Mtv real world guys

Chauncey been posting many nudes promoting his of on his X page. It's hot that some players follow him and watch that huge dick like Kyland, Corey, Paulie or Bananas
Wow some people on here really do too much. Paragraphs about your opinion on someone’s actions are not what this thread is for. Opinions on their dick? Sure. But all of this shit talking about their lives or the tv shows they were on or gameplay or what they choose to do is SO irrelevant. We want to see them naked. That’s it. It’s not that deep and you’re ruining the thread. Please post something hot or stfu.
I think this was made just for you !

I think this was made just for you !

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Is it me or does this feature not work? I find that when I do attachments only I don't get notified. If I do, it is once and never again. Then I click on a thread and it is full of new attachments.