
Worshipped Member
Jan 17, 2024
100% Gay, 0% Straight
Naked Gymnast Weekend - Chapter One

To The Reader: There are multiple chapters to this story which I’ll post in a timely way so as to not leave you waiting or hanging. Thank you for reading it, and thank you in advance for any comments you provide.



"It's sure getting colder," Chico said, looking out the sliding doors, "--but at least it's not supposed to rain."

"The sun's still hot, though," Tony said from the sofa. "It's going to be great. We can always use that wood stove, huh, Jordan?"

I brought out a round of beers. We clinked bottles and sat on my parents' beat-up cabin furniture. "As long as we cut more. My dad really gets pissed if I use his precious woodpile." I laughed then. "I swear he actually counts the logs!"

"The lake looks VERY cold," Chico's South American accent made me smile. "I just want to stay in this place."

"There's the hot tub, too," I swigged my beer. “All we have to do is switch it on."

"Really?" Chico's light-brown eyes lit up.

"See, Chico?" Tony grinned. "Now we can be Danish, like Jordie--hot tub until we're boiling to death--then jump in the lake!"

"I'll just stay inside of the tub,” Chico said. "I can't stand it, being cold! It is so COLD, here!" He shivered theatrically. "--especially close to the water!"

"You say that every year, man. How long does it take to adjust? Jeez!" Tony swigged his beer. "I've lived here less time than you, and I'm fine with it."

Chico shrugged, then drank. "Italy isn't Argentina--okay?"

He looked even smaller in the old armchair. His perfectly proportioned body was curled-up into it, like a Puma--like some kind of exotic cat.

It was great having the cabin to ourselves. "Your routine was amazing yesterday," I said to Chico.

His white teeth flashed. "Thank you. Yours was, too! You have got your dismounts to be perfect!"

I looked at Tony. "Are you really going to switch to the rings?"

He shrugged his big shoulders. "Coach said I don't have to give up the bars--but no one wants to do rings. And someone has to." His eyes were almost black, I noticed--all pupil. "Why don't you volunteer?"

I laughed. "High bar and rings go together. Parallel bars and rings are totally different! Totally." I swigged my beer. "Besides, you're built for rings. I don't have the lats for it."

"Shit,” Tony wiped his mouth. "You've got lats to die for, Jordie! Don't give me that crap!"

"I wish I could do those things,” Chico said. "The coach always say 'no' to me because I am small."

I looked at him, envying Chico's compact physique. "Well, he's full of it, man. All the spotter has to do is lift you up—once you're there, you'd be awesome!"

Tony killed his beer, watching Chico and I finish ours. "--Coach has such a thing about size. It's really stupid." He got up from the sofa. "You mind if I get three more?"

I handed him my empty, looking up at his six-foot body. "Yeah, well, just because you want to try doing floor routines,” I said.

"What's wrong with that?" Tony headed to the fridge.

"Not everyone can do it,” Chico said. "Guys like you and Jordan would get a back injury. It's easier when you're a shrimp."

"There you go again--you may be short, but you're no shrimp,” I said, admiring Chico's shoulders and arms.

Tony came around the countertop and handed out our beers. "How'd you get started in gymnastics, Jordie? They don't teach it in high school."

I took a swig, then looked at the ceiling and laughed. "If I told you the truth, I'd never hear the end of it!"

"Oh?" Chico's eyes were studying my face. "Is it a secret?"

"It's--I don't know--embarrassing, I guess." I shifted my 175 lbs. around in the chair. I smiled and shrugged.

"Wow!" Tony grinned. "What's the big deal, Jordie? I thought you'd just say the Olympics, or something."

I swallowed even more beer. "You'll just ending up mocking me."

"Of course! It's so easy!"

Even one beer has an effect on me, and we'd finished our first round way too fast. Alcohol always makes me get loose-lipped.

I stood up. "Shit. Who cares? I'm not proud. I was only twelve. We were all twelve once."

"No shit," Chico grinned. "Tony still is!"

I walked over the rug and onto the rough pine floor. I could feel their eyes on me as I knelt and rooted through the bottom shelf of a cobwebbed bookcase. It was full of magazines and yearbooks.

"This is getting interesting!" Tony called out.

"It's probably a trophy his dad won," Chico said.

"That wouldn't be embarrassing," Tony said.

I saw Chico's big brown eyes widen as I brought over the magazine I'd dug out.

"Hola!" he said up, staring at the photo on the back. "What the heck is THAT?"

I stood between the sofa and Chico's armchair, looking at the cover. "It's a 1972 copy of 'American Nudist'," I smiled. "I was twelve--and my best friend found it hidden in his sister's bedroom."

"No shit!" Tony said, his curiosity rising. "And you kept it?"

I thumped the cover. "This guy's physique made me want one just like his," I felt stupid admitting it. "And the little write-up says he's a gymnast."

"Lemme see it,” Chico said, just as Tony reached up and grabbed it.

"Holy crow! No friggin' wonder! Look at that body!"

Chico bounced out of his chair. "Wow! He sure has a hairy chest!"

"Shit," Tony laughed up at him. "So do you, man—and your pecs are even bigger."

Chico rubbed his t-shirt, still staring down. "I don't have that much hair. And I'll never have biceps that big."

"Yeah, well, that's not all that's big on this dude," Tony smirked.

I could feel my cheeks start to burn. If it's one thing I dislike, it's that I blush very easily--and being blond makes it worse.

"What are you talking about?" Chico laughed. "Yours is way bigger--so's Jordie's!"

"So's YOURS," Tony said back.

"Jesus," I said. "I knew I shouldn't have shown you this."

"Wow," Chico said to Tony. "Look at all he’s got hanging."

"Huge balls, huh?" Tony swigged some beer. "And he sure is hairy." He looked up at me. "You're both hairy down there, too--just like me." He nodded at Chico. "It's only Chico who has hair on his pecs."

"Even my ass crack has hair--not much, though," Chico giggled. "It all keeps my body warm--too bad for you guys."

Tony thumbed through the rest of the magazine, Chico sitting beside him on the sofa. They seemed totally absorbed.

I decided to return to my chair, surprised to see I was already most of the way through my second beer.

"I guess they put their 'star' on the cover. Everyone else in here looks ready for the nursing home!"

