Model george kassabgi - of

He literally said with his own mouth on social media that he's bi. Relax.
well the person would just say he's lying then. lol So its just he said, he said crap back and forth and pure speculation on users parts here as per usual. We can never know what is truly in someone's head so I we can only go off what they say (even though that itself is also not totally reliable either) smh lol
Bye... chile WHO has time to argue whether this guy is bi or gay?? For all I care he could have a midget fetish IDGAF.. he is hot and has sex with both genders literally why is there controversy
Bye... chile WHO has time to argue whether this guy is bi or gay?? For all I care he could have a midget fetish IDGAF.. he is hot and has sex with both genders literally why is there controversy
Amen but a lot of lpsg users seem to care...a lot. smh lol
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Yall it's not that deep. Gay-for-pay dudes often say they're bi so that gay guys think they have a chance and will be more interested/spend more money. It's not a coincidence that every sex video he's made in his own spare time has been with a girl, and he's only ever with guys when he's getting paid.
Yall it's not that deep. Gay-for-pay dudes often say they're bi so that gay guys think they have a chance and will be more interested/spend more money. It's not a coincidence that every sex video he's made in his own spare time has been with a girl, and he's only ever with guys when he's getting paid.
Some points have been made
Poor guy seems to be a mess. Did the studios fire him? Says he’ll probably be escorting soon cause he doesn’t have money. But hasn’t he scammed a lot of people as well?
Oh another chump who cant manage money. Color me shocked
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