I used to wear (pretty thick) tights running cross-country, and it was crazy how people went out of their way to look to see if they could see anything, which in thick tights probably wasn’t more exciting than a bulge.
Same for mountain biking in pretty thick black biking shorts. Bulge visible. VPL not.
Then there are the Olympic track stars, female and male. No camel toe or really detailed VPLs on the guys… but very clear who is how big, what side they dress on, whether they’re semi or not. Everyone thinks that’s fine for national TV. And it looks great.
So what it really gets down to is whether it looks good. I say yes, as long as there aren’t any uncomfortable sweat stains or really detailed outlines. If I can see veins on a guy’s Johnson, I might like it but if I’m really being respectful probably wouldn’t recommend it in a gym.
Anyway, I think society actually seems to really like a VPL and compression shorts of any style on a good looking athlete… so anyone should be able to wear the same if they think they look good.