"We have a nude beach in Buenos Aries, but only the beautiful people use it," Chico said. "These old women shouldn’t be playing volleyball-- just play cards or something!"

"I could get into this," Tony finally tossed the magazine aside. "I hate wearing a jockstrap everyday." He killed his beer, with Chico not far behind.

"I never used to wear one," Chico said, fumbling with his jeans. "--not until you two forced me to!" He took Tony's empty and got up when I showed him mine.

"Get three more, please." I looked at Chico's crotch and smiled. "No one 'forced' you to, ok? We kindly pointed out that you looked like you were trying to hide a cucumber."

"Ardite!" Chico swore, hunting for more beer.

Tony laughed, knowing we were getting Chico going, "You Latinos wear pants a whole size too small," he called over. "Like you're trying to wow the babes."

"Fuck. I don't even like chicks," Chico countered. "--it's just a style!" He came in and handed around the bottles.

"Well, guys with dicks like ours have to be modest, or it looks like we're advertising," I said, the beer loosening me up more by the minute.

"So?" Chico's eyes flashed at me, then at Tony. "We aren't 'advertising' nothing out here, anyways!"

Tony burst out laughing, making Chico glare at him. "What's THAT supposed to mean, man?" He shrugged and rolled his eyes, trying to goad Chico on.

"I MEAN," Chico's face looked fiercely cute whenever we got him fired-up. "There isn't anybody OUT here, IS there, Mr. Big Guy?" He nodded at the picture window. "We don't have to wear a jock in front of each OTHER!"

I tried not to laugh. Chico's accent always grew broader when he was upset. It made Tony and I smile.

"It's not exactly a nude beach in Buenos Aries, either, Chico," Tony tipped his bottle to his full lips.

"What's THAT supposed to mean?" Chico mimicked Tony back.

I felt Tony was beginning to push Chico too far. I shrugged. "There really isn’t anyone around," I said to him. "After Labor Day, the whole place empties out." I nodded at the window. "You see any boats out there?"

Tony looked at the autumn-colored trees and mountains. Even from where I sat, I could see everyone's dock pulled up onto their lawns. "The only thing I see are some ducks," Tony said. "But that doesn't mean..."

"Hell," Chico huffed. "People in this country are so modest! In Argentina we show our bodies OFF--in Italy, the same!" He swigged his beer. "So what's your big problem?" He scoffed. "You've lived here too long, Rosario!"

Tony grinned at me. "First he complains about being so f'ing COLD--the next thing you know, he's drinking like a sailor and trying to get us to go around bareassed!"

"Shut up," Chico said, looking hurt as well as angry. "You had so many beers, too." His speech was becoming a bit slurred. "And you are the one who said you wanted to be the nuderist, or whatever they’re called," he pointed at the magazine.

Tony put his hands up in a gesture of truce. "Okay--okay, man. Calm down!" He smiled at Chico. "I apologize--OKAY? I'm sorry!"

"You don't even mean it. I can tell," Chico looked at me. "You both always make me get mad. You like that. I know it."

Tony set his beer on the floor, then got up from the sofa. His wide-shouldered body dwarfed the room. "Ok, ok, ok. Jordie, fire-up that woodstove," he said, tugging his T-shirt from his waist.

"What are you doing now?" Chico stared.

"You don't believe me when I say, 'I'm sorry'?" Tony shrugged, pulling his shirt up. "I guess I have to strip to show you I’m sincere."

Chico and I both stared at Tony's tanned, muscular abs --at how deep and muscle-stretched his navel was, carved into that taut lower belly—at the black feathering of hair disappearing inside his cock-mounded jeans. He stopped just as his t-shirt came to his big chest. "Well? Don't just sit there gawking," he said down at me. "You’re the one announcing that there's no one around…”

"Well, yeah. I did--but..." I hastily looked again at the front window.

"And YOU, Mr. Nude Beach--put your money where your mouth is!" He pulled his shirt off, his thick, pec slabs flexing as he tossed it on the floor. "You're the one who blames us for having to wear a jock!"

Chico looked shy and flustered all of a sudden. He watched Tony flex his huge, muscled biceps and shake out his arms. "Maybe it is too cold for this," Chico said, looking at me for support.

"Oh, no you don't!" Tony pointed at him. "You can't accuse me of living here too long and being too modest, and then not want to go all the way!" He reached down to unbuckle his belt. "'In Argentina, we show our bodies OFF!'" he mimicked Chico's accent.

"We should've stopped at two," I said, holding up my beer to see how much was left. "We're all getting bombed. This is nuts."

Chico was up on his feet, his face in line with Tony's pecs. He looked determined to defend his South American pride.

Tony smiled over at me, nodding down at Chico's defiant, self-absorbed stripping. I watched the mocha-toned muscles of Chico's beautifully developed, wide-shouldered back and shoulders emerge. Then I got up to see if there were wood in the stove or not.

"You, too, hotshot," Tony said to me. "You're not getting out of this."

I could already feel the blood rushing up my neck. By defending Chico, I'd ended up turning my parents' cabin into a gymnasts’ nudist colony.

"Shit," I said, lighting a match to the kindling. "I knew I shouldn't have shown you that stupid magazine!"

When I'd gotten the stove going, I turned around to find Tony and Chico standing in the middle of the room in just their jockstraps.
Chapter Two

"Jesus," I stared--looking from them to the picture window.

"You're a little over-dressed, aren't you, Jensen?" Tony swigged his beer. Chico looked at me blankly, like he was so mad at Tony, his pride wouldn't let him come to my defence.

"Oh, come ON, guys!" I fumed. "We're not going to get naked for real, are we?" I stared at their bulging pouches --at their perfect gymnast asses.

The stove was only beginning to warm up the little cabin. Tony shrugged, he and Chico finally smiling together --only now they were smiling at my blushing protests!

"What's the problem?" Chico asked. "We shower together all the time!"

"Yeah," Tony said. "What's your problem, Jensen?"

I felt my face turn beet red as I realised, they weren't going to back down. Worse, I could feel the beer making me lose my usual command of things.

"I--I can't tell you," I stammered.

