Tell more?Nothing happened. That's my first year, second year, third year. Finally, something happened senior year.
Tell more?Nothing happened. That's my first year, second year, third year. Finally, something happened senior year.
Need the next chapter asapMore stories including the complete story of My First Year in College (24 chapters!) and the first 14 chapters of the sequel, My First Year in Prison, as well as exclusive illustrations and bonus on Patreon: Thomas Lodge is creating Gay Erotic Stories | Patreon
My First Year in College
Chapter 16: Doing a Martin (Part 2)
On January 27th, we all celebrated Austin's 19th birthday. I had bought him a new wrestling singlet. He was new to the sport and had to borrow some singlets from Steve for each of his class. As you can imagine I had picked the most revealing one I could find, bright yellow, with as little as fabric as possible. I could not wait for him to try it on.
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As usual, the evening started to get wild with the guys. Crowded in Gary and Steve's room, we started to play a game of truth or dare.
"Martin?" Started Gary.
"Did you ever sleep with a woman over 50?"
"Damn right I did! And it was great!" Martin bowed down, proud of himself. Everyone else applauded and/or fist bumped him.
"Keep your mommies away guys!" Shouted Luis to warn us all. Everyone got a good laugh, although, I was pretty sure nothing would stop Martin to actually fuck one of our moms.
"Steve?" Asked Martin.
"Run naked through the hallway!" Ordered Martin. "Now!"
"I am not surprised you want to see me naked Martin! I saw your looks in the locker-rooms after practice!" It was pretty ironic as Steve was always the one who seemed to stare at everyone else in our shared bathroom. I thought of the many times I got to see his boner in the past few weeks only. My ears went a little red.
"Yeah, Steve... if you say so... Now, take off those clothes!" Martin had always a sort of authoritarian tone. He made me think of Professor Fletcher in a way. Wait, Professor Fletcher did say those exact words to me actually.
I smiled to myself while Steve took off his clothes, not even trying to hide his genitals. He started running in the corridor with a huge smile on his beautiful face, his black flaccid cock flopping against his muscular thighs.
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He put back his underwear on. Only his underwear, why bother to have more clothes on when you look like that? Then he said:
"Birthday boy! Truth or dare?!"
"Dare." Replied Austin.
"I dare you to drink 3 shots of tequila out of Henry's belly button!"
Henry took off his shirt right away; This one too was always happy to show off his muscular smooth body.
"At least, he is shaved" said Gary "easier than if it were on Martins".
Martin showed off his hairy torso with a smirk. "Next time maybe." He winked.
You bet that I LOVED these parties among the guys.
Austin obliged and drank out of Henry's body. He did not leave a single drop.
"Henry" He said.
"Dare!" Shouted Henry immediately.
"Pay back time: Drink 4 shouts out of Martin's belly button!"
"Fuck you man!"
Martin was too glad to completely take off his shirt and present his hairy chest to Henry. Henry seemed to be grossed out but did not shy away, he sucked on the belly button, and told he had swallowed some hair afterwards. Again, everybody was drunk and giggling.
"Tyler. Truth or Dare?" Henry asked.
I knew that if I responded truth, I would probably have to lie but I was scared of the dare. However, I would not mind drinking some alcohol of Austin's body so I went for it.
"Wow Tyler grew some balls!" Teased Martin.
"Shut up" Austin said, defending me. I just gave Martin the finger and everybody laughed.
"Ok... I dare you to suck Austin's dick as a nice birthday present! I think the man of the hour deserves it!"
This was way out of line compared to the other challenges and way out of character for Henry. He was drunk, but still. There were a few seconds of silence. I looked at Austin. His hand was actually approaching his zipper and his crotch -- oh my god, were we doing this?! - when Henry said:
"Ok maybe that's a lot for a first blowjob... You should suck Gary instead, more manageable."
Everybody laughed, once again, not me though and not Gary who complained: "My dick is hard to manage as well... I mean... It is big!". Austin, on my right side, kept on smiling but almost seemed disappointed we did not go through with it.
"Come on Henry, give me a real challenge, something doable." I pleaded.
"Ok, ok. Just suck on this banana then! But I want a beautiful deep-throat!"
"Great idea!" Encouraged Steve.
"Martin should be the judge of my banana sucking skills then. He's the expert, right?" I said, daring the guys.
"Go ahead Ty, I'll give you your grade." Martin said imitating our strict English teacher. "Let's see if you can do a Martin properly."
Gary handed me a banana. To be honest, I had already done that once or twice before, privately though, not in a room full of straight college guys. I proceeded and tried to deep-throat the banana, under the hissing and applause of the guys. Why should I care, I went straight for it! Once I gagged, I pushed it back.
"I am impressed Tyler. I would give you a B+. You could have gone deeper but I salute the commitment" Martin shook my hand while inspecting the saliva on the banana. A devilish look in his eyes.
"Martin." I said. "You have already used your truth, right? So, Dare?"
"Dare, sure! You can ask me anything!"
"Try to go deeper than me on that banana. If you can..."
There was some tension in the air.
"Sure, I'm not a pussy" He took the banana out of my hand, it was still full of my saliva but Martin forced it down his throat right away, almost completely, a tear coming out of his eyes.
"SHIT!" Said Steve. "Wow, he really did go for it. It almost got me hard!"
Martin kept the banana in his mouth, almost challenging us all to laugh or to try to do better.
"Man, that's good, you did it." I spoke. Impressed. Intimidated even.
Martin kept on going and only removed the banana from his throat 20 seconds later, when it was totally drenched with his saliva. "The fucker!"
The challenges followed for almost half an hour until everyone was too drunk to understand the rules of the game. I know, the rules were pretty simple but we were also really drunk. Luis ended up totally naked, he looked delicious. Gary and Steve had to make out and they weirdly seemed into it.
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When we got back to our room, Austin and I were both dizzy. We struggled to open the door, both giggling like two teenagers.
"Happy 19th!" I shouted, once again.
"Thank you, my friend!" He put his arm around my neck.
"I am sorry you did not get a blowjob from a good slut for your birthday!" I hugged him.
He was undressing, now getting fully naked. I was too. We were still semi hugging. The moment was getting deeply erotic.
"Well Ty... for your birthday, I'll think to get you a hooker! I know you want to lick some bitches' ass very bad, I'll find a way to get you that!" We laughed again. I was buzzing.
I was too drunk to think straight.
Literally, I thought very gay.
He was naked before me and for the first time ever, I touched his flaccid cock. I wanted him.
"I can sacrifice myself for the team." I said seriously, staring into his blue eyes, my hand on his cock.
Austin looked at me intensely. Then, he understood.
"You think you'd know how?"
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I was still sober enough to avoid mentioning what I had done with my Laws Professor to prove my skills.
"Well, I guess it's not that complicated. I have already sucked on a banana". He started to touch his now semi-hard penis, grinning.
"Ok. Wait." He turned on the computer and launched a porn. It was not the usual stuff we would watch. In a hurry, he clicked on the first video he saw, it looked like a 90's movies with very hairy guys and normal looking girls.
