Lance Bass
Superior Member
you are new to this place, let me give you a heads up. you are screaming to deaf ears.
So even with the recent pictures I put up you still think Depth under 8?
you are new to this place, let me give you a heads up. you are screaming to deaf ears.
All I know is of this as regards to documented evidence.
So what do you think Cielostrong2, is the above photos legitimate evidence of girth gains through PE?
By "max out" I meant that except a handful all porn stars seems to be less than 7.5" in length and 6.5" in girth. Sure, Mandingo and a few more are longer and Shorty is thicker, but thats about it.
And yet, despite (almost) every porn star being smaller than 7.5*6.5", at LPSG 7.5*6.5" is almost average. People continue with ridiculous size claims without a single proof.
you could put some work to compare them instead to upload just single screenshots cause its really hard to analyze
if Mandingo is 8.75-9 then boz cant be 8.25-8.5 and I dont know how you figured out there is only .5" of the difference between them 2? I see at least 1"
boz is tad longer than shane but to me its 0.1-0.2" difference roughly same lenght as rico, pipes
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her hand on the right (boz) seems even tad closer to camera in favour to boz still he is clearly shorter by 1" or so
boz seems longer than he really is in this comparison with mandingo cause he is less girth and he has like 2 times smaller glans so its less than 1" for boz glans and mandingo's or shane's glans are 1.75" and way thicker
According to your research, how much girth do you think it is possible to grow through a dedicated PE routine, say over 10 years or more of jelqing?yeah assuming the photo is not messed with I can believe it. Looks legit and same dick and all and that is not an unrealistic change. It is the claims of over 1 inch girth or over 0.50 inches that are often unproven or with sketchy grainy photos. All I know is the science and actual evidence shows that physically speaking you extend your length to 0.75ish to 1 inch as an approximate max. And there are whole journals and papers on why this is physically possible.. I mean technically you can extend your dick even more by hanging but you will have penile issues like those tribal guys who do that have. You can technically stretch the skin etc on your dick much more and destroy your penis or do sillicion injections etc. But in terms of wanting a still functioning natural dick, all i have read and seen those papers makes sense of about 1 inch length gain. To me it makes sense and the whole ligament cutting surgery also makes sense given their is part of your penis underneath us, the whole drawing it out makes logical sense and their is a limit to it. We dont have 4 inches of éxtra´dick beneath us or much more than 1 inch or a tiny bit over. I have read papers and evidence for length gains via PE almost entirely through surgery or Extenders or surgery then use of extenders. However, i have seen ZERO for girth gains that are permanent. Pumping yeah temporary.
Clamping i have heard is the best way for girth gains but i havent done it and it can be dangerous. Jelqing is mostly a girth exercise and guys say if you want girth gains to do jelqing for months before you ever start using an extender or length surgery. Because once you see an extender or length surgery and get your dick longer to your ideal state. Apparently (so i have heard) it becomes physically harder to get girth gains via jelqing and apparently the length gains via jelqing will be non existent or hard if you do it AFTER extending to the penis max (say close to or 1 inch in length). I cannot say if that is true because again we have no real evidence for that claim just word of mouth. But if it is true I guess maybe it has something to do with a body threshold being reached or something idk. But with say natural bodybuilding in general everyone depending on height and frame has a max lean body mass natural threshold that is reasonably feasible under the best of circusmstances and to become like Jay cutler level or Ronnie coleman level does by all experts take tons of drugs and the best of other circumstances. Perhaps the penis is the same way but unlike muscles in that you cannot just pump tons of drugs into your penis and work it out the same way a tricep or calf muscle can be worked.
Its starts at red line cause its pointing down and look at his pubic hair, its behind his base not on dick also orange line you drew is somewhere on his stomach,Why do you say his dick starts at the red line? His dick starts at the orange line or at the least the pink line I drew. If mandingos glans are 1.4 to 1.5 (given barbie doll measurement breakdown).
Its starts at red line cause its pointing down and look at his pubic hair, its behind his base not on dick also orange line you drew is somewhere on his stomach,
look at pubic hair and then look where your orange line is (above pubes) and where my red is (just before pubes)
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to me his glans is bigger than 1.5, I would say 1.75" especially if you look at it in neutral angle (like in this comparison with boz where his base is around the same distance to camera as his glans and his glans are 2 times bigger than boz glans)
on second pic mandingo base could start a bit further back so I could be 0.1" off but no more, boz seems spot on.