"Tell us what?" Chico looked up at Tony puzzled. “Not another secret Jordie! First you can’t tell us how you wanted to be a gymnast…”

"My problem is...," I hesitated. "...I mean--I don't have exactly a problem really-- "

"...but WHAT?" Tony pressed, his dark eyes searching my blushing face.

"You can tell us anything," Chico saw I was genuinely uptight. "It’s OK. We won't laugh at you."

I looked up at the ceiling as if hoping for divine rescue. Then I looked at their curious, beckoning eyes.

"Oh shit," I said, my face so scarlet I could hear my pulse beating in my ears. I kicked at the circular rug on the floor. "It's just that I--" I cleared my throat and spoke down at the rug. "--I mean, I sort of, um, get too excited...." They just looked at me--the silence hanging there in the room. "--um, too excited when I'm naked, I mean--I mean, when other people are around." I dared to look at them. "It just sort of happens, is all."

I saw Tony stifling a smile, which made me want to kill him.

"Is that all?" he broke into a grin.

"You mean, you throw a rod?" Chico shrugged. "So do I! Big deal."

He and Tony reached down to pick up their beers. They clinked bottles. "Here's to big fat rods on our get-away weekend," Tony toasted the air. "I can't stay soft longer than five minutes when I'm in the locker room," he said in exasperation. "Why do you think I'm always wearing one of these?" he thrust out his full pouch.

"You're just trying to make me feel better," searching their faces for sincerity.

"Swear to God," Chico said solemnly, raising his hand. "I always have to be careful--but so do lots of the guys on the team."

"Shit," Tony swigged his beer, watching me as I slowly began pulling off my t-shirt. "I've spied more thanone woody in the showers. David Spencer's always throwing a rod, man--the second he walks in there!" He laughed. "—and…and soon as I spy his?... mine starts up!" He shrugged and drank some more. "It's like yawning, man. It's no big deal."

I finally let out a breathy laugh, feeling dumb and relieved at the same time. Chico's brown eyes were checking out my pecs.

I pushed down my jeans, still a bit nervous.

We all wore silly grins as we checked out our bulging jocks. "I feel like getting smashed," Chico grinned. "This is going to be cool!"

"Hell," Tony punched him. "You already are, man!"

Chico looked up at me expectantly, as if I was going to be first to get bareassed.

I let out a stream of air. "Chico has the right idea," I smiled nervously. "I need to get hammered!"

"That's right," Chico raised his bottle, looking like a muscular boy as he sat in the huge armchair. "Forget all this silly talk--it's just us--your buddies!"

Tony looked out the window and sat on the sofa. "Not a soul around, man. Even the ducks have left the building!"

I was determined to get past my anxieties. "Does David really throw a rod in the showers?"

Tony laughed and Chico nodded like mad. "He did it once when we were sharing that shower in the middle," Chico said. "He was looking at me washing my butt!"


"The thing is," Tony jumped-in, grinning. "His dick is so small; you can't even tell that it's hard!"

I laughed, the feeling such a relief after being so anxious. "But, come on, man," I said. "You guys are shitting me when you say you have to watch out, too..."

They both shook their heads emphatically. "One time?" Chico's accent was getting thicker. "One time, I saw Coach Dan drying off in his office!"

"You lie," Tony said. "The blinds are always closed."

"Not THIS time!" Chico sat up, his bare feet just reaching the floor. "My cock stood up like THIS!" He bent his forearm. "I had to put my towel around me very fast!"

"He's one built dude,” Tony whistled.

"--just like that guy in the book," Chico pointed to the coffee table. "--hairy chest--hairy legs--AND..." Chico broke into merry laughter, doubling over.

"WELL???" Tony laughed, too, loving the suspense.

"--like a DONKEY'S,” Chico’s eyes became saucers. He stood up, his jock a snow-white bulge against his mocha skin. He brought one hand down halfway to his knees. "...and his balls are like avacadoes!"

Tony dissolved in laughter, while I chuckled and killed my beer. My eyes ran up-and-down Chico's amazing body. Short as he was, his lightly haired, muscular chest, great delts, and thighs--combined with his perfect proportions--made him every inch a man, yet with the look of a boy.

He seemed to like showing himself off to us because he kept standing there. "Just thinking about watching him all naked,” he shivered a little--all of it very dramatic. "It makes me get....."

".... excited," I filled-in helpfully.

He turned to face me, his pouch looking impossibly full for a guy his size. "Yes! Very, very excited!" his brown eyes glowed at me.

"Jeez," I muttered, his obscene bulge making me horny as hell.

"Yeah, well, that would about do it to any one of us," Tony said, looking right at Chico's perfect butt. "He's right out of a bodybuilder's mag--except those guys’re always shaving their body hair."

"I like mine," Chico announced, obviously loose lipped. He ran his small hands over his outstanding tits, ruffling the black fur. He looked right at me. "You think I should shave my chest, Jordan?"

I immediately squeezed my thighs in response, which brought a small laugh from Tony. "Um, no--no, I don't," I said, getting up quickly to head to the fridge. "It's cool the way it is."

"--What you think, Tony?"

"Hell--I'd give anything for a chest like that," Tony stared. "I think hairy pecs are hot."

Just hearing Tony admit such stuff out loud sent a thrill through me. I was on my way to getting totally hammered--and at the same time, hornier by the second.

"Your pecs are the best," Chico said. "You and Jordan have the best tits of anybody--including the coach!"

When I brought in the fresh beers, Chico was back in his chair, his legs tucked under his little butt. Both he and Tony looked right at my pouch as I handed out the bottles. It made me both embarrassed, and proud.

"You know," Tony said, raising his bottle in yet another silent toast. "--I hate to say this, Jordie..."

"Yeah? What?" I took my first swig of beer. I felt ready for any and all questions--even from Tony.

He cleared his throat, "I know you're probably all weirded out by this being your folks' place and all...."

"Oh hell," I laughed airily. "I WAS, before. I mean only three weeks ago, I was sitting in here with them and Father Thomas from Sacred Heart!" I broke up in laughter, the beer making me woozy. "But now? Shit." I shrugged. "Now's now!" I laughed more.

"Okay--good!" Tony chuckled along with me. "Because I thought the whole point of this was to finally get rid of these goddamned jockstraps!"

I wasn't exactly expecting that to come out of his mouth, though. I was--truth be told--quite happy with things the way they were. It was sexy, without being too much to handle.

