Lol look another racist white boy who has a small dick. I said Mandingo is 9 inches. Most sane people think Mandingo is 9 inches. I said Danny D is 8.5 inches which is bigger than what most people think. I said Manuel Ferrera is 5.5 inches because that is how big his dildo is. Yeah that is attacking white people. Maybe you should do what you people do best. You know commit 70 percent of violent crimes in the USA and shoot up schools and blame blacks and Muslims for it.
Racist agenda? You mean like you, Hero52, RokiD, UnknownuserX, SnakeByte, TinyPrincess and others? Like you they love to make everything about race. Because that is what you white people do. Or in TinyPriness a Indian who hates black and thinks it is white and Unknownuserx a Egyptian who hates blacks and thinks he is white. I never mentioned Mandingo has a big dick because he is black. That is what people like you do. Constantly talk about big white dick.
Doesn't bother me. Since all people who aren't brain dead idiots know white males have the smallest penis on this planet and black males have the biggest. So your comments don't bother me. You bitching about race and playing race card isn't going to make your little dick bigger. Go back to talking about how you hate black lives matter yet you have no problem with the KKK, Aryan Brotherhood, or White Nationalist like a good little racist Trump support and stop typing my name. I thought I blocked you anyway. I must of blocked somebody else instead of you. Now this time let me make sure to ignore you.