Measured porn stars??

I was debating that guy and although i didn't agree with his research his pictures were interesting. Then his account was de-activated. Something strange there. It is possible that user was that infamous raul guy who pioneered the hand measurement thing.

I wouldn’t say his method was accurate but it’s close enough to at least say none of these guys are 10 inches or even close to it. For now I’ll just say until otherwise prime numbers:


Everyone else is smaller or around these guys size
I wouldn’t say his method was accurate but it’s close enough to at least say none of these guys are 10 inches or even close to it. For now I’ll just say until otherwise prime numbers:


Everyone else is smaller or around these guys size

This video was posted on the vlad thread

Fuck Me, Wanna Know If I Can Take It | BangBros 18 | Bangbros

not sure if he is doing pe, manic pumping or had something done because his dick looks longer, he looks bigger than nearly every pornstar. He is bigger than Dredd for sure.

In the first photo, we can estimate the wheel radius figure, which in this model is 37/39 cm, 14.56 ". Given the width of monitor (not the diagonal, which is usually included in the sales descriptions), we calculate with pixels per inch. This gives me a 98 ppc ( per centimeter ), which I have to keep in mind to round in 100 ppc (then multiply by 2.54 in inch). Taking into account, likewise, the type of lens used, inferior to the degrees of human vision, but distorted by the horizontal laterality of the FISH EYE (around 120 / 170º), gives me an image result covered in the reality of little more than 1m. This, dump the object in question, and raise the magnification factor to 0.03 ( minimum alteration, next to human eye ) and we have If extrapolated to the wheel radius measurement, approx. 22.48 cm (8.84 "). Second pic is semi erected, we have approx. 23.18 cm (9.12 "). If we correct everything, taking into account the minimum decrease of horizontality in that 36mm lens, and put the penis (which is at a smaller distance from the target) on the rest of objects in parallel, gives us an absolute result of 9.05 inches .Not fully erect.
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View attachment 741286

In this other scene, we see as if it is fully erect. Without taking into account the rest of the elements and references, by pixels and type of angle and lens, we have a diagonal "technical word in spanish:contrapicado , diagonal-zoom", which alters the image of entry in 7mm higher or less, compared to standard focus. Then in magnification factor will have to correct in 0.9 the initial calculation of lens, according to diagonal to horizontal formula, from 63º to 54º (I do not expose the balance tables in angular degrees. You can consult it in studies on cameras, it is a fixed mathematical table of proportions ).
This tells me that the objects captured on the screen are more than double their real proportion with the frame. If I calculate the frame, and give its real amplitude to the objects, it gives me result, once I calculate with pixels per inch, of more than 60 cms of real capture. Correcting the focus and magnification, the penis gives me a measure of 23.86 cms (9.39 inches). If to this, we add that the ceramic object at the bottom has a maximum measure according to the 12 ", which matches well with its actual size according to the pixels, and we use it as a reference, eliminating the focal and parallel distance to the penis, tell me now that it measures 24.01 cm (9.4527559 inches)
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Here, the proccess is the same......
and all of them I estimate 9-9,5, never less.
By the way, the last photo's bottle is Heineken 12oz, isn`t??

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We have all said something wrong at some time and probably, after thinking and treating it here we have come to the most coherent conclusion.

Anyway, I think Lance said that in his best stage, he could reach 9.5 or something more, but after his heyday it was more between 8.75 / 9.25, so he stays at 9.

I do not know the pixel system, but it seems quite accurate, as well as the eye of many users, well many, not some.

Also these users are not characterized by underestimating lightly because yes, but rather to give an answer as true as possible.

I find it absurd to say that someone has less than they have in the same way as saying that someone is 10 inches because it "looks huge" when we know the traps and tricks of the industry.

How many correctly measured penises have you seen of 10 inches ???

If I had a 10-inch cock I would probably upload thousands of photos lol
I also said that 3+5=9 at some point in my life. Doesn't make it true either. It's probably a decade ago I said that, in case I ever did which I am not sure of. And if I did I based it on something unlike you.
We got enough proof to know that he's not 9.5" or 10" though.

If you think the pixel system is correct, the analysis of that user, who explains the whole process in the same page, in different comments, seems to be definitive, assigning 9.4 to Mandingo
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If you think the pixel system is correct, the analysis of that user, who explains the whole process in the same page, in different comments, seems to be definitive, assigning 9.4 to Mandingo

No the definite for Mandingo has been 8.75-9,many doubt he’s 9.5 as it’s been a lot of things to dispute that
strivingforperfection and lance bass what was your conclusion about clover? I am really impressed by this guy's length. I had him down once as 8.5", but he might be 8.25 NBP. A few users on this thread said he was 7.5.. i think that is short-changing him. Sadly he was never properly measured.

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8, if I said 7.5 before I was wrong, I think I might have actually put him at 7.75

I've looked at him a lot, he is longer than I thought.

But Danny D is 8.25 there is quite a lot of evidence to indicate that and I don't think Clover is as long as him, nor as thick but not that far off.

He could be 8x5.5 and Danny D 8.25x5.75
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This video was posted on the vlad thread

Fuck Me, Wanna Know If I Can Take It | BangBros 18 | Bangbros

not sure if he is doing pe, manic pumping or had something done because his dick looks longer, he looks bigger than nearly every pornstar. He is bigger than Dredd for sure.

Yeah it looks like he did something , I don't think he is as big as Mandingo or Mr 18 but he has made it easily to the 2nd rung. He looks bigger than Danny D and Lex Steele obviously. As far as Dredd not sure I would say he looks similar to him.
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8, if I said 7.5 before I was wrong, I think I might have actually put him at 7.75

I've looked at him a lot, he is longer than I thought.

But Danny D is 8.25 there is quite a lot of evidence to indicate that and I don't think Clover is as long as him, nor as thick but not that far off.

He could be 8x5.5 and Danny D 8.25x5.75
Danny D is definitely 6+ girth in my opinion. His dick looks huge.
Danny D is definitely 6+ girth in my opinion. His dick looks huge.

It has been already solved earlier on this thread, his own dildo showed a girth of around 5.75 . He is a pumper which is why he may look bigger at times, although you see his girth go down once he uses it in a scene.
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That Russian guy is nearly 9 inches.

You can see the 20 cm mark right before his glans, but she's cheating a bit.

She is cheating to get to 22 cm. Measured properly he might be 20 to 21 cm top. Which means he isn't close to 9 inches. This guy also pumps his dick more than Julio Gomez does.
its silly to say shane diesel is 7.5 inches when the tape stars before 2 and reaches 10 yes soft tape adds a bit of lenght but not that much like the downgraders say. And Julio gomez looks too me longer than Mandingo i think he is 9.5 inches there is no way he is only 8.5 inches.

Shane Diesel's dildo is 7.5 inches. Julio Gomez on the other hand does look longer than Mandingo. I agree with your assessment of him being 9.5 inches.
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