"Yeah," Chico chimed in. "I hate this stupid thing, man!"

None of us were actually all that close to being drunk. There was a certain tension and excitement keeping us alert and in the moment. But I was feeling loose and a bit silly. And I knew that I was the only one holding them back.

"Okay," I announced, my voice louder than expected. "When I count three..."

"God," Tony said. "What is this…a gameshow contest?"

I ignored the comment, full of my own importance. "One," I held my finger up theatrically, "Two..."

Chico began lifting his pert ass off the cushion.

"Un-un-un!" I wagged my finger. ".... wait for it!"

"Shit!" Chico frowned, looking at Tony and rolling his eyes.


And before I could even pull out my elastic waistband, I saw a blur of white flying through the air as Tony and Chico heaved their jocks into the middle of the rug. I wondered how they managed to be so quick.

Chico let out a huge, dramatic sigh.

"Jesus! FINALLY!" Tony shouted. "God DAMN!"

I still felt all modest, beer or no beer. I didn't dare look over at them, and sat deep into the chair, keeping my thighs together while drinking some more.

"THAT'S better!" Chico sighed again.

I glanced his way only to discover him making a point of jiggling loose his heavy-hanging suede-skinned balls. His thick, fat-headed dick heaved about like a sexy salami against his big gymnast thighs.

Tony laughed, taking a swig. "You sure it's all there, Chico? --nothing missing?"

I laughed then, too, nervously eyeing the little man's incredible endowment.

Chico shrugged, looking annoyed. "Go ahead and tease! You're just jealous," he said back.

"Oh, I don't know," Tony replied. He simply spread his muscular, hairy thighs. His beefsteak-of-a-cock fell thickly down onto balls so generous, they were pooled on the sofa cushion. "SHOULD I be jealous, Jordie?"

I swallowed, not able to speak. A jolt of current lit up my naked crotch. "Jesus," I whispered.

"I take it back," Chico said quickly, mouth open in awe.

"You're looking pretty modest over there, Jensen, I must say..." Tony smiled slyly at me. "It's not like we've never seen it, you know."

"I know that" I said quickly, still not able to relax. I swallowed some beer. "I didn't think this would end up being a naked 'show and tell', that's all," I muttered.

"Come on," Chico grinned. "it's all good!" He spread his furry thighs even wider and scooted forward till his balls tumbled down below the edge of the cushion. It was so erotically lewd I blushed, and Tony laughed.

I could feel myself blushing worse--plus, if I'd waited any longer, I'd have wound-up showing off a fully tilting boner. So, torn between keeping my legs clamped shut and being caught with a huge erection, I suddenly found myself just standing right up.

"Wow," Chico and Tony both said in awe at the same time.

"W-What?" I wondered, following their eyes down between my legs.

My big-domed, half-hard dong was swaying out in the room--filling fast--the mushroom head becoming taut and shiny. I felt my low hangers grazing the blond fleece on my thighs. Erotic charges raced up my spine.

"None of us should be jealous of anything," Tony said, letting out a breathy whistle.

"Look at his big cock!” Chico said. “And look at those super BALLS!", actually pointing.

"I am, man--I AM!" Tony whispered, his eyes following my dick's every pulse and swelling tock upwards.

"Oh God," I shuddered, the feelings leaving me slightly faint.

I sat down, my nuts smacking the cushion, making me wince. I kept my legs spread, swallowing beer for support.

When I looked back finally, both Chico and Tony were throwing rods of their own. They were sitting back, staring at mine and one another's, the sight of all our maleness pumping hot blood into their cocks.

"Holy crow," I said. "We're all springing hardons!"

"Told you!" Chico said, his eyes going back-and-forth between our legs. "You aren't the only one who gets all hot!"

"GodDAMN," Tony said. "Your schlongs are big enough when they're soft--but Holy Crow--just look at those bad boys!" he whistled.

"Look who's talking," I stared at Tony's roaring, blunt-nosed guided missile. "It's a wonder you have any blood left in the rest of your body!"

"You like MY big cock?" Chico grinned, levering the huge thing up at us.

"Jesus, that’s huge!" I swallowed, waves of horniness rising from my balls.

"Stand up," Tony smiled at Chico. "I want to see if it makes you fall over!"

Chico's smile was all teeth as he bounced out of his chair. His cock was as tanned as his body. Still not quite rigid, it levered straight out from his black bush, the huge helmet head a deep mauve.

"It's--it's like a third ARM," I breathed.

Chico laughed with delight and used his hips to roughly fling it from side-to-side. It was so big the giant head nearly went beyond his hips when it slapped.

"OOOooooh!" Chico squeezed his eyes shut. "--feels so sexy!" He kept swivelling his hips, his cock growing stiffer as it jounced around, wildly tossing and careening. Chico dug under his balls and felt into the crease of his ass, his eyes glazing-over--like he was in his own blissed-out world.

My cock was aching to be fisted, but I didn't dare.

"Que hermoso! Que Rico!" he moaned, hip-swinging his jutting cock all over the place, sensuously making love to his own body with his small hands. Tony and I looked at one another, mouths open.

The little man's muscled, latte-toned body rippled and flexed. His lightly furred tits curved radically out from his collarbone, his dark, wide-circled nipples all stiff. He kept rubbing over them with his palms. But all I could see was that curvaceous, rigid, banana-sized cock thrusting lewdly out into the room.

When he finally snapped out of it, he let out a breathy laugh and sat back down, gazing admiringly at his enormous erection. It speared-up well beyond his navel, wreathed by his hunky bush. A thick and pulsing vein snaked up its hot length, his tennis-sized balls mounded at the base. "Oh man! I'm sooooo horny!" he crowed.

"No shit," Tony said wryly.

"Aren't YOU??" Chico's eyes were all pupil and slitted in lust, his hands squeezing his heavy balls.

"I sure am NOW," I muttered, not knowing where the hell all this was heading.

"I want to jerk-off real BADDDD!" Chico moaned, staring at Tony's roaring erection.

"Not in HERE, you're not!" I said, imagining streaks of cum shooting over the furniture.

Once again, I was putting the brakes on things. The truth was, I needed to whack-off as much as Chico did. My balls were so blue Chico’s obscene display only made it worse.

