Monsta X Wonho

Definitely getting the overall reaction about this post-enlistment look. Love him, would still service him 24/7, but something doesn't feel the same.

I'm thinking, once he gets back to bulking a bit more and showing skin (lots of skin), we'll all be reminded of the man we lust over :blush:
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I don't know his content as well as others here. I follow the thread because I think he as a person is handsome and hot. From what I've seen, it feels that he does not know how to be a celebrity anymore. I get the vibe that he might not want the attention and is getting overwhelmed. There's such an expectation of going back to who he was that it may be too gargantuan of a task for him. Going from the rigors of military timing, discipline, and privacy to stardom within a day would be a lot for any person. Just my thoughts on the situation.
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The fans miss you all that time away, and the more they miss you, the more they want you to start again with a BANG and pick up right where you left off... but to be honest, it's been so long away and you've adjusted to a new life. Of course, it takes time to readjust, and your relationship with your celebritydom is different than before.

That plus the big changes to his nose, and it feels like they're overcompensating with the styling, hair, and makeup. It's distracting, isn't it? But the more time he's back and still doing what he's doing, he'll settle into a niche that's comfortable for him, and I bet that niche will include body building and sexy camera angles because he's good at that and it's what he seemed to enjoy doing before.

I bet it won't be long before he starts making moves to get back into the swing of it.
I think it might just be swelling? he looks good in the below after pic.
idk how long does it take to recover from a nosejob?

im thinking he mightve gotten the nosejob where they just insert something to make your nose look sharper and its may have tighten the skin on his face so he does look younger however when he is smiling it looks weird that his nose doesnt wrinkle like a normal nose would


ANYWAYS.... im sure once he starts posting thirst trapping pics you guys will forget all about that nosejob and go back to gooning for wonho lol
I think it might just be swelling? he looks good in the below after pic.
idk how long does it take to recover from a nosejob?

im thinking he mightve gotten the nosejob where they just insert something to make your nose look sharper and its may have tighten the skin on his face so he does look younger however when he is smiling it looks weird that his nose doesnt wrinkle like a normal nose would
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ANYWAYS.... im sure once he starts posting thirst trapping pics you guys will forget all about that nosejob and go back to gooning for wonho lol
Not the gooning 😭😭😭