Naked attraction

My recap of much-awaited Naked Attraction Poland S04E01:

1st part
- Why always the guy with 1 or 2 pounds more (blue) had to go 1rst? Other guys had awful legs/feet
- Pity only 5 contestants. I prefer when you have 6 (lower, upper, face, voice, runner-up, winner)
- I prefer all faces revealed at the same time. More fair and its more attraction at 1st sight
- next time please clean their asses after painting them ;-)
- Did the runner-up (yellow) have a semi?

2nd part
- Man: Ridiculous waxing only the central part of pubes (why they do it?) I dislike shaved pubes
- Was he wearing londsdale or fred perry and they covered the logo?
- The female winner: great body but omg what an ugly face lol, and that awful pearl collar lol

- I liked the outtakes at the end
- I hope they have more mature / chubby / hairy bodies, please more #bodypositivity
The second episode aired yesterday ?
Yes it aired yesterday. I live in Poland and have cable TV here, and I watched the episode and also recorded it (like DVR). Unfortunately I'm unable to download the recording from the app.
Thanks for sharing. I also found it, but in 720p. I just added the 2gb version to Google Drive.

Magia Nagosci (NA Poland) S4:
Magia Nagosci (NA Poland) S4 - Google Drive
Also, unfortunately my source of all previous seasons is not showing search results for Magia Nagośći. It's a Polish website that hosts film and TV series. I think I need a premium account to get Magia Nagośći, but I'm not completely sure as it's not coming up in search results. All seasons and episodes were available on the website last weekend.

If you can continue to provide us with every episode weekly, that would be wonderful.

I'll also continue searching for the episode. If all else fails, I'll try to do a screen recording of the episode tomorrow or Monday, until we can get a 1080p version.