"The sun's going down," Tony said. "Even if someone were around, they wouldn't see us." His cock was helplessly hard.

"You mean outdoors?" I imagined the three of us out in the front yard.

"Come on, Jordan," Tony sounded exasperated. "We're not gonna stand around the bathroom SINK, for Christ's sake!" He laughed in frustration. "There's nothing but woods out in the back--we've gotta do SOMETHING, here!"

"I-I've never beat-off in front of anyone before," I said then. "I don't know if I can, even."

Tony looked at me like I was hopelessly inhibited—which was exactly how I felt--and then laughed a little. "Well, okay then," he said. "Let's have a little horny contest!"
Chapter Three

"Oh, great," I muttered.

"What KIND of contest?" Chico looked both eager and tortured--like he was trying like crazy not to just grab his overheated cock and go at it.

Tony looked slyly at us. "We'll go out in the back..."

"...like this..." Chico said firmly, looking at me.

"Of COURSE, like this," Tony said. "We couldn't put jeans on now if we wanted to!"

"Continue, please," Chico said.

"And the only way we're allowed to get off is without using our hands," Tony looked at Chico and me, grinning like it was just the greatest idea.

"You're crazy, Rosario!" I said.

"Shit," Chico said, glaring at Tony. "We’ll rub ourselves on a tree? Are you serious?"

Tony wagged his finger at him. "No. No rubbing on anything." He laughed. "You have to cum hands free." He paused a bit, then laughed again. "AND--the first guy who DOES blow, has to do whatever the other two say--AND... the NEXT guy to cum has to do what the winner tells him to do!"

"That is very stupid!" Chico crossed his arms, pouting.

"Come on, Chico," Tony got up, his meaty rod swaying into the room. "It'll be fun!"

"Always scheming, aren't you, Rosario?" I looked out the window. There were purple shadows spreading on the ground and under the trees, but it was still bright and sunny.

When I stood up, my hard, big-headed dick felt close to popping as it was, making me not really care who was the first--I just wanted relief. "Let's go, Chico," I headed for the back door. "I'll switch on the hot tub, so at least we can all get warm after Tony loses!"

And I was very glad I did start up the tub because the air outdoors was crisp and autumnal. In fact, the second I stepped onto the back porch, I wished I'd hit the switch sooner.

"Aie carajo!" Chico yelled. "--it's FREEZING out here!"

"That dick of yours alone will keep us all warm," Tony said, holding his hands out as if were a heater.

"Very funny!" Chico muttered, walking down the steps after me, huge cock thwacking his abs.

We stood on the ground-level cedar deck, me peering into the surrounding woods. I was certain everyone I knew --including my family--was hidden among the pines spying on us. That thought alone was softening-up my erection. I had visions of this being an exercise in futility. There was something about being hardon-naked and outdoors that was unnerving.

Suddenly Chico was heading back up the steps and into the cabin. "We need more beers," he said, sounding annoyed.

"Oh HO!" I looked down at Tony. "I'm not the only one having trouble!"

"It's c-cold out here!" Tony said, huge cock bending a little, the big head bobbing downwards.

We looked at the turquoise glow of the lit-up tub, wishing it were already hot.

"You feel stupid--being naked like this?" Tony asked, his voice being carried off by the chilled breezes, his dark, Italian face strong and handsome. I appreciated the question.

I shook my head, the beer making me a bit dizzy. "It actually is fun! --more fun than I want to admit."

"You're a cool guy," Tony said then.

"I'm cool??" I laughed. "Yeah, right."

Tony looked me up-and-down. "I really dig you and Chico."

I laughed a bit. "He's a wild little dude when he's all turned-on, huh?" wondering when he'd come back out. "You two make me loosen up--I'm such a ...."

"...hey--you're just a guy," Tony interrupted. "We're all just guys-- raised to think our dicks are only meant to pee with!"

I heard the clinking of bottles coming from the cabin.

"Yours--yours is really...." I glanced between Tony's big, furry thighs.

"...Yeah?" Tony's voice dropped as he followed my eyes.

"--well, it's beautiful," I heard myself half-whisper.

"Oh, Jeez!" Tony looked up at me. "Coming from you, man...."

"Sorry," Chico said, kicking open the screen door. "I couldn't find the stupid opener!"

We both turned--our moment interrupted--to see Chico clutching three beers, bouncing down the stairs, meaty cock slapping his balls. He looked impossibly hung for a guy his size--yet with his muscular body, his equipment only made him that much more virile, regardless of height.

We stood in a loose circle, the late October sun trying to provide some warmth. It felt odd being outdoors--smelling the pines, hearing the jays, feeling the fall breezes ruffling our hair and whipping around our naked cocks. We clinked bottles while looking around, the power of the tall trees and the sound of the wind in their branches making me wish we were back in the intimacy of the front room.

"I told you this was very stupid!" Chico muttered. "It's so cold, our cocks are drooping!"

"Yeah, but yours looks sexy when it's soft," Tony said, staring into Chico's cockbush-blessed crotch.

"Really?" Chico's dark eyes brightened as he examined himself.

"It's real fat and studly like that," I said in agreement.

"You think so, Jordan?" Chico kept staring down at his thickening tool.

"Look at the big head on it!" I said. "I wish my cockhead was hot-looking like yours."

"Oh, wow!" Chico said. "Your words are making it tingle!" He looked at my dick. "Your cock is even bigger than mine--so's your cockhead."

"Maybe. But it's pink. You and Tony have nice, dark ones, man!"

Chico drank some beer, then went back to staring. "Wow--this is real sexy talk," he said. "I never thought you'd be saying stuff like this, Jordie!"

"I can't help it," I said. "Fuck! Big, fat, horny cocks out here in the woods....no one but us..." I swigged my beer, "....me looking at your sweet, Latino bush and sweet huge balls..."

"Ohhhhh!" Chico squeezed his thighs, making his cockhead suddenly bloom. The deep lip around it flared, which opened the hole like a mouth.

"Oh, Jeez," Tony said. "Watching your hot cocks fill is making me horny as hell, man," he stared.

A tense silence fell over us as waves of feeling plumped up our balls. Our three dicks began pulsing--poking straight out and quickly jerking higher. Our huge nuts mounded as they gave away skin to feed our twitching, erecting rods.

