*Fiction / All characters within this story are 18+. Any resemblance between the characters in the work and real-life individuals is unintentional.**Fiction / All characters within this story are 18+. Any resemblance between the characters in the work and real-life individuals is unintentional.*
Chapter 5:
Javier was beyond pissed, he needed to cool down. He stormed through the hallway towards the pool. His stomping echoed through the paper thin walls. The apartment building windows rattled with each heavy drop.
“I can’t believe I caught that fucker…I just want to fucking ki—“ he stopped and began to turn around. His inner dialogue stopped him.
What are you doing…
You cant just beat him up…
He’s young….
He’s horny…
At one point, you were young…you were extremely horny...
I mean come on…
Javier looked down, his raging beast had begun to rest.
A guy his size is clearly meant to be dominated by a giant like yourself…
You did go a little far by punching the hole in the wall…
Damn…he is a little freak though…my used gym shorts??
..And even further by saying you weren't his step brother--
Fuck...His ass was just..perf…
dude…what in the actual fuck are you saying right now?
He found himself at the gate for the pool, not a single soul had occupied the space. Great, he needed to be by himself. The sun was bright, and it was hot.
His eyes quickly scanned the area, while his mind did a mental checklist.
“Pool. Check.”
“Jacuzzi. Check.”
“Pool chairs. Check.”
“Bathroom. Check.”
His giant feet carried him over to the far right corner of the pool area. As far away from the gate as possible. The fabric stretching glutes found their place on the seat and planted them down
Just like the couch, The massive tree trunk legs hung over the sides of the pool chair. Javi pulled out another joint and lit it. He just wanted to sleep, he wanted to forget that he saw his ‘step brother’ with his gym shorts in his mouth, fucking tiny ass perv.
His eyes closed, and all he saw were vivid images of Grant jerking off and saying his name. He opened his eyes in disbelief, then put a hand to his head. “I’m never going to get this image out my head am I?”
The rusted pool gate opened, this pulled his eyesight away from the memories of the bathroom. Javi saw a slightly older gentleman walk in, maybe mid 40’s. Slight muscle build, and peppered hair. They caught each other’s line of sight, waved and went back to their respective bubbles.
Javi’s eyes closed again, but this time he thought of Farrah. God she was so fucking hot. His mind took him further, she was naked in front of him. He took another drag of the joint. His vision became a little more descriptive, however this time she was bouncing on his monster cock.
His brown eyes open to see the slowly growing monster. His yellow shorts started to shift. His eyes looked over at the man. He was focused on doing his own thing.
His mind went back into the fantasy and looked down. Her pussy was tightly stretched out around his cock. She moaned loudly. He pulled it out, and dived into her puckering rosebud. A male voice moaned in the fantasy world, and his minds eye looked upwards to find Grant looking back.
Grants hips started to forcibly slam down on to his cock, taking the full length. His eyes were rolled back in his head and he looked like was in ecstasy, “OOH FUCK~ Javi, you’re so fucking deep in my second hole!!!” Javi’s hands took over, grabbed his little stepbrothers waist and started to speed up. Grants ass jiggled with each slam, and Javi’s cock loved the sight of it. Javi was sickened on the other hand. The sound of grating metal pulled him out of the fantasy.
Javi reopened his eyes and groaned. The male tenant was no longer sitting across the pool, but was now walking over. His eyes darted back to his crotch to find a painfully throbbing python laying in his lap. Fuck fuck fuck…
“Hi neighbor, nice to meet you.” The man said across the way.
“Hi.” Javi was looking away, trying not to entertain the conversation
“Names Charles, unit 10, I remember seeing you in the hallway.” Charles put a hand out to shake, Javier ignored it "...okay, never mind." The peace offering withdrew
“Javi. I remember you too…” his member throbbed , fuck why won’t this fucking thing go down…
“Beautiful weather we’re having right?” Charles eyes looked up at the sky and then focused on Javi’s face
“Yeah, super beautiful.” His cock bounced again, Javi’s right hand found its place over his crotch, barely covering the massive slab of meat.
“What unit number are you in?” Charles managed to main conversation
“4.” Javi didn’t want to entertain this any longer. His hand instinctively squeezed, what the fuck are you doing, you’re in front of a fucking stranger
“Oh? You’re rooming with Grant?” Charles found his spot next to Javi, “cute guy. Tiny. Nice ass.”
“Yeah…” Javi’s left hand stationed itself behind his head, his hairy pit was on full display, “he IS tiny as fuck…” his fingers start to fondle the massive orbs in the yellow trunks. The perverted thought of his hands wrapped around Grants tiny waist appeared in his minds eye.