He lied down on his bed.
"Let me focus on the movie." Austin slowly got harder. I was standing next to him in my boxer briefs. I was getting hard myself despite the alcohol going through my body.
I knelt down. That did feel weird and Austin looked at me, a bit unsure. I joked: "I am just about to pray the lord, nothing else".
"Man... that's so fucked up." I did not move, but then he continued: "I'm hard, you can try!"
I leant towards his big dick; I had never been that close. I took a good look, enjoying the moment. I had already seen his cock harder but it was better this way, I could ease it in my mouth while it was still a bit soft. I appreciated every vein, his big balls, his pubic hair.
I touched his dick with my hand first. He was focusing on the porn on the computer but he moaned. I played with the foreskin with my fingers, let the head out and finally, I went in, started to suck the tip of it.
Austin moaned again.
I was now sucking his dick. Taking as much in as I could. I was hoping he would guide me with his hands in my hair but he was lying still, sometimes touching his dick with his own hand but never touching me. I felt his tool growing inside my mouth. I touched his balls.
"Am I doing this right?" I asked.
"Shut up." He said abruptly. "I'm trying to picture you as a girl!"
As pathetic as this may sound, that broke my heart a little. He could enjoy my mouth only if he believed it was not mine. It did not stop me though. This was just too good. He tasted too damn delicious. I went on him deeper, harder. He moaned louder.
"Fuck, fuck" he said.
I looked towards his face; his eyes were closed. I was leaking tons of precum on the floor. My own dick was really hard. I was starting to really get into it, then I remembered I was supposed to be straight and I removed myself a bit.
He let me go and just jerked himself off with his hands for a while, still without opening his eyes.
"Thanks bro! That was a nice birthday present!"
My eyes were teary, and not only because of the difficulty of gagging on his now well erected dick. My feelings of lust, of love, of fear were overwhelming me.
He kept on jerking off:
"How did it feel?" He asked softly.
"Weird." I replied. Instead of delicious. Instead of paradise. Instead of "I love you". Instead of "Fuck me in the ass now."
He opened his eyes and saw that I was a bit distraught.
"Dude, are you ok? That's just a dick! You did not have to!" He looked concerned now.
I smiled. I was playing the role of the straight guy a bit too well, maybe.
"No that's fine. We have to experiment! You told it yourself, my own brother did it with his friends, no big deal! I'll tell you what, I'll even finish. I'll try to challenge me and go deeper. I'll do you a proper Martin! Then I'm counting on you to do the same thing to me on my birthday."
He did not answer but closed his eyes again. Implicitly telling me to go for it.
I went on his dick again, this time trying to do a better job. It was very thick, and it was longer than the only other dick I ever had in mouth. But I wanted it so bad. I let some tears rolled down my cheeks as I was pushing myself to swallow my roommate monster cock. It was now fully hard.
Actually, I had never seen it that hard: 9.5. inches ofraw meat.
This time, I played with my tongue and went back and forth. Austin was moaning louder and louder. He placed his hands behind his own head, like he was relaxing and letting me finishing him off. I always loved when he put his hands like this. Showing off pecs, armpits and biceps. I went on his dick harder. Licking his head. I touched his balls at the same time. I spat on it with the saliva forming in my mouth while I was gagging.
"FUCK!! That's fucking good!"
He could not hide his enjoyment anymore, some precum flew down my throat. I was touching my own dick and I jizzed, as my nose was touching his pubic hair, a large amount of cum fell on the floor. I did not tell him. It started to get even sloppier, I guess I was now "doing a Martin" right!
"Ty, be careful... I'm gonna..."
I did not stop.
"Ty... I"
I went deeper as I ever did, fighting against my gag reflex against his rock-hard dick, playing with my tongue.
He cummed inside my mouth. I was so surprise I spat half out of the cum on his thighs and abs. I almost went to swallow the rest when Austin snapped me back to reality and said:
"So sorry bro! I could not help it!"
With my mouth full of cum, I said: "Happy birthday!"
He laughed. I did too.
Sadly, I knew what I had to do to keep up the appearances. Did it still matter at this point? I had no idea but I wasted some more of that precious liquid. I spat some cum out of my mouth into the sink.
"Man... I don't know if I could do the same to you... I can jerk you off though? You made me cum I should help you out." He offered.
I had already jizzed. A lot. But Austin did not need to know that.
"No, that was YOUR birthday present. I'm too tired anyway."
"Ok, then..." He was still visibly drunk, closed his eyes, and started to doze off a few minutes later, naked on his bed, his semen sticking on his defined and slightly hairy abs.
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The first time we jerked off side by side, I could not believe it and then, it became a habit.
The first time we jerked each other off, I could not believe it and then, it became a habit.
Could this blowjob become a habit too? One closeted gay guy can always hope.
FINALLYYYYY!! Worth the wait! Thats fuckin hot!!More stories including the complete story of My First Year in College (24 chapters!) and the first 14 chapters of the sequel, My First Year in Prison, as well as exclusive illustrations and bonus on Patreon: Thomas Lodge is creating Gay Erotic Stories | Patreon
My First Year in College
Chapter 16: Doing a Martin (Part 2)
On January 27th, we all celebrated Austin's 19th birthday. I had bought him a new wrestling singlet. He was new to the sport and had to borrow some singlets from Steve for each of his class. As you can imagine I had picked the most revealing one I could find, bright yellow, with as little as fabric as possible. I could not wait for him to try it on.
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As usual, the evening started to get wild with the guys. Crowded in Gary and Steve's room, we started to play a game of truth or dare.
"Martin?" Started Gary.
"Did you ever sleep with a woman over 50?"
"Damn right I did! And it was great!" Martin bowed down, proud of himself. Everyone else applauded and/or fist bumped him.
"Keep your mommies away guys!" Shouted Luis to warn us all. Everyone got a good laugh, although, I was pretty sure nothing would stop Martin to actually fuck one of our moms.
"Steve?" Asked Martin.
"Run naked through the hallway!" Ordered Martin. "Now!"
"I am not surprised you want to see me naked Martin! I saw your looks in the locker-rooms after practice!" It was pretty ironic as Steve was always the one who seemed to stare at everyone else in our shared bathroom. I thought of the many times I got to see his boner in the past few weeks only. My ears went a little red.
"Yeah, Steve... if you say so... Now, take off those clothes!" Martin had always a sort of authoritarian tone. He made me think of Professor Fletcher in a way. Wait, Professor Fletcher did say those exact words to me actually.
I smiled to myself while Steve took off his clothes, not even trying to hide his genitals. He started running in the corridor with a huge smile on his beautiful face, his black flaccid cock flopping against his muscular thighs.
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He put back his underwear on. Only his underwear, why bother to have more clothes on when you look like that? Then he said:
"Birthday boy! Truth or dare?!"
"Dare." Replied Austin.
"I dare you to drink 3 shots of tequila out of Henry's belly button!"
Henry took off his shirt right away; This one too was always happy to show off his muscular smooth body.
"At least, he is shaved" said Gary "easier than if it were on Martins".
