An estimate for Davin King
In the official site the phone is listed at 6.23 inches long and 3.07 inches wide.In the photo they are exactly the same size.My guess for him is around the 7 inch mark as he does not seem get much longer when hard.What do you think?
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On this one with Leya Falcon he does not seem to be very hard but she could wrap her hand around for the most part. Also I believe jack napier,dredd and diesel have been measured before and the difference in the hand wrap is not huge so it is safe to say his girth will be in the range of these guys huh?
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Mandingo vsDavin
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Although the difference in lighting,studio and the style of the shoot,both look around the same size,chris being wider and davin having more depth and cylindrical shape
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In this one is lana rhodes with mandingo,manuel,chris and devin.I am not sure if she has very large hands as for a petite girl but as you can see despite who the male performer is she always or almost touches her index or middle finger with her thumb.Considering the female hand size chart and comparisons photos,for size of davin king i would say 7 inches long to 6-6.25 inhces of girth.Nowhere near his 11.5x8. photo in the beginning.
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