“How do you know him?” His eyes till fixated on Javi’s face, “…are y’all in a relationship?”
Javi looked over, he couldn’t believe this conversation was taking place after what just happened. “No. He’s my step brother.”
“Oh…sorry man, my bad.” Charles paused, trying to think of something to say, “So…umm…you’re straight?”
“Honestly….” Javi eyes closed, and the fantasy of Grant taking the massive cock to the hilt replayed, “I don’t know anymore…”
“Well I was just wondering because, y’know…” Charles head nodded towards the elephant in the room, he continued, “I’m just saying…I’m married, and you’ve got the power to even make me want to get on my knees…”
“Excuse me?” Javier’s bushy eyebrows raised, their eyes met
“Sir…” Charles placed his hand on Javi’s thigh, near the head and it visibly bounced in the tight shorts. “your meat is hard as a rock, your hand has been playing with it for the past 20 minutes, and I’ve been sitting here watching.”
Javi’s body froze, all attention was on the contact between the two of them. Charles moved his hand a little closer to the bulge. “You’re not used to someone being this direct, are you?”
“Ahem. N-no, I-I’m just thinking….” Javi stammered
Charles hand inched closer, while Javi’s right hand moved away.
“Oh? What have you been thinking…” Charles picked himself up and straddled the end of the chair Javi was sitting on. Both of his hands found their place on Javi’s thighs, “….about?” The yellow covered meat slab was begging to be released
Javi’s heart was beating out of his chest, “I…umm…” his breathing started to intensify, “Look dude, I’m not…”
“Do you mind if I….” Charles’ hands slid their way over the shorts, forcefully grazing the bulge, Javi’s heart jumped like his cock, “my, my, my….what do we have here?”
The pepper haired man stuck his fingers in the waist band and began to pull. The beast began to shift, Javi’s bush was the first thing to be seen. The torture began, as the slow unveiling commenced.
“Oh…fuck…” Javi’s eyes hooded over, his hands gripped the chair behind him. The giant globes of muscles tightened underneath, pushing his hips up.
The massive snake moved with the shorts. Its thick body peaked out, “whoa….i see something…” Charles pulled the waist band down, just above Javi’s knees, but his piece was being painfully restrained. The full length was shown, but the material collar still covered the mushroom head.
With one quick yank, Javi’s meat hammer flung up doing a full arch and landed past his belly button with a loud thwack. A bit of pre-cum flung out from the slit, and landed on Charles’ chest. The momentum of the arch pulled his balls up, inadvertently making them jiggle with force. His glutes clenched, the jewels tensed up, then relaxed in full display.
Like he just discovered buried treasure, Charles’ jaw dropped in awe, “Sir…how, does this even fit in someone???”
“I make it fit…” Javi’s glutes clenched again, thus making the monster throb, and produce a bit of precum that leaked onto his abs.
“Do you mind if I….” Charles gulped, “…touch it?”
Javi’s head nodded, giving permission. His eyes were still hooded, and his breathing became deeper.
His hand found its place around the base. With about a half inch of space, his thumb and middle finger barely fit around the cylinder. The head flared out, and veins protruded from the shaft. His other hand gently cupped the lemon sized balls, and light tugged on them. The left hand slowly started to milk Javi’s cock, squeezing out some more pre-cum. His mouth hovered over the opening, and his tongue lapped up the candy that the beast gave out. Javi’s body convulsed, and his balls violently shook.
“Wow…I’m impressed…” Charles grabbed the bottom half of the meat stick and wiggled the 3/4s of meat that was left over, “it’s fucking huge mate…I’ve never seen one this big….” Both hands grabbed hold, and he started to work the piece. His lips gently kissed the large vein on the underside.
“Oh….shit….” Javi’s eyes closed, and his mind went back to the fantasy world. Farrah and Grant were there, both of them were focused on his monster. Why do I keep thinking of this fucking perv…
**Farrah’s face slowly disappeared out of sight, leaving only Grant to conquer the beast. Both of his hands were wrapped around the base, and still couldn’t fit. His fingers were absolutely dwarfed.
Grant opened his mouth and swiftly placed it on the head. His tongue began working the head, and his lips were stretched out completely. “Fffuuuuck” His stepbrothers dark brown eyes looked up intently, and that’s when he took the full length down his throat. It was tight, very tight, wet and warm.**
Javi threw his head back, and his hips bucked. “UGH FUCK…GRANT!!!” His eyes shot open, and saw Charles mouth gaped.
“I’m sorry, what did you just say?” He let go of the monster and it fell to the side.
“Umm…I—“ Javier couldn’t think of anything to say, he looked down at his dick, and back at Charles.
