What his role in the UK version of Shameless? Yummy!
He plays Billy Tutton. A character not in the US version.
Beyond the first year or so and it's basic bones of the Gallagher family, the shows depart from each other considerably and they're both very worthy on their own. I would say that the British version( which came first) almost gets surreal in some ways by its 11th season (same number as US but typically with more episodes per season) with the US version being more grounded. Lots of nudity, sex, substance use, swearing, violence, normal human behavior lol... Same as US( but maybe more nudity and slightly less violence)
Michael Taylor's part of Billy comes along in the later seasons and has no US version analog whatsoever. I love both versions equally for what they are. They're both about the same working class family in a poor neighborhood in a historically working class town in this case Manchester, England area ( with its cast and racial makeup reflecting this just like the US version)... the Gallaghers all pretty similar: Frank ( still a drunk), Monica( still MIA and bisexual), Fiona( starring a very well known actor James McAvoy as her boyfriend Jimmy IE Steve), Lip, Ian (still gay having an affair with his married boss early on though not bipolar however something else...), Debbie, Carl, and Liam( spoiler not black but with a black father if I can remember this correctly). I purposely did not tell you all the differences in the Gallagher family between the two versions as you really just need to watch it to see...along with a lot of similar/same neighbors and situations...but also many awesome characters that aren't in the US version often looking like people that could be your neighbors instead of the American standard of pretty much everyone's pretty on TV. I would say that often the acting and incidental music is superior in the UK version with the American production values being often much higher but comparing the two neither of those things matter as they're both excellent. I had a friend play a young Frank Gallagher in a flashback on the British version and he loved working on the show saying that it was a labor of love with no drama or prima donnas and that certainly shows on screen. Sometimes this doesn't feel like that on the US version.
But on steroids and does shift its focus away from the Gallaghers in later seasons to the Maguires which is the family Mickey( also gay) is in instead of being a Malkovich. He still has a lot of brothers some of whom who take center stage and his mother is a main character. You also have V. and Kevin and a local pub or bar etc. But there is also a local brothel, but Karen's mom is still a shut in with a penchant for large toys. It will feel like an alternative universe different but the same. If you're not used to thicker northern British accents and slang I suggest using subtitles and having the internet handy to look up the slang as there's an awful lot of it. It may seem like I just spoiled a lot but that is so far from the case as I basically just told you what is similar with a couple of enticements beyond that. There are a few things about the US version I like much more regardless of my mood which is usually what dictates which one I wanna watch and that is one of the relationships is very different between the two shows and I simply will not reveal that as it's just too big of a spoiler one that might make you very angry or others for that matter and make you not wanna watch the show which I think would be very sad indeed as it's OK with that differentiating relationship.
BTW Michael Taylor's character Billy is awesome as is the fact that the actor has been quite obvious on his Twitter at points in time about his personal proclivities shall we say lol. It doesn't hurt that he obviously likes to get his "kit off"( get naked) on camera, apparently doesn't mind sharing them, and there are a lot more pictures floating around than what's here. He really should just do an only fans lol.