A lot of these recent posts are cringe-y as hell (even by this forum’s standards).
First, can y’all please stop giving identities to strangers? Y’all don’t know the dimensions of this man’s identities, sexuality, sexual experiences, exactly where he is in the gender, sexual, affection, romantic, emotion, commitment spectrum.
Being hot and being willing to make out with a guy does not mean that you’re good at “playing gay”. That’s porn fantasy shit and make out sessions. That’s not actual acting. There wasn’t even any passion in that brief make out moment. While the scene wasn’t designed to be homo-erotic or “gay”.
While there are some folks who don’t want cis, straight-presenting actors playing “queer”, most people’s issues lie with how the industry still has closet pressures, still tries to pressure conventionally good-looking guys to maintain hetero appeal, how over two-thirds of queer roles don’t go to overtly queer-presenting actors, and very few “straight roles” go to publicly queer-presenting (especially gay-presenting) male actors. Don’t overly simplify real issues because of your fantasies (or because of your internalized phobias and insecurities).