Martin showed off his hairy torso with a smirk. "Next time maybe." He winked.
You bet that I LOVED these parties among the guys.
Austin obliged and drank out of Henry's body. He did not leave a single drop.
"Henry" He said.
"Dare!" Shouted Henry immediately.
"Pay back time: Drink 4 shouts out of Martin's belly button!"
"Fuck you man!"
Martin was too glad to completely take off his shirt and present his hairy chest to Henry. Henry seemed to be grossed out but did not shy away, he sucked on the belly button, and told he had swallowed some hair afterwards. Again, everybody was drunk and giggling.
"Tyler. Truth or Dare?" Henry asked.
I knew that if I responded truth, I would probably have to lie but I was scared of the dare. However, I would not mind drinking some alcohol of Austin's body so I went for it.
"Wow Tyler grew some balls!" Teased Martin.
"Shut up" Austin said, defending me. I just gave Martin the finger and everybody laughed.
"Ok... I dare you to suck Austin's dick as a nice birthday present! I think the man of the hour deserves it!"
This was way out of line compared to the other challenges and way out of character for Henry. He was drunk, but still. There were a few seconds of silence. I looked at Austin. His hand was actually approaching his zipper and his crotch -- oh my god, were we doing this?! - when Henry said:
"Ok maybe that's a lot for a first blowjob... You should suck Gary instead, more manageable."
Everybody laughed, once again, not me though and not Gary who complained: "My dick is hard to manage as well... I mean... It is big!". Austin, on my right side, kept on smiling but almost seemed disappointed we did not go through with it.
"Come on Henry, give me a real challenge, something doable." I pleaded.
"Ok, ok. Just suck on this banana then! But I want a beautiful deep-throat!"
"Great idea!" Encouraged Steve.
"Martin should be the judge of my banana sucking skills then. He's the expert, right?" I said, daring the guys.
"Go ahead Ty, I'll give you your grade." Martin said imitating our strict English teacher. "Let's see if you can do a Martin properly."
Gary handed me a banana. To be honest, I had already done that once or twice before, privately though, not in a room full of straight college guys. I proceeded and tried to deep-throat the banana, under the hissing and applause of the guys. Why should I care, I went straight for it! Once I gagged, I pushed it back.
"I am impressed Tyler. I would give you a B+. You could have gone deeper but I salute the commitment" Martin shook my hand while inspecting the saliva on the banana. A devilish look in his eyes.
"Martin." I said. "You have already used your truth, right? So, Dare?"
"Dare, sure! You can ask me anything!"
"Try to go deeper than me on that banana. If you can..."
There was some tension in the air.
"Sure, I'm not a pussy" He took the banana out of my hand, it was still full of my saliva but Martin forced it down his throat right away, almost completely, a tear coming out of his eyes.
"SHIT!" Said Steve. "Wow, he really did go for it. It almost got me hard!"
Martin kept the banana in his mouth, almost challenging us all to laugh or to try to do better.
"Man, that's good, you did it." I spoke. Impressed. Intimidated even.
Martin kept on going and only removed the banana from his throat 20 seconds later, when it was totally drenched with his saliva. "The fucker!"
The challenges followed for almost half an hour until everyone was too drunk to understand the rules of the game. I know, the rules were pretty simple but we were also really drunk. Luis ended up totally naked, he looked delicious. Gary and Steve had to make out and they weirdly seemed into it.
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When we got back to our room, Austin and I were both dizzy. We struggled to open the door, both giggling like two teenagers.
"Happy 19th!" I shouted, once again.
"Thank you, my friend!" He put his arm around my neck.
"I am sorry you did not get a blowjob from a good slut for your birthday!" I hugged him.
He was undressing, now getting fully naked. I was too. We were still semi hugging. The moment was getting deeply erotic.
"Well Ty... for your birthday, I'll think to get you a hooker! I know you want to lick some bitches' ass very bad, I'll find a way to get you that!" We laughed again. I was buzzing.
I was too drunk to think straight.
Literally, I thought very gay.
He was naked before me and for the first time ever, I touched his flaccid cock. I wanted him.
"I can sacrifice myself for the team." I said seriously, staring into his blue eyes, my hand on his cock.
Austin looked at me intensely. Then, he understood.
"You think you'd know how?"
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I was still sober enough to avoid mentioning what I had done with my Laws Professor to prove my skills.
"Well, I guess it's not that complicated. I have already sucked on a banana". He started to touch his now semi-hard penis, grinning.
"Ok. Wait." He turned on the computer and launched a porn. It was not the usual stuff we would watch. In a hurry, he clicked on the first video he saw, it looked like a 90's movies with very hairy guys and normal looking girls.
He lied down on his bed.
"Let me focus on the movie." Austin slowly got harder. I was standing next to him in my boxer briefs. I was getting hard myself despite the alcohol going through my body.
I knelt down. That did feel weird and Austin looked at me, a bit unsure. I joked: "I am just about to pray the lord, nothing else".
"Man... that's so fucked up." I did not move, but then he continued: "I'm hard, you can try!"
I leant towards his big dick; I had never been that close. I took a good look, enjoying the moment. I had already seen his cock harder but it was better this way, I could ease it in my mouth while it was still a bit soft. I appreciated every vein, his big balls, his pubic hair.
I touched his dick with my hand first. He was focusing on the porn on the computer but he moaned. I played with the foreskin with my fingers, let the head out and finally, I went in, started to suck the tip of it.
Austin moaned again.
I was now sucking his dick. Taking as much in as I could. I was hoping he would guide me with his hands in my hair but he was lying still, sometimes touching his dick with his own hand but never touching me. I felt his tool growing inside my mouth. I touched his balls.
"Am I doing this right?" I asked.
"Shut up." He said abruptly. "I'm trying to picture you as a girl!"
As pathetic as this may sound, that broke my heart a little. He could enjoy my mouth only if he believed it was not mine. It did not stop me though. This was just too good. He tasted too damn delicious. I went on him deeper, harder. He moaned louder.
"Fuck, fuck" he said.
I looked towards his face; his eyes were closed. I was leaking tons of precum on the floor. My own dick was really hard. I was starting to really get into it, then I remembered I was supposed to be straight and I removed myself a bit.
He let me go and just jerked himself off with his hands for a while, still without opening his eyes.
"Thanks bro! That was a nice birthday present!"
My eyes were teary, and not only because of the difficulty of gagging on his now well erected dick. My feelings of lust, of love, of fear were overwhelming me.
He kept on jerking off:
"How did it feel?" He asked softly.
"Weird." I replied. Instead of delicious. Instead of paradise. Instead of "I love you". Instead of "Fuck me in the ass now."
He opened his eyes and saw that I was a bit distraught.
"Dude, are you ok? That's just a dick! You did not have to!" He looked concerned now.
I smiled. I was playing the role of the straight guy a bit too well, maybe.
"No that's fine. We have to experiment! You told it yourself, my own brother did it with his friends, no big deal! I'll tell you what, I'll even finish. I'll try to challenge me and go deeper. I'll do you a proper Martin! Then I'm counting on you to do the same thing to me on my birthday."