“You just said your step brother’s name…” Charles started to get up, “…do you….normally fantasize about him?”
“….uh…I just…ehhh….I’m sorry, I need to go……” Javi scrambled up quickly, stuffed his eggplant back into the fabric cage, and ran out of the pool area. Leaving Charles behind dazed and confused. Javi’s cock painfully raged on.
“Holy shit…what is fucking wrong with me?” Javi whispered to himself, as he swung the gate open and made his way back to the apartment
*Fiction / All characters within this story are 18+. Any resemblance between the characters in the work and real-life individuals is unintentional.**Fiction / All characters within this story are 18+. Any resemblance between the characters in the work and real-life individuals is unintentional.*
Chapter 5:
After our interaction in the bathroom, I cleaned myself up as best I could. I was still shaking. I had never seen Javi get that upset. Nothing like a cold shower to bring you back to reality, right?
“Ugh, he hates me….” I found myself staring at the hole in the wall from my bed. My inner voice tried its hardest to convince me otherwise, i don’t think he does Grant…
My head found its place on my pillow and I turned to my window. It was bright, but I didn’t have the energy to close the curtains. “of course he does…” the defeatist in me pushed the voice to the side
Javier left my place and I hadn’t heard from in over an hour. My guess was that he was down by the pool, or maybe he went to the gym. I honestly didn’t know, and was glad that he wasn’t around.
My eyes closed, as I tried to imagine disappearing into the twin size mattress. I almost successfully did it, had it not been for the familiar jingle from my phone. My eyes shot open, while my heartbeat jumped.
Pressing ignore, I tried to push the sound out of my head. It stopped. The tune picked up again, and forced me to look at the screen. It was Court, I haven’t talked to her in months. For once I didn’t feel alone within time and space.
“hello?” My voice was low
“Hiiiii~ Grant~” She was like a blast of sunshine that shown through the dark home of my thoughts
“Court?” I turned over
“I don’t know…you tell me? Who do you think it is…” I could hear she was walking, “I thought we promised…y’know…forever?”
“you’re right…” I forced myself to get up, “I’m sorry, I’ve just been dealing with—”
“Hey, you don’t have to explain. We’re adults now, I get it.” She paused, “I’ll tell you what…come downstairs and you can make it up to me.”
I heard a small tap at the window, and looked out. She was in mid throw, when she looked up at the window. A small pebble dropped, and a familiar hand waved in my direction.
“So…are you gonna just let me stand down here by myself?” She smiled softly, “I might get kidnapped…”
“Oh please…who’s gonna kidnap you?” I smiled back, “I’ll be down in a second.”
I made my way down towards the back entrance of the building, and exited out of the fluorescent hallway.
The light was blinding, forcing me to close my eyes. The image of Javier’s pecs bouncing skated through my mind. To rid myself of the image, my eyes had to suffer. Court came into view. We smiled at each other, paused, quickly embraced. started to walk with no destination in plan.
We walked for what seemed like 20 minutes in total silence. The cars passed us, and a stranger or two would quickly walk by. The world around us was moving faster than we were. It was like there was a bubble of fog around my head.
I think I was having an out of body experience…
Court spoke about her boyfriend, and how they’re currently on the rocks. She mentioned he said he felt he couldn’t satisfy her. She held up her pinky while rolling her eyes. I couldn’t make out what she said, but “I love him,” was in one of the sentences.
My face looked up towards the sky.
“Hellloooo???” Court waved her hand in my face, “Are you listening???”
My attention came back, “yes, sorry, I’m here. I’m listening.”
“Oh yeah???” She stopped, a face of disapproval looked at me, “what did I say?
“You said….” I tried to come up with something pertaining to penis size, “you love…your boyfriend…for his…penis size?”
She rolled her eyes, “good guess….but not what I said…” she continued, “what is going on? This isn’t you…”
I realized it was my turn to show and tell. However I couldn’t tell her that “I got caught jerking off to the image of him, and that I wanted his massive piece in my guts.” She would literally never talk to me again.
“Javi isn’t paying rent (you fucking liar) and it’s stressing me out.” My face looked down
“What??? He’s been there for how long…and he’s not paying rent?” Her hand found my shoulder
“We got into a huge argument about it today…” I stopped “I mean, like, a huge…argument.” My hand touched my cheek, the sheer weight of his piece came back to mind.
“So…what did you do?” Her eyes widened
“I told him to ‘fuck off, get out of my apartment’…” my body turned around, instinctively taking me back home, “I said, ‘I wish he never came into my life,’ and ‘you’re not my family.”
“Okay…?” I could tell she didn’t believe me, “...then what did he do?”
