I've heard Michael, Christian & some other OF creators use same social media agency (not sure how correct the info is).
Pretty much the majority of all OF creators use agencies now, even those with low subscriber numbers. It's just AI and machine learning anyway. So not many humans involved at the agency. Just a few keywords and then an answer is provided.

Props to those who still do it the old fashion way in interacting with their subscribers.
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Haven't followed this thread for a good while but I think the consensus a while back was that he'd had some work done to his face. I just watched his latest insta story and he looks effing amazing. Beautiful smooth clear skin, no signs of filler, and if he's had botox it's minimal. I still can't believe someone can look this handsome
He's definitely had a few things done. Only the bad tweaks will be obvious as the idea is to look natural.

But people in their early 20s getting this stuff will catch up with them, he's only 25. Let's see how natural he looks at 30.
Good genes plus artificial cosmetic intervention can surely give that kind of effect
It must be VERY astute work he's had done. So many other enhanced men I've seen look garish and were better off doing nothing.
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He's definitely had a few things done. Only the bad tweaks will be obvious as the idea is to look natural.

But people in their early 20s getting this stuff will catch up with them, he's only 25. Let's see how natural he looks at 30.
this is an excellent point. if you abuse you're body when you are young, you will pay for it in you're old age.
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It's funny that he looks so much older than his years and yet he's still the most handsome man I've ever seen.
ive been hearing a lot of talk about this lately. its being said that millennial's look young and are aging well (like wine) while gen Z look older and are aging rapidly/poorly (like milk).