He did not answer but closed his eyes again. Implicitly telling me to go for it.
I went on his dick again, this time trying to do a better job. It was very thick, and it was longer than the only other dick I ever had in mouth. But I wanted it so bad. I let some tears rolled down my cheeks as I was pushing myself to swallow my roommate monster cock. It was now fully hard.
Actually, I had never seen it that hard: 9.5. inches ofraw meat.
This time, I played with my tongue and went back and forth. Austin was moaning louder and louder. He placed his hands behind his own head, like he was relaxing and letting me finishing him off. I always loved when he put his hands like this. Showing off pecs, armpits and biceps. I went on his dick harder. Licking his head. I touched his balls at the same time. I spat on it with the saliva forming in my mouth while I was gagging.
"FUCK!! That's fucking good!"
He could not hide his enjoyment anymore, some precum flew down my throat. I was touching my own dick and I jizzed, as my nose was touching his pubic hair, a large amount of cum fell on the floor. I did not tell him. It started to get even sloppier, I guess I was now "doing a Martin" right!
"Ty, be careful... I'm gonna..."
I did not stop.
"Ty... I"
I went deeper as I ever did, fighting against my gag reflex against his rock-hard dick, playing with my tongue.
He cummed inside my mouth. I was so surprise I spat half out of the cum on his thighs and abs. I almost went to swallow the rest when Austin snapped me back to reality and said:
"So sorry bro! I could not help it!"
With my mouth full of cum, I said: "Happy birthday!"
He laughed. I did too.
Sadly, I knew what I had to do to keep up the appearances. Did it still matter at this point? I had no idea but I wasted some more of that precious liquid. I spat some cum out of my mouth into the sink.
"Man... I don't know if I could do the same to you... I can jerk you off though? You made me cum I should help you out." He offered.
I had already jizzed. A lot. But Austin did not need to know that.
"No, that was YOUR birthday present. I'm too tired anyway."
"Ok, then..." He was still visibly drunk, closed his eyes, and started to doze off a few minutes later, naked on his bed, his semen sticking on his defined and slightly hairy abs.
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The first time we jerked off side by side, I could not believe it and then, it became a habit.
The first time we jerked each other off, I could not believe it and then, it became a habit.
Could this blowjob become a habit too? One closeted gay guy can always hope.
Finally! You did it Ty. Im excited for your birthday!![]()
Is Ryan your brother by marriage or you both share the same parents. No judgment just trying to understandMore stories including the complete story of My First Year in College (24 chapters!) and the first chapters of the sequel, My First Year in Prison, as well as exclusive illustrations and bonus on Patreon: Thomas Lodge is creating Gay Erotic Stories | Patreon
Tyler is a freshman student at Creepside College. Gay and closeted, he has some troubles controlling his urges surrounded by frat guys, sexy professors, his hot brother and most importantly, his stunning straight roommate: Austin.
As the story progresses, Tyler learns more about himself and gets closer to live his filthiest fantasies.
The story, names, and places are entirely fictional. All characters featured are above 18. Enjoy.
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My First Year in College
Chapter 1: The dorm situation
The more you will read this, the more it will be difficult for you to believe it is actually based on a true story, or rather true stories. If the places, names, and some details have been changed, I can assure you that my first year of college was one of the craziest years of my life and that it is definitely worth telling.
I had just graduated high school and was closeted to pretty much everyone except for my older brother who caught me jerking off to some hardcore gay porn (10 muscle guys banging a twink submissive) a couple of months after I turned 18.
He entered my room right when the blond twink was receiving his sixth load in the mouth and I was myself cumming a huge load on my chest.
Quite telling if you want to assess of one's sexual orientation.
Ryan pretended like he did not see anything although, afterwards, I could catch his weird looks when my dad would ask me about a potential girlfriend. He knew and, I knew that he knew.
Inspired (and sometimes pushed) by my brother who was quite the athlete - he did boxing, American football, but he was also very regular at swimming and hitting the gym -, I did exercise a bit as well. It was just enough to keep me in some sort of a shape but it mainly compensated for all the junk food I was eating.
I had always been too shy for team sports or hanging in the gym, I guess I was always scared that someone would find out that I'm gay if I stared too much or got an erection in the locker rooms, but I got pretty good at tennis and it became sort of my thing.
I was quite tall, brown hair, brown eyes, but I was rather thin and, to be honest, not as half hot as my older brother could be. Just like me, Ryan was tall, brown hair, brown eyes, but he had also a great smile, perfect skin, a nice casual beard, and a fit body built during his numerous hours of training.
He had it all: big thighs, big biceps and pecs, and the perfect round peachy butt.
I realize that saying this makes me sound like I got a crush on my big brother. Well, not that I am proud to admit it but I kind of did at times. I mean, beauty is all about confidence, right?
And Ryan was definitely confident: he always dressed well, seemed to be in control at all times, and there was something incredibly attractive in the calm and manly way he was handling himself.
The few times I *inadvertently* got a glimpse of his dick, - don't judge me, those things happen when you share a house and a bathroom - I was pleased to notice that both in length or in girth, he was way above average.
He was 23 at the time of this story and had been with the same girl for three years, but not for lack of demands. His Instagram DMs were filled with hundreds of girls wanting, sometimes begging, to see more. I wonder how many of these girls were catfishes now, but more on that later.
As for me, I was just average. Well, in theory, I should or could have looked good, but I was not totally done with puberty. I had some pimples here and there, some freckles under my eyes, I had to wear glasses most of the times and as for the confidence or sense of style: I was clearly lacking in that department. I was more identified as the nerd than the jock...
Consequently, even if I did get the occasional "do you have a girlfriend?" question, nobody was really surprised that a nerdy boy like me would still be a virgin going to college.
You may have guessed it by now: your typical gay closeted friend was super nervous about starting college.
Among the things that stressed me out most was the "dorm situation".
For the first time in my life, I would live outside of my parents' house, but more importantly, with someone else, that I had never met before, in a single room, for a whole year! This thought alone was sufficient to give me stomach ache.
I cannot count the number of bad dreams I had about the communal showers, an awful homophobic roommate, or a full dorm making fun of me while I was shitting in the toilets... Yeah, I was more worried about making it through life in the dorm than I was with making it through Law School.
Sometimes though, the anxiety was replaced by a feeling of excitement.
What if I happened to be paired with a gay Adonis, very comfortable with his sexuality, who would take care of me and all of my needs? Maybe he would fuck me hard, jizz in my asshole and in my mouth? He could offer me to his frat bros, all of them fighting to get their big dicks in my...
Wait no, every time I was starting to have this fantasy, I realized that I would probably not even dare to indulge and it got my stomach to hurt even more.
I got attributed the room 403 in Building C. Except if you got some special requests, you were automatically paired up with someone else by the university. Depending on your means, different options were available.
I was supposed to share a 14 square meters room with a complete stranger in some of the average buildings of the campus, it was nothing fancy but Building C was supposed to provide every necessary facility. I did not even know the name of my roommate; I only knew he would be a guy and this was enough to get me nervous.
