From time to time people post "forbidden stuff", but since moths and months its only the old stuff that were already posted. Just reposts. I feel like its been months no new leak happen anywhere.
Is it because he delivers even less, or because he managed to prevent leaks by monitoring posts, or he has much less peole buying (or only pople who never leak that keep buying ?)
Yeah worth for 13 mins vid teasing, rubbing, dirrty talking, moaning and oh yeah what a beautiful hairy musky butthole wooff and not just 800$ mate i've spent almost 4k this year.. all safe and sound on my drive.
Yeah worth for 13 mins vid teasing, rubbing, dirrty talking, moaning and oh yeah what a beautiful hairy musky butthole wooff and not just 800$ mate i've spent almost 4k this year.. all safe and sound on my drive.
Where can we see that video