"Too bad we can't touch them," I said. "I'd love to play with your big hard dongs!"

"Oh!" Chico shuddered a little, his cock suddenly turning solid. "If I could touch yours, I would shoot my cum!"

His horny talk hit my balls with such thrills, my erecting dick throbbed to a full-blown hardon.

"Oh, Jeez, me TOO!" Tony said, staring at my glassy-smooth knob. "Your blond bush makes me crazy, man. It's like a sexy haystack around your huge naked cock, man. It’s a real man’s bush!"

I shivered with horniness, afraid to even look at Tony's vein-bloated rod. "Oh, Jesus," I whispered, unable to take my eyes off their hot dicks. "I just want to reach out both hands and rub your two big cocks all over my tits --makes me so fuckin' horny! --I don't know what to do!"

Chico's knees bent, his hips tilting upward. A drool of clear candy spurt over his nearly purple cockhead. "You're--you're gonna make me shoot!"

"Oh FUCK,” Tony stared at the sight, his mouth slack with lust. His giant rod reared-back and drooled pre-cum down its sides.

"Shit," I muttered in lusty awe. "I just want to taste that sexy juice, man--rub it all over my face!" My own dick felt live-wired--directly connected to theirs. I gasped to feel my inner muscles flexing, pulsing out my own spurt of pre-cum.

"S-shut up!" Chico said. "You're....it's...!" He looked shaken --too worked-up to speak. His thighs were trembling, his hips involuntarily thrusting his horny cock out at us.

"Oh YEAH!" Tony's voice was husky. "Make it blow, man..."

"...oh, give it to me,” I heard myself utter, moving in closer. "Shoot it all over my naked cock, baby!"

Chico's eyes rolled back, his mouth slack. A groan escaped his Latino lips. And then he was moaning, his entire body flexing and spasming, his cock quivering out at me. It was monstrous in its arousal.

An astonished look crossed his cute face, followed by a little gasp. "Oh!" he said.

And a rope of steamy jizz sailed out, splatting my thigh.

Seconds later, I heard Tony suddenly grunt, and turned just in time to see his head fall back, and a gusher of cum fountain from his raging cock. The sight was too much. Horny thrills seized my swollen balls. They nearly snapped up inside my body, leaving me feeling helpless, taken-over, out-of-control.

"Uhhh!" I grunted. A jet of spermy jizz thundered up my shaft, hurling out the bulging cockhead. I stared at the bucking bronco as if it weren't my own.

Just as it splashed Chico's hunky tits, a second spurt hit the little man's bicep. I stared in whimpering fascination as cumshot after cumshot spattered Chico's naked muscles. "Oh--oh God!" I panted. "Jesus!"

We laughed in breathy gasps, staring at all the jizz sliding down Chico's torso. We couldn't really speak--too dazed by the after-shocks--and just watched our slippery, wet cocks loll around, dripping cum. And then finally--in horny, lust-hungry need-- And then finally--in horny, lust-hungry need--we all fisted out the last shuddering spurts.
Naked Gymnast Weekend – Chapter Four

For what felt like whole minutes, we shuddered and pumped our blissed-out cocks till our swollen balls were finally empty. And then we looked at one another in a stunned, dazed state of confusion, as if wondering how we'd ended up naked and covered in each other's jizz in the woods.

Knowing I had to do something quick before our guilt and denial kicked-in, I let go and smacked Chico's bare ass. "You're IT!!!" and took off down the hill towards the lake.

Suddenly there we were chasing each other in dick-heaving abandon toward the sunset-reflecting lake, Chico following Tony and I, delivering Spanish curses.

And hell, for some stupid reason I didn't seem to care how cold that glassy, leaf-strewn, dark water would be. The old wooden dock groaned under our weight as we realized, too late, that this was a very, very idiotic thing to be doing in October.

The thunderous plunge instantly stopped my heart.

I heard two more ear-numbing roars beside me as I fought my way to the surface.

"AIEEEE!!!!" Chico was desperately clamoring for the dock.

Tony whooped and hollered, actually loving it--diving towards Chico--grabbing the little man's muscled body. But I couldn't speak, couldn't breathe, paralyzed by the numbing water.

Tony and Chico wrestled--Chico hurling Spanish at him--splashing and kicking. They ended up next to me, trying to draw me into it. And then we were laughing--our lips blue and trembling as we huddled together--our legs brushing as we treaded like mad.

"I-It's so c-c-cold!" Chico chattered, all teeth.

"C'mere," I said, pulling him by the waist till his sweet hot little ass nestled against my crotch, trying to warm him up.

Tony came in to fit his ass into Chico's crotch. "That any better?" he said over his shoulder.

"I can feel my cock rubbing your cheeks," I said into Chico's cute ear.

Chico laughed, enjoying the attention. The absolutely icy lake made our submerged, naked contact all the more erotic. Our bulging muscles and hairy crotches connected with warm, slick asscheeks--our hefty thighs rubbed together while we treaded water to stay afloat and generate more warmth.

"Feels sexy!" Chico said, sounding more relaxed.

"Your ass is perfect," I breathed into his ear. "It's like a hot little beachball!"

He giggled and wagged his round butt into my blond crotch. My cock tingled--assaulted by the contrast of Chico's warmth and the icy lake--desperately wanting to pry apart Chico's tight crease.

The sun finally slipped below the mountains, plunging the entire lake into darkness, and we treaded our way to the shadowy dock. "Now I don't want to get OUT," Chico said. "It's warmer in here than out there!"

"We don't have to yet," I said, grabbing onto the dock.

"This is so great!" Tony sighed next to me. I could barely see him against the sky.

"Let me feel your cocks," Chico laughed, plunging his hand down into the black water.

I jumped when he fumbled into my crotch and nearly bruised my chubby dick.

"It's so little now!" he laughed, giving it a tug.

"Jesus! --it's the only one I've GOT, Chico!"

"It's real sexy! I want to make it get hard!" He squeezed, making me gasp.

And then I felt a warm hand connect with my ice-water-numbed ass.

"Great butt, man," Tony said against my cheek.

I moaned, writhing against their exploring fingers. "You're turning me on," I said weakly.

