Muslim men/arabs

found some more
5. bilal bagra is a very handsome pakistani muslim (he's actually a lawyer - easy enough to find his real name)
6. marc napoli - on rentmen says he's middle eastern and lives in italy - he's cut - i'm guessing lebanese muslim
7. alesandro haddad - bio says he's arab and he's cut - i'm guessing lebanese muslim
8. hairy habibi - super hot - looks pakistani
9. porncurry has indian men banging mostly asian chicks - some are muslim
10. antonio suleiman - syrian muslim does straight porn
11. Freddie Daze - palestinian films in montreal
found some more
5. bilal bagra is a very handsome pakistani muslim (he's actually a lawyer - easy enough to find his real name)
6. marc napoli - on rentmen says he's middle eastern and lives in italy - he's cut - i'm guessing lebanese muslim
7. alesandro haddad - bio says he's arab and he's cut - i'm guessing lebanese muslim
8. hairy habibi - super hot - looks pakistani
9. porncurry has indian men banging mostly asian chicks - some are muslim
10. antonio suleiman - syrian muslim does straight porn
11. freddie daze - jordanian muslim lives in montreal - u can google his real name
12. sharok - iranian (has the same name as india's top actor shar rukh)
13. arad winwin - iranian
Middle Eastern doesn't include the Maghreb countries such as Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia etc.

And in those countries, not all of them are Arabs. There's a large population of Berbers who are indigenous to North Africa.

The correct umbrella term would then we SWANA or MENA men. But that also includes non-Arabs.

Anyway, where are the Arab men in this thread? Do you guys even know the difference between Arabs and "Muslims"? Or Arabs and "Middle Eastern"?