But enough rambling about my closeted ass: we all know you click on this to read all about my sexual adventures in college. So, let's go to the point: the day I met Austin.
After a stressful night with almost 0 sleep and a quick goodbye to my parents, Ryan was the one driving me to the campus in Creepside where I would attend college. It was a Monday, right before the first day of class.
Ryan was in Med school (yeah, he was smart on top of being handsome, confident and fit) and would live with his girlfriend Mallory in Perv City during his first year of internship, a small town only one hour away from Creepside.
He dropped me off at noon, after four and a half hours of driving from our parent's house, with a tap of my shoulder and some advice. Again, he was wearing a tight t-shirt and I had to refrain myself for having dirty thoughts. I managed though; the anxiety I was feeling helped.
"Look Tyler, now it is the time to loosen up a bit ok. College is made for this. Don't do anything actually stupid... but please do some stupid things." He marked a pause.
"Experiment! Have fun! I know I did and freshman year of college was one of the best years of my life."
Was he actually telling me that I should experiment... with guys? Or maybe, he was telling me that he experimented with guys?
"If anything happens, anything at all, call me. I won't be far away. Now get out of my car, cause I'm gonna be late and Mallory won't stop talking about it!"
I smiled.
"Thanks Ryan." We got out the car and he helped me get my luggage from the trunk. "Ryan, can I ask you something, real?"
"What's up bro?" He looked a bit concerned.
"If everything goes wrong and I don't know... I mean... If this university thing or campus thing is not for me and I'm miserable, or if my roommate wants to kill me or something... I can call you and you would come get me? Right? And you would not say a thing to Mom and Dad?"
"Look, no matter what happens, at first, you will feel overwhelmed and it will be scary but in a couple of weeks, you will feel like this place is your home." He smiled.
"But to answer your question: of course, I would come get you stupid! I will never leave my little bro in trouble. But that won't be necessary. You'll see, something magical will happen here: you will grow up!"
I was still nervous but was feeling a bit better. I guess that everyone was overwhelmed and it was ok. The other students I would meet would be as disoriented as I was.
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Now that I look back at these moments, I realize how lucky I was to have Ryan in my life. I feel even more guilty about the what I did to him now. But more on that later.
I said I would not digress from sex and here I am again, retelling boring conversations between me and my brother. Don't worry dear reader, the sex is coming.
I entered Building C and there were a couple of families saying goodbyes in the lobby. I could see a large living space behind the lobby with some couches and further away, some tables, but I went straight to the elevator. Some girl was actually crying. In a way, that was reassuring: some people were having it worse than me.
I took the elevator and pushed 4.
The building was pretty generic and seemed clean but was a bit underwhelming compared to the pictures on the website. Some of the paints had faded, some of the lamps did not seem to work and the smell made it obvious, especially on the fourth floor, that teenagers and young adults were living there.
Room 403 was right in the middle of the corridor on the left coming from the elevator, between 401 and 405. I already had my key so I went in. The key felt weird though, like it was not really working, but the door opened.
A handsome man was inside, lying on the bed on the right side of the room. He was stark naked, his phone in his left hand, his HUGE dick in his right hand, a look of terror on his beautiful face as I moved back to the corridor and slammed the door.
This is how I met Austin.
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YES! Thank you. Im excited for him. Hope Austin will suck him. Or maybe full-on hotness. Can't wait.Tyler's birthday is one of my favourite chapters of the entire book. Just wait and see...![]()
Sorry to disappoint, the story is ENTIRELY fictionnal.Is Ryan your brother by marriage or you both share the same parents. No judgment just trying to understand
Im so sorry you literally state that at the start. ApologiesSorry to disappoint, the story is ENTIRELY fictionnal.
Ryan is Tyler's older brother but that's ALL a fiction!
For those who can't wait to read the end of the story (and the sequel) don't forger my patreon.
Thomas Lodge is creating Gay Erotic Stories | Patreon
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Ohh god what a cliffhangerMore exclusive stories including the complete story of My First Year in College (24 chapters!) and the first 13 chapters of the sequel, My First Year in Prison, as well as exclusive illustrations and bonus on Patreon: Thomas Lodge is creating Gay Erotic Stories | Patreon
My First Year in College
Chapter 15: The morning after
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Austin was now heavily snoring, lying horizontally on my bed, his feet at the edge, one shoe missing -- lost during the hazardous drunk trip to the bedroom -- the other one still on his foot. He seemed passed out and was reeking sweat and alcohol.
Do I really need to tell you what I did next?
I started by taking off the other shoe.
This made sense. Who could blame me for that?
I also removed the socks. They were stinking. Did I need to smell them? No... Did I do it anyway? Of course, yes. I revealed Austin big feet while sniffing on his socks. His feet were a bit bruised by football practice. I did not care. No, I even preferred it that way. The feet of a manly jock. I put the socks right against my mouth and inhaled the sent again. I took my time and enjoyed the moment. Apart from his breathing, Austin was not moving at all. He seemed far gone.
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I was now kneeling at the edge of the bed, a few inches from his feet, choking myself with the two sweaty socks, slowly caressing my cock through my clothes.
After a while, this teasing was no longer sufficient to appease my cravings, and I licked his toes.
I swear my dear reader, I tried not to! I tried to resist! But the heart wants what he wants, and for the penis, it's even worse.
I did it almost imperceptibly at first, my tongue barely touching his feet. But once I had started, I could no longer stop myself. I started to suck on his big toe, sniffing at the same time. I changed my position to lie on the floor, below him, my head placed right under his feet. My own saliva felt back on my lips as I was sucking and licking. I removed my trousers, got my dick out of my underwear and started jerking off.
This lasted a few more minutes. What if Austin regained consciousness? He would think there was a dog licking his feet under the bed. He would be right. I was a dog. I was a bitch for him.
I went back on my knees and started to jerk off at the sight of his full body lying before me. Even with his clothes on, his body was appealing. His bum looked delicious through his tight pants.
I put my dick back in my underwear in case he would wake up and started to undress him. That's what bros were supposed to do in such situation. Right? I was just helping a friend out.
I took off his sweater first, his t- shirt came out with it. I had to move Austin and touched his sweaty chest in the process. He was totally unconscious. His pecs felt good under my hands. After I removed his top, I got worried a bit. Was he ok? He was still breathing and snoring normally, lying on his chest. He was ok, I convinced myself.
I would explain to him the next day that he was smelling like shit and that I had to help him take out his clothes. He would be thankful.
Then I started to slide down his trousers.
His black boxer briefs came down with the jeans, revealing his butt and ass crack. I did not intend for the underwear to go off as well but I continued to slide everything down. I kissed his right cheek. Ok, I will admit, this may have been an unnecessary risk but how was I supposed to resist? I kissed his birthmarks. He hated them. I found them beautiful. Perfect, even.
I took off my dick out of my underwear again and jerked off above his now nude body. His underwear was slid down on his calves. His thighs, his ass, his back. Everything was stunning. I wanted him.