I looked at her, “He punched a hole in my wall.”
“Oh shit...” Her jaw dropped
We walked in silence the rest of the way back to my place.
Unfortunately the man has a full time job to attend to. Sad for us who are totally on edge wanting that cock.Sonuvabitch...
PLEASE tell me you're not gonna keep us waiting!
That was perfect.
Just keep doing what you’re doing. In my mind I’ve already sunk my arse on that cock. Ow!*Fiction / All characters within this story are 18+. Any resemblance between the characters in the work and real-life individuals is unintentional.*
Chapter 5:
Javier rushed back into the apartment. His cock was painfully throbbing. He never had an experience like that before, his blood pressure was up. His mind couldn’t stop fantasizing about Grant though. He just wanted to know what it felt like to be deep inside him. To know if Grant could even handle him. To make him scream sounds of pleasure.
“What the fuck is wrong with me…why am I even wondering these things???” He closed the door behind him, and leaned back, “...why am I even thinking about him like that? He's my fucking....step-brother.”
His eyes closed. Grant was now on top of him, nails digging into muscled chest. His hips grinding quickly, impaling himself. Javi could feel the snake painfully strain in his shorts. He needed to shoot his load immediately.
“Grant!?” He yelled out, silence called back in response, “Guess he’s gone.”
He grabbed his pec and gave it a tight squeeze, then started massaging. The sound of his chest hair rustled, while his feet carried him over to the recliner.
He was like an octopus that had no control over his actions. His tree trunk leg lifted swiftly, and straddled the seat. His right hand was squeezing the clothed monster, while following up and down his abs. His left hand searched his bag for some lube, but all he could find was coconut oil. His legs sprawled open, while his left hand found the oil, his right hand located the controller to the smart tv.
He was bestial, he needed to release immediately. Javi repeated what Charles did by the pool, letting the monster out. The snake flung out in an arch, and smacked down with a loud, hollow THWACK on his abs. His fingers wrapped around the base of his cock, stuck it straight up to the ceiling, and squeezed. Veins popped out, while the head became engorged.
“Huff huff…you’re just…so…fucking big…” He caressed his pendulous cum filled balls while giving the compliment, his massive paw squeezed them tightly. His cock longingly pulsed in the death grip, forcing the head to become overly engorged, turning it to a shade deep, dark pink.
His giant fingers loosened their grip and jerked quickly on the base. The action pulled the hanging orbs up, and began wildly throwing them around.
His lustful eyes closed again, this time Grant was face down. His hole was tightly closed, ready to take the girth of his Arizona canned cock. Grant’s tiny fingers were spreading his milky white cheeks apart. His hole was a delicate pink in comparison to his massive, brown skinned, piece.
“Javi…I just need you in me…” Grant’s breath was labored, "I’m begging—“
His pink hole beckoned his cock. Javier imagined massaging the head over the opening.
“I...just...want you to stretch me open…” Grant looked back, “Please. Break me.“
Javi’s eyes opened, his cock was now leaking like a waterfall. His hand grabbed a handful of coconut oil, then slathered it over his cock. Almost immediately the oil melted due to the heat.
His finger still on the controller clicked over to the internet, and he began to type in a string of letters, “T-I-N-Y T-W-I-N-K, S-T-R-U-G-G-L-I-N-G, M-A-S-S-I-V-E B-B-C”
The screen showcased a variety of videos. All ranging from Asian twinks, to Latino. All of which were either comparing their arm, or holding a massive black cock next to their face. His eyes fell on one video; which starred a tiny, pale white, blonde, 18yo twink. A tall-muscled bull of a man was lifting him, and driving the piece into him with force. The pale guys face had tears down his cheeks, and a look of absolute pain.
He pressed play and the words, “AGH- FUCK!!! IT WON'T FIT!! ” rang out into the room.
Javi’s legs lifted up, showing his hair laced hole. He slipped off the yellow shorts, and threw them to the side. His legs fell open, and rested to the side. While the anaconda bounced over his hair covered abs, ready to be milked.
After walking again in silence, Court and I made it back to my building. We embraced again.
“You just gotta say sorry to him…” her hands framed my shoulders, “You know I love you right?” Her arms wrapped me in towards her
“Yeah…” I squeezed her tightly, “I love you too.”
“Regardless of his size, don’t be afraid.” Her voice was in my ear, “take him head on, you can handle anything this man gives you.”
“You’re resilient.…you're a lot stronger than you think” She released me, “I’ll see you later…don’t be a stranger. Ok?”
I nodded, and smiled softly. She turned away, while I made my way into the building. Moments from this morning flashed through my mind, while I found myself at my front door. My hand found the door handle, and I froze.
