Milo Sweet Tooth (onlyfans) / U/jameskneeland

His tattoo.

SPQR - Wikipedia

“Some members of white nationalist groups use the acronym SPQR on flags, on their person (such as tattoos) and other forms of identification.”

i——-I’m not surprised.
I'm not gonna say you're wrong, but he seems to be a fan of Roman history or some shit. I saw a book on his night table during one of his jerk-off vids lol
Your sharing generousity!
His tattoo.

SPQR - Wikipedia

“Some members of white nationalist groups use the acronym SPQR on flags, on their person (such as tattoos) and other forms of identification.”

i——-I’m not surprised.
In a video in the torrent (#24) he states that he's a fan of Roman history: "I simply think that Roman soldiers were cool, what they did was fascinating.
They were extremely good engineers, and construction workers, AND soldiers?".
"The SPQR stands for the Roman Senate and People, the Roman equivalent of "In God We Trust".
"It's a very cool historical thing".
"He is not a neo nazi, with hair, posting nudes for gay men online".

And that there's a lot of hateful people with "Alex Jones vibes" posting stuff about him online.