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Again, I am not proud of what happened next, especially after the resolutions I had promised myself to take but I spread his cheeks to inspect his asshole. Austin was still out. What he did not know could not hurt him.
It was quite hairy. I liked that. A very pale pink asshole. It was tight. I smelled it. I inhaled the scent. I wanted to take it all in.
I pushed things further. Forgetting all common sense, I started to lick his asshole slowly. The jizz flew out of my dick before I could realize it. The first contact between my tongue and his ass was too much for me to handle. I cummed. Some landed on Austin's ass and thighs. I ate it, moving my tongue along his body, cleaning the evidence of my crime... As I said before, there are few things I hate more in life than wasting cum.
While I was licking a bit of cum out his hairy ass, Austin moved.
I thought I was having a heart attack. I was stunt.
He mumbled.
Fuck. He was awake. Of course! He had felt my tongue inside him. He moved his head a bit but did not completely turn around. "Mmmmmf... Ashley..." He said. Did that mean she rim him often? I knew he liked that from his taste in porn.
It was already too late when I saw his hand searching behind his back. In a moment of terror, I felt his hand reaching for my head, still bent over, and he pulled me further towards his ass. Pushed by Austin, I continued to rim his ass. My tongue buried deep inside his hole, I had lost any inhibition.
He let go off my head. "Mmmmm... Ashley." He whispered again.
I pulled back. I was now standing beside the bed, my flaccid dick covered of sperm fully exposed. My whole body was shaking. I managed to put my underwear back on.
My resolution did not last long, did it...?
Austin mumbled something else that I could not understand. I could certainly make sense of removing his clothes off, but the ass licking, that would be hard to explain.
I stayed like that a few minutes before I heard him snoring again.
I put his underwear back on, touching again his buttocks and groin in the process.
I lied down next to him. What would happen the morning after? He had just made me lick his asshole. I had cummed on his butt... Did he realize?
A few hours later, I woke up in my bed, Austin's face right next to mine. His lips only a few inches away from mine. A ray of sun illuminating his cheeks. I gazed at him for maybe an hour before he opened his eyes.
"Hi babe..." He said jokingly.
My heart melted.
"Hi Austin... Slept well?" I was a bit nervous. What would he remember?
"I feel like I'm dying..."
"Yeah... You bet..."
"Well, you had to expect the hungover after last night mate..."
"Oh man... I drank too much... right? Did I do something stupid?" This thought seemed to wake him up for good. He straightened in the bed.
"You did make out with my sister-in-law Mallory!"
His eyes opened wide: "I DID WHAT?!"
"I'm just joking but you should see your face right now!"
"Not funny dude... Damn, your parents invited me and I totally blacked out... Maybe I should apologize to them?"
"No, that's fine, they were already in bed when you started to be a little too excited, and then, you just passed out on the bed..."
He looked at his clothes spread out on the floor.
"I don't even remember getting to bed..."
What a relief, I thought.
"Ryan and I had to carry you out, you undressed as best as you could and passed out." I said this casually and he did not question this version of the story, neither he mentioned any rimming. Good.
"You seem fine! How can you not be hungover? I saw you drink as well!"
"Yeah, I did drink, a bit... but not as much as you..."
He made a face:
"I really need to shower. I stink."
He smelt his armpits and got up out of the bed. His grey boxers were hanging much lower than usual - my work was messy the night before - and I could see his pubic hair as well as his very obvious morning erection. He noticed.
"Oops." He said smiling.
"Not something I have never seen before." I responded. Truthfully, we were way passed the point of caring of showing our respective morning woods off.
"Yeah... but maybe I should calm myself down before going to the shower."
"Yes, I'm not sure I would appreciate you walking into my mom like that." I joked. "I'm hard too" I exposed my own morning wood forming a tent through my ample underwear.
"It's so hard to have it come down in the morning when you have not jerked off in a while" He said.
"By in a while, you mean the last 24 hours?" I replied.
He laughed. If only he knew that last time I had jerked off was on his bare ass just a few hours prior...
"We could release some tension now!" I proposed.
And we did. He lied back on my bed, he took his phone and searched for a good porn we would enjoy. We had already jerked off together multiple times but never in the same bed. This level of intimacy was something new. It turned me on some more.
I got fully naked myself and started beating off. Our legs and arms were almost touching. I was barely hiding that I was looking at his huge cock and leaking head. This dick, I could never get enough of. Living this experience in my childhood bedroom was surreal.
In the position we were in, he had to hold his phone with his left hand so he could jerk off properly. That was not super comfortable for him so we switched places. Austin literally moved over me in the bed so we could change sides, his bare ass brushed my dick fully hard. OH MY GOD. I would have to remember this moment for many jerking-off sessions to come. I almost cummed on his ass (again).
Once we were both comfortably settled, we watched two girls sharing a big black cock, spitting in each other's mouths on the small screen. Austin, inspired, spat on his dick. I spat on mine. He smirked.
"Copycat" he said.
I spat on his dick to make him shut up, it seemed to only get him more excited.
He took my hand and put it on his dick. "Wash out your saliva nasty boy!"
I knew what to do. We had been there before. Not for a while though. I was super excited to find back this feeling of his dick pulsating under my fingers. He reached my own dick. We mutually jerked off for several minutes.
I spat again on his dick and balls while touching them. It was getting filthy, filthier than anything we had ever done. Another barrier had been lifted. Maybe, it was the right moment to ask Austin if I could suck him off? Or maybe, I could go straight for it! I was sure he would not mind at this point.
Pretending that I wanted a better view of the screen, I moved closer to him to fully touch his legs. He did not react. What was I expecting?
So much for "new year new me", I thought, it was not even 11am on Jan. 1st and I had already broken all of my rules.
"It does make a difference when it's someone else touching your cock, right?" He said suddenly.
"Yeah..." I moaned.
"Look at that bitch's pussy, never seen a girl in real life being that wet! Hmmm!"
I felt that I was about to cum, I knew he was about to cum as well. We knew each other's well at this point.
Generally, when Austin felt I was about to jizz, he would remove his hand from my cock to avoid getting splashed. I then felt obligated to remove mine from his cock even though all I wanted was feeling his warm milk on me.
We were about to do that when the door of my bedroom opened wide:
"WAKE UP GUYS!" Ryan walked in the room wearing only his red boxer briefs, suddenly shocked by the sight before him: his young brother and his roommate were wanking each other off!
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I was petrified, horny, already about to cum, I could not stop: I blew my load! Right in front of my brother and right on Austin's hand.
"Fuck!!" shouted Austin. Showing his hand to both my brother and I. Ryan started to laugh hard, closely followed by Austin.
"WHAT THE FUCK GUYS?!" Ryan fell on the floor, hysterical.
Austin made a joke but was quite red, he had not cummed and his cock became flaccid. I noticed my hand was still on his dick, I removed it hastily.
Austin was a bit embarrassed and was casually wiping his hands on some tissues found on the nightstand. Me, I was mortified.
My brother could not stop laughing.
"Well, that's awkward" Austin stood up, putting his underwear back on.