“Just say sorry….” Courts voice whispered to me
“Just say sorry.” I repeated
I opened the door and walked through the foyer. The sound of sexual moans hit my ears.
I stopped short and my heart dropped. Javi found a girl and brought her home. I turned back, and made my way out, and then I heard a mans voice scream in pain, “PLEASE, OH GOD. I CAN’T TAKE IT…TAKE IT OUT, YOU’RE TOO BIG!!!”
My eyes shot open, as I couldn't believe what I heard. My head turned in shock, “WTF??” My tiny feet responded by scurrying to the living room.
I had flashbacks of the first night turning the corning, but once I came into view of the space, my body stiffened like concrete. Javier was sitting on the recliner again. This time he was completely naked, the yellow shorts thrown to the side, while his legs were sprawled open. This time, he was awake. This time...his hands were tightly clenched around his massive cock.
My jaw hinged open. I was stuck. His hand was moving at lightning speed, and I could hear his breathing over the aggressive grunts coming from the tv. His eyes were darting between his cock and the tv screen. The guy on the screen was screaming with tears running down his cheeks, while his legs were behind his ears. The head was barely in, and his hole was being stretched open by one of the biggest, girthiest, black cocks I had ever seen.
My eyes scanned back to Javier. He was pounding his piece like a jackhammer, which made his cock crazily flail around. Streaks of silver pre-cum were flying about. Some landing on him, the floor, and the recliner. I saw some land on the coffee table.
“huff-huff...Ah…fuck…huff-huff...ugh...fuck…” Javi’s balls were bouncing, and slapping loudly against his hairy taint. He brought his arm behind his head and leaned back. His pit was open for the world to see.
The wet schlicking sound of his shiny cock echoed through the room, louder than the video itself. His bicep was flexed as he stared intently. The soft bags of flesh on his chest were shaking vigorously.
He looked over, and we caught eyes. His face dropped, and his hand stopped. He let go of the pipe, allowing it fall to his stomach and find it's place under his left tit. Everything in the room paused. My stomach sank.
I covered my eyes, a stone formed in my throat, “JAVI—AGH, UM! I-I’M SORRY!!”
He paused the video. I could hear he was moving, as the recliner groaned under the weight change.
“I-I PROMISE! PLE-PLEASE BELIEVE ME!” My body turned away, I was shaking, the hole in the wall imprinted my mind, “I-I-I WASN’T W-WATCHING!!! I-I-I SWEAR”
“Grant…” His voice managed to break through my panicked screams, “...Relax.”
“JA-JAVI, YO-YOU GOTTA BELIEVE ME. I-I'M LEAVING NOW” my hand traced against the wall, guiding me back to the front door, “PLE-PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!!”
“GRANT!” He shouted, the tone in his voice had changed, “CHILL OUT.”
My hand was tightly gripping the door handle to my safety. My back was to the living room, my voice croaked out, “W-Wh-What is it? I--I-.I”
“Look...I'm not mad...” his voice was smooth, “I told you…this is normal…we’re both men…”
“B-But..but what about earlier?“ I began to question, “The shorts, the hole in the wa—“
“I’ll fix that as soon as possible.” His voice cut me off, “...can you just come here? I don't like talking to a wall...”
I was shaking like a leaf, and I could hear my heart pounding in my ears. My body was paralyzed completely, however my feet started to reversing from the door. I slowly turned around with my eyes still shut, my dry mouth choked out some words, “I don’t kno—“
“I just, want to talk to you,” his voice got lower, “Come. Here. Let’s talk like men. I won't ask again.”
My eyes slowly opened, and his naked figure came into view. He was just…beautiful. I made my way over and stood by the back of my couch. His cock was beginning to soften, however remained thick, and nestled on top of two goose egg balls. He was leaning forward, and his elbows were on his knees. His eyes were direct.
“Sit.” He motioned to the couch, “Please.”
My body obeyed and I shuffled to find my seat on the farthest end of the cushions. My eyes fell from his face, and traced down to the now flaccid piece.
“Eyes up.” Our eyes made contact again, “Gran—“
“Javi, I’m sorry. I don’t know…I just—“ I was stopped in the middle of my sentence
“Grant. I’m sorry for the way I acted.” His face was serious, “As someone who is sexually advanced, it was unfair of me to make you feel uncomfortable. Especially since I’m the older, more experienced, one in the room.”
“But—“ I interjected
“Let me finish…” he continued, “...I understand growing up, it’s confusing, tough, and…well, just plain…a mess.”
I was on edge, I was ready to run to the hills.
“I also understand that we all fantasize about something.” His demeanor started changing, “So I get it why you were fantasizing about me, I’ve been cooking up some wild situations in my head as of late.”