Chico cupped my frozen balls, his palm warm against the puckered skin. My submerged cock expanded, bravely swelling despite the cold. It felt exotically alive, like a red-hot poker encased in ice.

Tony's fingers rubbed along my slippery ass crease, sending waves of warmth into my inner thighs. His lips began caressing my earlobe. "Chico....Tony..." I whispered.

Chico returned to my freezing-hot cock, his grasp nearly stopping my heart.

"Oh!" I said, my cheeks squeezing into Tony's exploring fingers.

"So hot," Chico muttered, milking my underwater boner. His full, soft lips began pressing into my big shoulder, kissing me there.

I plunged my arm down to grab his sweet, little ass, my hand kneading the firm globes. It made him lose hold of my rod--made his own underwater hardon brush my blond thigh.

"Chico, you're huge!", yet again stunned at his size. He thumped his muscular erection into my side—and then--not to be outdone, Tony did the same--his billyclub branding my cold, submerged hip.

"Oh, Jesus, guys," I said hoarsely. "We gotta do something, here..." I swiveled in the water to feel their jutting cocks slap and swipe mine.

"Hot tub", was all Tony had to say. Seconds later we were trying to vault ourselves onto the dock without bruising our throbbing cocks. We shouted and laughed into the night sky as we headed up the embankment--unable to take the freezing air--unable to handle the rigid enormity of our wildly spearing erections.

At times we collided, hard cocks clashing against wet, slippery muscles, making us hurry more. And then we could glimpse a turquoise glow of rising steam from behind the darkened cabin. It looked so exotically alluring,

“Oh, man!" Chico shivered when we finally reached the front yard.

"You guys get in," I ran towards the back door. "I'll get the beer!"

The heat of the cabin made me linger inside, and when I finally kicked open the door, they were sitting in the radiant, bubbling water, their smiling faces wreathed in steam.

"Come on, Jordie--you look so cold!" Chico laughed.

The night wind whipping over my erection had reduced it to a coiled-up turtlehead poking from a blond-bushy forest. My furry balls felt like two chilled peaches as I went around the cedar ledge to squat down and hand them their bottles.

I could make out their seductively submerged crotches, their languid cocks looking like thick salamis. "Hurry up," Chico smiled, white teeth sparkling, his full lips bringing out dimples in his cheeks--his brown eyes glowing. "You look awfully cold," he said, looking into my telltale, cock-shriveled crotch.

I was still wet from the lake--and the night air was numbing--but it really wasn't until my foot entered the hot tub that my body suddenly blossomed in goosebumps.

"Holy crow!", my balls instantly contracted into a big fist at the sensation. "--it's so HOT!" I looked over at their steam-fogged faces. "--how can you stand it?"

"It's like heaven!" Chico sighed.

"Just ease your way in," Tony said.

I breathed deeply as I navigated the steps, until the swirling water rose up to the bottom of my cheeks. And the contrast of my frozen balls and the scalding water made me shudder. It brought big smiles to their handsome faces.

"You're putting on a great show for us," Chico said. "You should go around naked all the time!"

"Yeah," Tony agreed. "This is great!"

They sat on the submerged ledge and I waded towards them--the extremes of temperature causing my heart to race--so I sucked in my breath, then quickly crouched down for a few seconds before rising back up. "Whew!" I slowly began to adjust. "I feel like a cooked lobster!"

They handed me my beer but wouldn't make room between them for me to sit down.

"Just stay there a minute," Tony said, his eyes admiring my tits.

The water came to just below my ass, and Chico was staring at my honey-colored bush.

I smiled at their rapt faces. "Like the view?"

"Oh, yeah!" Tony looked at my flexing bicep when I raised my bottle to take a swig.

"You've got amazing muscles," Chico said. And I smiled more, because Chico wasn't looking at my torso.

I reached down and hefted my balls and cock to show them off. "--this what you're really interested in?" I watched Chico's brown eyes widen.

The hot water had warmed my frozen balls into two giant, slippery kiwis with endless, soft skin--and my cock was now a relaxed, fleshy burrito, with a pink, helmet head. It draped itself down over my cradling hand, nearly brushing the water.

"Bigass cock," I said, always surprised by its length and girth.
Chapter Six

"Can I....?" Chico looked at it, then up at me.

".... sure," I smiled, lifting my sexy dong as I walked closer.

Their faces were right at crotch level as they leaned forward to stare at my bush-surrounded manmeat, their combined breath washing over the sensitive head. And then Chico's little hand came up under mine, and I transferred my weighty sex into his palm.

"Ohhhh, yeahhhh!"

Tony said nothing as his tanned fingers combed through my springy, water-beaded cockbush. Their two, curly-black heads were touching as they peered closely at all I had hanging. Chico breathed deeply, his small hand caressing my oversized balls. They tumbled over the sides of his palm, seeking their freedom while loving all the attention.

Tony's fingers petted my golden cockhair, then worshipped the sensitive length of my vein-laced, tubular cock. He rimmed the nerve-studded lip around the fat head and my thighs quivered at the sensation.

It was maddeningly erotic--his ever-so-slight attentions sending off sparks--and my cockhead expanded, becoming taut and glossy. When Tony's first finger skated across my opened hole, I trembled, my cock swelling out, flared and horny.

This made Chico clutch my oversized nuts and pull on them like chimes. "Jesus!" I gasped. No longer cradled in his hand, my cock swung up like a tilting, unwieldy derrick--the satin-shiny head nearly brushing their noses--their sighs washing over it.

"What a big cock!" Tony stared almost cross-eyed as he admired its heavy, levitating expansion. Like time-lapsed photography, my cock tripled in length and girth. As its proud owner, I especially loved the feeling of my cock bobbing around as it made its way to full-blown erection. I loved the feeling of my weighty head tilting skyward, while the hefty shaft tried to keep up with it.

My cock is so oversized, it feels like a baby python stretching in the sun. The ample skin swelled and tingled, causing my heavy balls to contract and sheath my shaft with yet more delicious skin.

Tony brought his thumb to my up-thrusting cockhead, making me suck in my breath, wondering what he was up to. His thumb forced the polished dome downwards--then let go--making my whole, pulsing dong bounce thickly in the air.

