Mtv real world guys

He’s said it about himself weirdo. Stay mad on a porn site lol
It really isn’t even just the highly autistic part. It’s the part where you’re like “no one is gonna wanna deal with that!” as if Kyland hasn’t had a decent sex life for himself and actual friends.
Can someone tell me If Danny Roberts Instagram is still up because I was following him for years and now I’m not seeing him and he was just there. I hope he didn’t block me because I never said or did anything rude to him or left bad comments.
I googled it, and the ig just says something went wrong. Maybe he deleted?
I googled it, and the ig just says something went wrong. Maybe he deleted?
I know his account was jdannyroberts on Instagram. I been following him for years and I know I never left any rude comments because I never leave comments under his posts. So I hope he didn’t block me. Thank you for trying.
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I just know realize something that Johnny Bananas and Trish Stratus both got something in common they're both a 7th times champion.

Trish Stratus is a 7x WWE Women's Champion.

Johnny Bananas is a 7x Challenge winner.

Anyway that's just something I noticed pay me no mind.