“Javi…I…I-I-I’m sorry, I know I made the choice...and...” My mind started going blank, my face looked down and back to his face, “...now I have to live with it.”
His tone lightened up, became softer, “You know, that’s very mature of you Grant.” His meaty torso rested back on the recliner. I couldn’t help but realize at this point, his darkly colored meat was now on full display. His hips bucked up, the resting monster jiggled with force. “So…with that being said, I want you to know, right now, in THIS situation…you have another choice to make.”
My heartbeat increased, the blood flushed from my face. My eyes started to burn holes into his cock. “…I do?” I started salivating “Umm…m-may..I ask what my options are?”
“You do.” His hand picked up the remote, and the movie picked back up. His eyes darted from me, to the screen.
“You can either go to your room…and act like nothing is wrong...” his hand grabbed hold of the flaccid beef stick, and slowly started to milk it from base to tip, “Or…you can sit right where you are, and watch...”
“…or based on what I saw taking place in your shorts…you can join.”He kept focus on the screen, "The choice is yours."
My heart stopped. My mind began to race.
Grant…do something….
Grant...say something….
Grant…what are you going to do??
I blinked back into reality, but my mind flew in on autopilot. My body got up, walked to the front door, turned the lock, and returned to my seat on the couch.
“I see…" Javi’s attention was still focused on the TV, "..you made your choice.” He had two hands wrapped around his cock. One firmly holding the base, while the other milked the head. The massaging motion brought the club back to life.
I looked down, and saw the bobbing tent in my lap, but my arms wouldn’t budge to tend to it. I felt heavy, and my mind couldn’t believe what was happening…
It's trueUnfortunately the man has a full time job to attend to. Sad for us who are totally on edge wanting that cock.
I'm just waiting for the moment that Javier will have the most amazing sex that he ever will experienced in his lifeIt's trueBut I am working diligently on the story for you all. So you can enjoy a small little surprise in the morning when I do post
Oh it's gonna happen.I'm just waiting for the moment that Javier will have the most amazing sex that he ever will experienced in his life
I knew it was going to stop there - well played*Fiction / All characters within this story are 18+. Any resemblance between the characters in the work and real-life individuals is unintentional.*
Chapter 5:
Javier rushed back into the apartment. His cock was painfully throbbing. He never had an experience like that before, his blood pressure was up. His mind couldn’t stop fantasizing about Grant though. He just wanted to know what it felt like to be deep inside him. To know if Grant could even handle him. To make him scream sounds of pleasure.
“What the fuck is wrong with me…why am I even wondering these things???” He closed the door behind him, and leaned back, “...why am I even thinking about him like that? He's my fucking....step-brother.”
His eyes closed. Grant was now on top of him, nails digging into muscled chest. His hips grinding quickly, impaling himself. Javi could feel the snake painfully strain in his shorts. He needed to shoot his load immediately.
“Grant!?” He yelled out, silence called back in response, “Guess he’s gone.”
He grabbed his pec and gave it a tight squeeze, then started massaging. The sound of his chest hair rustled, while his feet carried him over to the recliner.
He was like an octopus that had no control over his actions. His tree trunk leg lifted swiftly, and straddled the seat. His right hand was squeezing the clothed monster, while following up and down his abs. His left hand searched his bag for some lube, but all he could find was coconut oil. His legs sprawled open, while his left hand found the oil, his right hand located the controller to the smart tv.
He was bestial, he needed to release immediately. Javi repeated what Charles did by the pool, letting the monster out. The snake flung out in an arch, and smacked down with a loud, hollow THWACK on his abs. His fingers wrapped around the base of his cock, stuck it straight up to the ceiling, and squeezed. Veins popped out, while the head became engorged.
“Huff huff…you’re just…so…fucking big…” He caressed his pendulous cum filled balls while giving the compliment, his massive paw squeezed them tightly. His cock longingly pulsed in the death grip, forcing the head to become overly engorged, turning it to a shade deep, dark pink.
His giant fingers loosened their grip and jerked quickly on the base. The action pulled the hanging orbs up, and began wildly throwing them around.
His lustful eyes closed again, this time Grant was face down. His hole was tightly closed, ready to take the girth of his Arizona canned cock. Grant’s tiny fingers were spreading his milky white cheeks apart. His hole was a delicate pink in comparison to his massive, brown skinned, piece.
“Javi…I just need you in me…” Grant’s breath was labored, "I’m begging—“
His pink hole beckoned his cock. Javier imagined massaging the head over the opening.
