porn actress fudged a bit to make it look bigger) but the measurement still stands and it is more reliable than any of the other silly measurements in porn from the side. Here it is again:

Tanya Tate Calls Big Dan's DIY & Gets Danny D Big Cock

Considering Danny has been bigger than every other male actor he has been with most of the dicks in porn are 6-7 inches. We saw Ramon on the previous page measured at close to 8 inches and Preston Parker measured at 6.5 inches. Johnny Sins was measured at 7 inches. Lexington Steele was also measured at 8.5 inches, it was never 9.5" like some claimed and even that was unreliable because it was not on top and the porn actress fudged the start of the tape. Steele is no bigger than 8". Danny D looks bigger than Lexington Steele. I have not seen any dick in porn above 9 inches. All the claims of 10, 11 or 12 are fantasy and do not exist.

Sean Michaels is 8 inches not 11" like the porn industry claims, he was in a scene with Criss Strokes and only an inch bigger than him. Strokes is no bigger than 7". Omar Williams was in a scene with Danny D and Danny was bigger than him, Omar is 7.5" not 11 like he claims either. Ian Scott is probably close to a 7". Peter North is nowhere near 8.5 inches, he's 6.5" or so at the most the same size as Manuel Ferrara.

Evan Stone is close to 7 inches (see previous page for pics), he was in a scene with Wesley Pipes who claims to be 10 inches but Pipes was an inch bigger than Stone which would put him at 8". Pipes is a similar size to Lexington Steele. They are not 11 inches like the porn fantasy claims. As discussed on the previous pages there are many porn actors in the 6-7 range. James Deen is not 9 inches like he claims he's 6.5". Erik Everhard is 6 inches.

I don't know how big Clover is, he could be 7.5" but no bigger. Kieran Lee who claims to be 10 inches is just over 7 inches. He was in a scene with Manuel Ferrara and not much bigger than him. Manuel is 6.5". I would put Jay Snake and Evan Rochelle at 7 inches.

Unfortunately I have no measurement for Dick Rambone, but he is also one of the biggest I have seen. He probably was an 8" but he couldn't get fully hard.
Really don't know how download pictures properly and put in proper order. This my last post on this, but wanted to submit more 9 inch proof
View attachment 329183I've measured myself, I think correctly (on top brim base to tip, is that right), and I've measured myself almost exactly 9 inches a few times, on good horny days. But I'm always no less than 8 3/4 (see attached, but I was a tad flaccid in the first one (which was a solid 8 3/4). Didn't measure the second one, but it's fucking long). And the 3d one is my girth, which is most women's favorite thing. This was a hair short of 7" circumference. but I'mj always at least 6 3/4. Basically, I have a huge fucking cock. No complaints yet.

I am not sure if you are joking in your posts or not. But you don't look any bigger than 6.5" by those pics in your gallery, you are not a 9" pal.
You guys need to be fair. Yes, most penis' in porn are not nearly as large as they are stated to be. But some of these measuring pics? Like, you can clearly tell that in the picture of Billy Glide and Preston Parker that they are not completely all.

Hell, even when I go to measure myself...if I spend 30 seconds looking for the ruler I go from 100% to 85% erect at best. You can easily see that in any of the videos where these guys are getting measured that they are far from completely "into it" at that point.

I disagree. Billy Glide has been measured fully erect at just over 6 inches on the side. He's no bigger than 6-6.5 inches. Probably closer to 6.

He's fully erect in the above photograph. He's a similar size to Erik Everhard who is 6 inches and Manuel Ferrara is 6.5".

Anyway I'm bored of discussing these dicks in the 6"-7 range. Anymore 9s please show. :cool:
I disagree. Billy Glide has been measured fully erect at just over 6 inches on the side. He's no bigger than 6-6.5 inches. Probably closer to 6.

He's fully erect in the above photograph. He's a similar size to Erik Everhard who is 6 inches and Manuel Ferrara is 6.5".

Anyway I'm bored of discussing these dicks in the 6"-7 range. Anymore 9s please show. :cool:

To be fair, as long as the tape is genuine, your picture clearly shows a 7" measurement. What is exactly the size Billy Glide claimed to be in a reddit AMA. Totally cool guy btw.

haha. I am only really 7 inches but very very wide. My porn stats say 10 but that is an outright lie. I am just very very thick. Saying a guy is 7 but thick isn't as impressive as saying a guy is 10. So porn publicists usually have me listed as a 10 incher and people don't question it because of how huge it looks. But it's all girth.


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To be fair, as long as the tape is genuine, your picture clearly shows a 7" measurement. What is exactly the size Billy Glide claimed to be in a reddit AMA. Totally cool guy btw.

Good find, he does look 7" there (if the tape is not cheating) but have a look at these:

Image 04

Not with a tape measure, but he looks 6 inches.

Image 15

This could just be the angle, but he doesn't even look 6" there.

Image 04

He looks nowhere near 7" there.

And have a look at this, this is not a dodgy angle:

Image 06

I am convinced from those photos he's no bigger than 6".

Again some more photographs here looking 6"

Image 08

And about 6.5" maybe:

Image 05

There's been other threads about this and it has been debated to death but Criss Strokes and Johnny Sins have been measured at 7 inches and they are longer than Glide.

So either Glide is 7" and he just looks shorter because of the amount of girth he has or the tape measure in that photograph was adding an inch or so by some sort of trick method or fake tape. There was a few posts at the beginning of this thread about fake tape measures or measuring.

By the way there's another measurement of Glide being measured 7" at the side, this is why I think he would be 6-6.5" properly measured.

I really would be surprised if Glide is a genuine 7" because the biggest dicks in porn are 8.5 or very rarely 9 inches and Glide for example appears nowhere near to be the length of Danny D.
Good find, he does look 7" there (if the tape is not cheating) but have a look at these:

Image 04

Not with a tape measure, but he looks 6 inches.

Image 15

This could just be the angle, but he doesn't even look 6" there.

Image 04

He looks nowhere near 7" there.

And have a look at this, this is not a dodgy angle:

Image 06

I am convinced from those photos he's no bigger than 6".

Again some more photographs here looking 6"

Image 08

And about 6.5" maybe:

Image 05

There's been other threads about this and it has been debated to death but Criss Strokes and Johnny Sins have been measured at 7 inches and they are longer than Glide.

So either Glide is 7" and he just looks shorter because of the amount of girth he has or the tape measure in that photograph was adding an inch or so by some sort of trick method or fake tape. There was a few posts at the beginning of this thread about fake tape measures or measuring.

By the way there's another measurement of Glide being measured 7" at the side, this is why I think he would be 6-6.5" properly measured.

I really would be surprised if Glide is a genuine 7" because the biggest dicks in porn are 8.5 or very rarely 9 inches and Glide for example appears nowhere near to be the length of Danny D.

Glide looks to be about 6.25. He is very girthy but not long. I can tell he is a little shorter than me and I'm 6.75 long although I can make the tape say more if I use angles like them.


Glide looks to be about 6.25. He is very girthy but not long. I can tell he is a little shorter than me and I'm 6.75 long although I can make the tape say more if I use angles like them.
Good research, I agree Glide probably is about 6.25. There's pornstars like Erik Everhard who are 6 inches yet they can make them look just over 7" on camera.
Well it doesn't matter what he looks like. If that tape was a real one he is measured 7" along the top side non bone pressed (exactly the way you measure correctly). There were no weird angles or anything else in this picture. You can't really argue that by posting some pics without any tape.

Besides that I really doubt that Strokes is longer than Glide. He just has a really thin cock.