When you stop focusing on your genitals and start focusing on everything else about yourself you'll possibly see how small this issue is. No fucking pun intended.
I've sexed the fuck out of some smaller shafted dudes with substantial fat. Titties bigger than mine. I came just fine.
Focus on fixing what you don't like about you that isn't physical. Work on that later. I wouldn't be surprised whatsoever if just working on you and NOT focusing on your dick improves your self image.
YOU have a relationship with your body than no one else will. If I was to fixate on what I don't like about my body I guarantee I would have a hard fuckin time getting a cock to cum in me.
I agree on you on the large scheme ...I really do.
Overall thinking should be this.
But i don't think it's wrong to give a advice if people have some inclination of medical problem .
In those cases it's best to person to go to a specialist , but it's not wrong to ask extra help also + sometimes people don't know where to search help also.
NOW small dick would not stop any women not orgasming , that's right.
But same times , sometimes people will ever never be happy with their "problems" just "thinking it right" .
Until when they have "feeling" they can change it....
Each on their own , Tight_N_juicy is right on a perfect big scheme of thinking...
My personal mindset is worry about stuff until, if you can change it, if you sure you can't control/change, then say fuck it... Don't worry about things you can't change or control...Stop thinking about this things...
But penis enlargement is for sure possible and me personally i like it, women can say whatever they want that it's not important... it's not important not for them it's important for us, men.
Do you know what's the difference between women and male attraction to each other gender ? ...I'm not talking about the trans or bi or other stuff..
Biologically Hetero straight male and straight woman?
Women (sexual) attraction to men is based on her opinion how other men think about him...
Her opinion, what would be that male status on society...How other men would compare to him...
Like if some kind of man goes higher on male hierarchy status on ONLY men minds...
LIke for random example, he's the best rally driver and won multiple titles...
This usually is important only to men, we men value this skill.
He would automatically go higher on attraction scale to women mind also...
Because women (sexual) attraction is based on how other men look at him...
or she thinks how they look at him...
Or another example ...being taller is attractive to women and studies confirm this,
It's only important to men ,
taller = stronger to compared to other men , etc...
In essence in attraction part it should not give anything to women,
besides protection,
but research have shown most women are more (sexually) attracted to taller men ,
so now somehow protection capability is also important... for sexual attraction... it makes sense only in woman's brain
Now how is this important to this topic, penis size is important to us , men...
If we would do something that would be important to women, we would not do hundred things....
But women evaluate sexual attraction to men based on what/how/look/judge other men him.