“I...just...want you to stretch me open…” Grant looked back, “Please. Break me.“
Javi’s eyes opened, his cock was now leaking like a waterfall. His hand grabbed a handful of coconut oil, then slathered it over his cock. Almost immediately the oil melted due to the heat.
His finger still on the controller clicked over to the internet, and he began to type in a string of letters, “T-I-N-Y T-W-I-N-K, S-T-R-U-G-G-L-I-N-G, M-A-S-S-I-V-E B-B-C”
The screen showcased a variety of videos. All ranging from Asian twinks, to Latino. All of which were either comparing their arm, or holding a massive black cock next to their face. His eyes fell on one video; which starred a tiny, pale white, blonde, 18yo twink. A tall-muscled bull of a man was lifting him, and driving the piece into him with force. The pale guys face had tears down his cheeks, and a look of absolute pain.
He pressed play and the words, “AGH- FUCK!!! IT WON'T FIT!! ” rang out into the room.
Javi’s legs lifted up, showing his hair laced hole. He slipped off the yellow shorts, and threw them to the side. His legs fell open, and rested to the side. While the anaconda bounced over his hair covered abs, ready to be milked.
After walking again in silence, Court and I made it back to my building. We embraced again.
“You just gotta say sorry to him…” her hands framed my shoulders, “You know I love you right?” Her arms wrapped me in towards her
“Yeah…” I squeezed her tightly, “I love you too.”
“Regardless of his size, don’t be afraid.” Her voice was in my ear, “take him head on, you can handle anything this man gives you.”
“You’re resilient.…you're a lot stronger than you think” She released me, “I’ll see you later…don’t be a stranger. Ok?”
I nodded, and smiled softly. She turned away, while I made my way into the building. Moments from this morning flashed through my mind, while I found myself at my front door. My hand found the door handle, and I froze.
“Just say sorry….” Courts voice whispered to me
“Just say sorry.” I repeated
I opened the door and walked through the foyer. The sound of sexual moans hit my ears.
I stopped short and my heart dropped. Javi found a girl and brought her home. I turned back, and made my way out, and then I heard a mans voice scream in pain, “PLEASE, OH GOD. I CAN’T TAKE IT…TAKE IT OUT, YOU’RE TOO BIG!!!”
My eyes shot open, as I couldn't believe what I heard. My head turned in shock, “WTF??” My tiny feet responded by scurrying to the living room.
I had flashbacks of the first night turning the corning, but once I came into view of the space, my body stiffened like concrete. Javier was sitting on the recliner again. This time he was completely naked, the yellow shorts thrown to the side, while his legs were sprawled open. This time, he was awake. This time...his hands were tightly clenched around his massive cock.
My jaw hinged open. I was stuck. His hand was moving at lightning speed, and I could hear his breathing over the aggressive grunts coming from the tv. His eyes were darting between his cock and the tv screen. The guy on the screen was screaming with tears running down his cheeks, while his legs were behind his ears. The head was barely in, and his hole was being stretched open by one of the biggest, girthiest, black cocks I had ever seen.
My eyes scanned back to Javier. He was pounding his piece like a jackhammer, which made his cock crazily flail around. Streaks of silver pre-cum were flying about. Some landing on him, the floor, and the recliner. I saw some land on the coffee table.
“huff-huff...Ah…fuck…huff-huff...ugh...fuck…” Javi’s balls were bouncing, and slapping loudly against his hairy taint. He brought his arm behind his head and leaned back. His pit was open for the world to see.
The wet schlicking sound of his shiny cock echoed through the room, louder than the video itself. His bicep was flexed as he stared intently. The soft bags of flesh on his chest were shaking vigorously.
He looked over, and we caught eyes. His face dropped, and his hand stopped. He let go of the pipe, allowing it fall to his stomach and find it's place under his left tit. Everything in the room paused. My stomach sank.
I covered my eyes, a stone formed in my throat, “JAVI—AGH, UM! I-I’M SORRY!!”
He paused the video. I could hear he was moving, as the recliner groaned under the weight change.
“I-I PROMISE! PLE-PLEASE BELIEVE ME!” My body turned away, I was shaking, the hole in the wall imprinted my mind, “I-I-I WASN’T W-WATCHING!!! I-I-I SWEAR”
“Grant…” His voice managed to break through my panicked screams, “...Relax.”
“JA-JAVI, YO-YOU GOTTA BELIEVE ME. I-I'M LEAVING NOW” my hand traced against the wall, guiding me back to the front door, “PLE-PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!!”
“GRANT!” He shouted, the tone in his voice had changed, “CHILL OUT.”