I put my hands all over my head, trying to hide myself, and realized it was still full of cum. I wiped it down on the covers.
"Ryan I... This is..."
Ryan finally (!) stopped laughing, he sat down on the bed smirking.
"Because you think I have never jerked one of my buddies off?!"
I was stunt.
"I need to go to the shower now, if you'll excuse me. I will leave you settle this between family members." Joked Austin.
Still naked, hiding under the covers, I wanted to bury myself in a hole. How could Austin be so cool about this?
Ryan replied:
"Yes, go to the bathroom Austin. You look like you need to finish something! See, my brother, had, at least, the guts to finish the work. Do you need a hand?"
Did my straight brother just offered to my straight best friend to jerk him off? I was exploding inside. A nice change from exploding outside you might say.
"No thank you." My roommate declined politely with a smile. "I can take care of myself."
He left the room. Implying he was about to finish himself off in our bathroom. This was unreal.
"Ryan... this is the most embarrassing moment of my life." I finally said.
Ryan had a more serious tone now.
"Who cares? Guys do that sometimes..." He paused. "Although... Does he know?"
"Know what?" I knew exactly what he meant but I kept pretending.
"Well... Tyler... are you not..." He looked at me intensely before finishing his sentence: "gay?"
Shit. He just said it. The word that could change everything. I did not reply. I guess this was a sufficient answer in itself.
"That's cool you know. Nobody cares." He said and left the room.
I felt empty and exhausted in all possible ways.
That afternoon, it was planned for Ryan, Mallory and Austin to travel back together as Austin's parents were living near Perv City. We all said goodbye and I was a bit terrified as what they could say to each other during this long car ride. I must say, I also thought of all the dirty things Ryan and Austin could do together.
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I had four days left in my parent's house before going back to College. At first, I was so drained from the previous week that I did not think about sex (well not as obsessively as usual). I read some manga and went back to my safe place, playing hours of video games with Austin.
But a couple days before going back to Campus, I was getting horny again.
RAMSOM_PL was no longer active on Instagram, he told me it would be for a while, and I was starting to chat again with some strangers through Anna's profile. Although, it was not that fun when I did not know the guys I was talking to in real life.
This fake profile did make me feel some type of power. I did get my brother to stick a toothbrush up his ass, licking his own cum... What could I get other men to do? And then came another thought, even more dangerous: What could I get Austin to do?
I sent a request to Austin Instagram profile. He approved it in the next few seconds. The boy was always horny and suddenly, a hot russian cheek had given him a follow.
And just like with my brother a few days before, I started flirting with my roommate. After 4 messages, he was already sending me eggplants emojis. A very encouraging sign.
The next day, he was sending me shirtless pictures and was asking for my Skype, my Snapchat or my number. He was not very talkative in his chats but sent me vocals, insisted on playing "live". "Cam4cam" he would call it. This fish was harder to catch than my brother. Live was certainly a thing I could not do even though I contemplated the idea of buying a blond wig for the occasion...
The night before going back to campus, I sent him another video of Sofia/Anna. She was touching herself. I wanted Austin to go further. I knew it would be more difficult when we would share a room. Merely impossible. I had to act now.
He reactivated positively to the video:
"Fuck Anna, I did not know you could be that naughty! Do you like to be a naughty girl?"
"Oh yes babe!"
"You want to be MY naughty girl?"
I knew exactly what turned him on. What the hell, I went all for it:
"Yes baby, I would suck you deep until I cry my eyes out, I would lick your ass, do anything you want! I'll be your bitch."
"Hmmm, fuck babe! Do you want to see my big dick?!" He sent a picture of his bulge; he was hard under his boxers. Again, this was very impressive and I knew this was not false advertising.
"Oh yes please!"
"Send me another video live."
I did. I took a similar video from the one I had just sent. My collection was sufficient to have footage for days of sexting.
He did not respond at first.
Then, 10 minutes later, I received a single message, only seconds before "Anna" got blocked by Austin:
Fuck! I was screwed. How did he find out?
It's making me want to write loads of fanfiction lmao on archiveWell you have a great imagination and love the images too !
Again with the cliffhangers, the professor fletcher parts are going to be interesting because if he treated the other students like he did Tyler then he didn’t rape any of the students he literally gives them a choiceMore stories including the complete story of My First Year in College (24 chapters!) and the first 15 chapters of the sequel, My First Year in Prison, as well as exclusive illustrations and bonus on Patreon: Thomas Lodge is creating Gay Erotic Stories | Patreon
My First Year in College
Chapter 17: The Bread Game (Part 2)
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The rules were simple. With no external help, all 11 guys needed to jerk off and cum on a large piece of bread. The last to blow his load had a choice: to renounce to the event and be excluded from the fraternity or to eat the whole bread, sprayed with the sperm of the entire group.
We were all showering, naked of course, when X explained the game. In his usual style, he was casually pissing in the drain while talking about the girls and their most recent antics. Even flaccid, his dick was unbelievable, at least 5.5 inches in length and 2.5. or 3 inches in girth. I told you, this man should be in a freak museum.
As always, nobody dared to challenge the game or its rules. X decides and just like perfectly trained soldiers, we obey. It's just the way it works. If you are not capable of following orders or refuse to participate in the fun, then you are labelled a pussy and put aside from the group.
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I accepted the game without fully thinking about the consequences and took my position in the jerk circle.
X had thought it through as he took a piece of bread out of his bag and placed it right in the middle of the locker-room floor between two sets of benches. Some of us sat down, other were standing, and we all started to touch our cocks. One of our mates, that I do suspect to be gay, - not that I would care - only had to touch his dick for 2 seconds to get it fully hard. He is known to have spontaneous hard-ons in the communal showers, he is also sharing my bathroom in the dorms and I got to see him hard tons of times already.
I had a stupid thought at first. What if I got hard too quickly and everyone assumed I was gay myself? Then, I realized that nobody cared about that and they were all rapidly stroking their cocks, eager to cum first. I mean, they were right, losing the game was way worse than cumming too early in this case.
Two of the guys helped each other with their hands while closing their eyes to cum faster. With no porn, and only masculine energy around, it was hard for me to focus. I was too stressed to get a good erection. I started to think of the latest video of L. that I had seen (her rimming a black guy) but I could not ignore X right next to me, heavily breathing.
He was not the first to cum though. Two guys jizzed their loads on the bread pretty much at the same time, one of them missing completely his target and cumming on X's feet. X's reaction was immediate, he slapped him and ordered him to clean his feet. The guy obeyed and with a disgusting face started to collect his own cum from X's foot.
He used his fingers but that was a mistake, of course.
"With your tongue!" X barked.
Again, the guy with poor aim obeyed and started to lick his cum out of our leader's feet. This scene of intense domination, I have to admit, helped me achieving a good hard on. It also helped some of my other comrades as a few of them cummed at this instant. A friendly fire touched my forearm, the black guy who had just shot on me was cumming like a fucking geyser. I did not force him to lick it out of me though.
After a few minutes, the guys who had already cummed started to laugh and joke around, betting on their horses: Who would be the last one to ejaculate?
