My Collection of Nude Movies/TV Clips

"'I've heard that director Claire Denis is on record saying that's it's likely a prosthetic penis stolen from the props for Trouble Every Day, in which Gallo was the male lead. She even remarks that when she saw the scene, she recognized it as the stolen penis.'
'A purloined penis? What were the distinguishing characteristics ma'am? Also, judging from the clip, there's too many cuts and a couple of reused close-ups of Gallo. And there's no real shot of both Gallo and his penis in the same shot (there's one that comes close, but I still have reasonable doubt), only shots of Gallo looking down, Gallo and the back of Sevigny's head or kissing her while zipped up, and of course, Sevigny performing oral sex. If it's not a prosthetic penis, I could even say that they used a stunt cock for that. But my money is on a prosthetic as well.'"
Talk:The Brown Bunny - Wikipedia