View attachment 1268033
mandingo glans is around 62 and boz is 32 - 1:1.94 ratio so if mandingo glans is 1.75 then boz is 0.9, mandingo is longer by 35 pix so if his glans is 1.75" then 62 pix is 1.75", 35 pix is around 1" difference (0.98"), 32pix is 0.9" (boz glans)
I could be 0.1" cause on first pic when see both of their penis base more clear, mandingo looks tad bigger (more glans difference) than in second pic comparison so if mandingo is 8.75 then boz is 1" to 1.1" shorter - 7.65-7.75"
you could put some work to compare them instead to upload just single screenshots cause its really hard to analyze
if Mandingo is 8.75-9 then boz cant be 8.25-8.5 and I dont know how you figured out there is only .5" of the difference between them 2? I see at least 1"
boz is tad longer than shane but to me its 0.1-0.2" difference roughly same lenght as rico, pipes
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her hand on the right (boz) seems even tad closer to camera in favour to boz still he is clearly shorter by 1" or so
boz seems longer than he really is in this comparison with mandingo cause he is less girth and he has like 2 times smaller glans so its less than 1" for boz glans and mandingo's or shane's glans are 1.75" and way thicker
bullshit, they are 7.5" for diesel and man 7.5" max
If you dont have eye problem you can clearly see 1" difference at least
View attachment 1268165
Lmao jmac is not 6.7 inches where do y’all get y’all stats from!!??mann wasnt longer than charlie mac
charlie mac had sceen with j mac who is 6.7"
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charile mac is not 1" longer than j mac and mann isnt longer than charlie mac
Here’s Sara Jay with both Lex and John Depth
Again if Lex is 8.25-8.5 Depth has to be 8ish
First photos are of Sara and Lex
Second ones are of Sara and John
According to your research, how much girth do you think it is possible to grow through a dedicated PE routine, say over 10 years or more of jelqing?
bullshit, they are 7.5" for diesel and man 7.5" max
If you dont have eye problem you can clearly see 1" difference at least
View attachment 1268165
Its starts at red line cause its pointing down and look at his pubic hair, its behind his base not on dick also orange line you drew is somewhere on his stomach,
look at pubic hair and then look where your orange line is (above pubes) and where my red is (just before pubes)
View attachment 1267997
to me his glans is bigger than 1.5, I would say 1.75" especially if you look at it in neutral angle (like in this comparison with boz where his base is around the same distance to camera as his glans and his glans are 2 times bigger than boz glans)
on second pic mandingo base could start a bit further back so I could be 0.1" off but no more, boz seems spot on.
View attachment 1268033
mandingo glans is around 62 and boz is 32 - 1:1.94 ratio so if mandingo glans is 1.75 then boz is 0.9, mandingo is longer by 35 pix so if his glans is 1.75" then 62 pix is 1.75", 35 pix is around 1" difference (0.98"), 32pix is 0.9" (boz glans)
I could be 0.1" cause on first pic when see both of their penis base more clear, mandingo looks tad bigger (more glans difference) than in second pic comparison so if mandingo is 8.75 then boz is 1" to 1.1" shorter - 7.65-7.75"
bullshit, they are 7.5" for diesel and man 7.5" max
If you dont have eye problem you can clearly see 1" difference at least
View attachment 1268165
mann wasnt longer than charlie mac
charlie mac had sceen with j mac who is 6.7"
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charile mac is not 1" longer than j mac and mann isnt longer than charlie mac
Not even remotely close to being in the same picture planeand this guy below is devin king earlier in this thread. apparently 7ish
he is not longer than charlie macproof of Mann being 7.5??
j mac got measured twicewhere is proof j mac is 6.7? Also how do we know Mann isnt longer than Mac?
he is not longer than charlie mac
j mac got measured twice
tad under 7.5" to the side
he also got 1 more sceen with measuring with better angle but I cant find it now but I am pretty sure it was 6.7" maybe someone got this pic
Not even remotely close to being in the same picture plane