My hand was tightly gripping the door handle to my safety. My back was to the living room, my voice croaked out, “W-Wh-What is it? I--I-.I”
“Look...I'm not mad...” his voice was smooth, “I told you…this is normal…we’re both men…”
“B-But..but what about earlier?“ I began to question, “The shorts, the hole in the wa—“
“I’ll fix that as soon as possible.” His voice cut me off, “...can you just come here? I don't like talking to a wall...”
I was shaking like a leaf, and I could hear my heart pounding in my ears. My body was paralyzed completely, however my feet started to reversing from the door. I slowly turned around with my eyes still shut, my dry mouth choked out some words, “I don’t kno—“
“I just, want to talk to you,” his voice got lower, “Come. Here. Let’s talk like men. I won't ask again.”
My eyes slowly opened, and his naked figure came into view. He was just…beautiful. I made my way over and stood by the back of my couch. His cock was beginning to soften, however remained thick, and nestled on top of two goose egg balls. He was leaning forward, and his elbows were on his knees. His eyes were direct.
“Sit.” He motioned to the couch, “Please.”
My body obeyed and I shuffled to find my seat on the farthest end of the cushions. My eyes fell from his face, and traced down to the now flaccid piece.
“Eyes up.” Our eyes made contact again, “Gran—“
“Javi, I’m sorry. I don’t know…I just—“ I was stopped in the middle of my sentence
“Grant. I’m sorry for the way I acted.” His face was serious, “As someone who is sexually advanced, it was unfair of me to make you feel uncomfortable. Especially since I’m the older, more experienced, one in the room.”
“But—“ I interjected
“Let me finish…” he continued, “...I understand growing up, it’s confusing, tough, and…well, just plain…a mess.”
I was on edge, I was ready to run to the hills.
“I also understand that we all fantasize about something.” His demeanor started changing, “So I get it why you were fantasizing about me, I’ve been cooking up some wild situations in my head as of late.”
“Javi…I…I-I-I’m sorry, I know I made the choice...and...” My mind started going blank, my face looked down and back to his face, “...now I have to live with it.”
His tone lightened up, became softer, “You know, that’s very mature of you Grant.” His meaty torso rested back on the recliner. I couldn’t help but realize at this point, his darkly colored meat was now on full display. His hips bucked up, the resting monster jiggled with force. “So…with that being said, I want you to know, right now, in THIS situation…you have another choice to make.”
My heartbeat increased, the blood flushed from my face. My eyes started to burn holes into his cock. “…I do?” I started salivating “Umm…m-may..I ask what my options are?”
“You do.” His hand picked up the remote, and the movie picked back up. His eyes darted from me, to the screen.
“You can either go to your room…and act like nothing is wrong...” his hand grabbed hold of the flaccid beef stick, and slowly started to milk it from base to tip, “Or…you can sit right where you are, and watch...”
“…or based on what I saw taking place in your shorts…you can join.”He kept focus on the screen, "The choice is yours."
My heart stopped. My mind began to race.
Grant…do something….
Grant...say something….
Grant…what are you going to do??
I blinked back into reality, but my mind flew in on autopilot. My body got up, walked to the front door, turned the lock, and returned to my seat on the couch.
“I see…" Javi’s attention was still focused on the TV, "..you made your choice.” He had two hands wrapped around his cock. One firmly holding the base, while the other milked the head. The massaging motion brought the club back to life.
I looked down, and saw the bobbing tent in my lap, but my arms wouldn’t budge to tend to it. I felt heavy, and my mind couldn’t believe what was happening…
Can’t give it all away at onceI knew it was going to stop there - well played![]()
Love the story so much thanks for writing it, hope you have a nice weekendCan’t give it all away at once![]()
Thank you!! Glad you are enjoying!Love the story so much thanks for writing it, hope you have a nice weekend
just wait until the future, FUTURE chapters…that’s when it gets REALLY hot.This is so ridiculously hot… omg
This got me so hard AF! This is so hot!just wait until the future, FUTURE chapters…that’s when it gets REALLY hot.
My eyes were now completely in the back of my head, I couldn’t speak. I felt his balls slowly make their way downwards in to their resting place on my lower back. I could feel the tip of his cock nestled into the back of my stomach.
“Grant….I don’t think you…understand…” My ears were ringing, he barely made audible sound, “…the feeling my cock is feeling…” he moved his hips a little, I felt the concrete slab move around in me. The head massaged a wall deep within my gut.
I reacted by throwing my head back, “OOOF—UGKH…” My voice was airy and guttural, “…SO…DEEHEEEP…”
Just because y’all have been patiently waiting. It could be Bastian, It could be Grant’s first time, it might be Javi, the options are quite limitless.![]()
swear it’ll make y’all cum!!This got me so hard AF! This is so hot!