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I looked a X. He was enjoying his time, smirking and making some comments about his big balls being full. He seemed able to fully control whenever he wanted to cum and was casually looking at the 5 other remaining guys in the "competition".
This pressure did not help me and I had to gather my thoughts again to my favorite lesbian scene to maintain my erection. Two other guys cummed in front of me. The bread was now fully covered in a thick white substance, collecting the sperm of no less than seven men already.
After less than a minute, one other guy cummed. He did not have much jizz and X made fun of him, encouraging the other guys to do the same: "how many times did you jerk off today to have so little milk left in your tank?". Still, he was now an official guest to the week-end sexcapade.
While he was mocking him, I started to think of what X could do to that poor guy, making him suck his feet, his ass, forcing him to eat the bread. Those fantasies helped me get my juice coming. I felt the sensation of excitement growing on me. I knew that I was getting ready.
Sadly, it was already too late. The 9th guy loaded his cum on the bread, this time a very large and thick amount, and only X and I were remaining in the game.
From this point on, I knew that I was screwed.
I looked at X's enormous dick, his two hands were far from sufficient to cover the entire surface of his foreskin. He smiled at me as he blasted his huge load effortlessly on the unrecognizable piece of bread, I cummed too but it was a few seconds too late.
It took me a while to realize the tricky (and messy) situation I had put myself in.
When the fact that I had lost slowly sunk on me, I really thought it would be impossible to do. I could not go through with it and eat that moistly disgusting piece of bread. In a million years. Who would do that? No one!
I pleaded my case to X, I really wanted to go to the sex party that week-end. I knew the girls who would be there, I had already dreamt of fucking one of them. I had cummed watching them on my phone.
X told me that of course I could come, but the rules were clear. I needed to eat my lunch first. I needed those proteins to join the "real men" who were able to cum on command. I had cummed too but this did not seem to matter.
The other guys started encouraging me, laughing loudly and screaming that I was a pussy if I did not eat it. Some said "it's good for your health!" "it's the rule of the game" "you will regret it if you miss all the fun this week-end!"
Peer pressured, I reached down to pick up the piece of bread as if someone else was controlling my hand. Only touching it almost made me puke. I took a step back.
X left me no choice though, he suddenly pushed me down holding my neck in his large hand, and a second later, I had my face pressed against the disgusting piece of bread. I could smell the strong odor of semen, I could feel the bread sticking against my cheeks, some of the cum was sliding down my face to my chin and neck.
I know what needs to be done this kind of situation. It was a battle for power, to gain respect. You cannot submit, you cannot be a pussy. Either you fight back and punch the bully, it was impossible here, either you show what you are made of, you take control, in this case, it meant putting the fucking soaking bread in my mouth and eat it.
I did it.
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Tired of being forced towards it, I pushed X's arm and took the bread in my hand. Cum leaked through my fingers as I smashed it in my palm. I then put the whole thing in my mouth in one go, ate it, and swallowed it as best as I could. The taste was awful. The disgusting and shock looks of my teammates were worse. I pushed it through my throat.
In a way, I felt some kind of power, purposely looking in the eyes of the men who just cummed: I was eating their semen, absorbing their DNA, their beings, their energy.
However, a few seconds later, I could no longer breathe properly. There was just too much cum. I was choking as I felt the spongy liquid stuck in my throat. Eleven horny college studs had jizzed. Bubbles formed in my full mouth. I swallowed some more. I felt sick to my stomach. I coughed. I felt dizzy.
I kept on pushing through, feeling jizz between my teeth. The other guys were not laughing anymore. I held it as much as I could but at some point, I puked. A mixture of saliva, bread, and cum was now on the floor. There were some applauses and more disgusted faces. 24 hours later, I still can feel the taste of their cum inside of me.
I don't know what came on to X, I guess he needed to show that he was still the leader, still the one who was not afraid of anything. He got himself on his knees, looked all of us in defiance, bent towards the liquid I had just puked on the floor and licked it. He then proceeded to eat it all.
I was shook! Was there anything off limit for X?
The guys cheerfully applauded at that point and the decision was rendered: I was admitted to the sex party which will happen next week-end and the Bread Game was to become one of our new games post training.
To be very transparent, I'm not bothered because this was a "traumatic" experience. I'm not here to be a pussy, to cry out that "the other guys were mean". I had fully accepted the rules of the game. Anybody else who would have cummed last would have eaten the fucking bread. This time it was me but a lot of times, others guys were the victims of the hazing. It was only fair in a college fraternity.
The thing I am bothered with has more to with the fact that it WAS NOT a traumatic experience. When I think about it now, I am questioning if I may have liked it... I sure loved the dominance X was showing off. He is so sure of himself, of his manhood, that he can lick cum out of the fucking floor and still call himself an Alpha Male.
Above all, I am disturbed that I was willing to do such disgusting things only to get the chance to participate in an orgy. Am I really capable of eating loads of sperm in front of my teammates just to fuck a girl in the ass? It seems that I am! When they say you learn a lot about yourself during college years, I just did not think I would learn that about myself.
I'm afraid that if I go to this party, it will be my finale step into the kinky world of X and I don't know how I could ever back to normal after that. At the same time, there is no way in hell I won't go, I want to deepthroat that Pornstar until she cries her eyes out!
I am sorry if my story is confusing. I am confused myself. I'd just like to have some of your opinions... Guys, is this normal? Am I normal?
/// END OF POST ///
I swear I did not intend to read the whole post but once I had started to read through the first paragraph, I could not stop.
"I actually liked it", Austin said about my blowjob.
"It was super weird at first, being sucked by a guy, especially because I consider my roommate almost like a brother", a brother, he wrote.
"The poor guy, I exploded in his mouth, he had to spit it out in the sink!" If only he knew how much I liked it!
And the stories about Tobias, or should I say "X", the things they were doing... I thought I knew everything about Austin, I did not. I was hard the whole time I was reading about Austin actually eating cum.
Austin entered in our room only seconds after I turned off his computer. It was close, I was jerking to the last part of the post, just before he came in.
Austin did not look like his usual self, he was preoccupied:
"Have you heard what happened? I just saw the cops in front of the campus! That shit is real!"
I had no idea what he was referring too, my mind was still very much focused on figuring out who the other guys of the story were. Eleven men. He had swallowed eleven loads of cum, including his own.
"The police just came to take him, right after his class!" Austin continued, seemingly excited and nervous at the same time.
He finally got my attention.
"Who? What the fuck are you talking about?'
"The professor! Ty!" Suddenly, he seemed thrilled. "You know him actually! I completely forgot! You had him last semester! He's accused of raping students."
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He marked a pause:
"Male students."
I felt myself shaking.
"What are you saying? Who's the professor? I don't understand!"
"Apparently, he has raped several students over the years! This story is insane man! Medias are already coming in to the campus! Wait, since you got him last year, maybe you'll get interviewed!" Austin looked at his phone to check his info: "His name is Fletcher. Professor Fletcher, you got him last semester, right?"
My heart dropped in my stomach.