myvidster website

"Jokes aside, I will make an annoucement on the state of MyVidster.We are not going away, but I will be steping down and passing the touch. I been running MyV for over 18 years and will be retiring soon.Thank you. Marques"
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!
"Jokes aside, I will make an annoucement on the state of MyVidster.We are not going away, but I will be steping down and passing the touch. I been running MyV for over 18 years and will be retiring soon.Thank you. Marques"
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!
....passing the touch to mindGeek.....
"Jokes aside, I will make an annoucement on the state of MyVidster.We are not going away, but I will be steping down and passing the touch. I been running MyV for over 18 years and will be retiring soon.Thank you. Marques"
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!
i hope during his retirement he can focus on getting healthy because those twitter lives were so concerning
i just googled mindgeek and apparently they are also the new owners of pornhub, so i suspect a lot of content on myvidster will be neutralized and copyrighted striked/taken down just like pornhub was a few years back
Everyone get your favorite vids now...
i just googled mindgeek and apparently they are also the new owners of pornhub, so i suspect a lot of content on myvidster will be neutralized and copyrighted striked/taken down just like pornhub was a few years back
well, idk...the site its a content aggregator
he won a lawsuit some years back against flava works
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i just googled mindgeek and apparently they are also the new owners of pornhub, so i suspect a lot of content on myvidster will be neutralized and copyrighted striked/taken down just like pornhub was a few years back
aren't they the owners of or am i confusing them with another production company?

if they are the owners of RIP myvidster and free porn.