"Jesus, man!" I squeezed my inner thighs and my cock swooned in angry frustration at being teased. It bucked upwards in one, blood-swelling, sweeping arc, and made me weak at the thrills.

"Ok, God," I said, "Too much! Move over and let me sit down."

"Sorry," Tony mumbled, rubbing his big bicep into mine as I sat between them. "--got a little carried away..."

"Wow!" Chico said. "Look at our hard cocks sticking up!"

The water swirled around them--half-way up their lengths as we stretched out our legs--mine looking bright pink between their hunky, dark-headed rockets.

The lapping surface caressed my shaft, like a thousand nibbling lips. "God, that feels great, huh?"

"--like the way the shower does when I turn the spray on it," Chico said.

"I love your big, hard cock, man," Tony said to me.

"Me, too," Chico said. "I'll bet the VIKINGS had cocks like that!"

I laughed, nearly spitting my beer out. "So now I'm a Viking?"

Chico shrugged. "Sure! You're blond--and real big and muscular!"

"You're even Danish," Tony added.

I laughed, shaking my head. "Give me a sexy Italian and Argentinian any day--when I look in the mirror, I think I'm seeing a ghost."

Chico's brown hand moved onto my slick tit s. "You're sure no ghost to us, Jordie. Your muscles are like ivory." He toyed with my fat nipple. "Strawberries and cream," he whispered.

Tony's large hand came down onto my submerged thigh, running seductively down it till his fingers nudged my ballbag. "Big, blond jock!" he muttered. "You turn me on, man. Big time..."

".... you make both of us horny," Chico pinched my rosy tit.

It made my head fall back, and the next thing I knew, Chico's scalp was tickling my chin as his wide lips brushed my tenderized cone. "Uhhhhhh," I moaned, my head falling back even more.

His tongue diddled my taut, swelling nub, fanning the flames--making the whole thing bloat and tingle. And then Tony moved-in on my left pec, his fingers squeezing around the corona--his teeth scraping the rubbery nipple while his tongue lashed at the tip. "Jesus," I moaned up at the night sky. "What're you...?"

They began nursing on them, the noise one of sloppy suction. And the more my head fell back, the higher my pecs rose, feeding them my swollen tits. Waves of sensation hit my balls. I felt my cock juice.

Their curly-black scalps rubbed at my jaw as they both nursed on my fat tits. "Oh God, oh Jesus," I muttered, maddened by their lusty sucking, and my big biceps clamped over their necks, forcing more tit into their panting mouths.

"Huge fuckin' pecs," Tony said hoarsely, his heavy-lidded eyes staring as he slapped my pec muscle, making it jog thickly, the nipple glowing in the light.

Chico looked helplessly horny, not knowing what to do, and suddenly he just got to his knees on the underwater ledge--turning toward me--his lusty, huge cock, lancing out over my chest.

I stared at it--almost intimidated by its pulsing size so close to my face. "Aie, hermano--es un platano--un pepina!" he muttered, using his fingers to pry the upthrusting meat down.

I watched as Chico forced the flared head of the giant thing to kiss my right tit, both of us moaning as a

spurt of cockhoney bubbled out his dickmouth. And he rubbed his slickened knob across it, then flattened his whole, mocha-toned hardon against my swollen, horny pecs.

"Oh God," I whispered, disbelieving Chico's raunchiness.

I'd never seen a hard cock so close-up--never felt another guy's huge cock thumping my naked tits. And then suddenly, there was Tony--kneeling to the left of me. Being taller, his vein-bloated whopper bumped my shoulder, the satiny head in line with my eyes. I stared directly into its stretched mouth, feeling the heat of the whole thing radiating against my cheek. "Ohhhhh," I moaned, licking my lips--looking from it, up into Tony's handsome face.

When he saw my anxious excitement, he misread my expression and backed-up some. "Hey, man," Tony said to Chico, "--cool it down a bit, huh?"

Chico seemed to awaken from a trance, his huge cock glancing off my chin before arching before my cross-eyed face. "Sorry," he mumbled, "--I just...."

"It's fuckin' beautiful!" I leaned back against the edge of the tub to get a better view of their dark throbbers. "Make them touch", I whispered.

I heard Tony and Chico breathe deeply above the bubbling water--watched in horny fascination as the two, bulbous heads bobbed stiffly closer. Chico's dick was a richer, darker tone than Tony's--yet, if anything, even thicker around in girth. Tony's giant had a fat, ropey vein pulsing up the shaft, with webbed skin just below the drooling mouth, which I knew from my own, was studded with nerve-endings.

Each cock had a shapely, glossy-dark, mushroom head, with a flared lip around it. And in anticipation of touching, both cocks reared-up and leaked-out syrup. They trembled--as if awed by one another--sensing the wild thrills they would inflict.

And then they connected.

Tony and Chico moaned, feeling their proud cocks touch and buck and drool pre-cum. Overwhelmed at the sight, I sat up and leaned-in, hesitating, and then kissed the shiny, wet heads as Tony and Chico groaned down at me.

Reaching up and bending the rigid shafts stiffly to my lips, my tongue swiped and skated over the ripe heads, tasting sweet, salty maleness, as I drank in the beauty of it all.

Hoarse shouts filled the October air as I planted wet, french kisses all over those slippery knobs, my fingers unable to keep hold of the throbbing bases. Tony and Chico took over--reaching out and grabbing each other's--forcing them to bend to meet my lips--urging me to finish what I'd started.

"C'mon, buddy--do it--suck 'em, Jordie," Tony husked.

I groaned. Yawning open my mouth, trying to fit those pulpy cockheads past my lips, my tongue lashed out at the drooling holes.

"Oh, fuck, Jordie—fuck fuck fuckfuckfuck!" Chico shouted. "I've gotta do it, man! Gotta!" And suddenly both he and Tony were fisting one another against the flat of my tongue, staring down at the horny sight of me trying to suck their two fat heads as they pumped each other's shafts to the brink. I grabbed my own nerve-studded cock and joined-in--needing to cum--needing to feel their throbbing dicks shoot into my mouth.

The hot tub bubbled away, steam rising into the chilled, October night, my muscled, naked, jock buddies pounding their horny cocks against my panting mouth.

"Oh fuck--oh fuck! OH FUCKKKKKKkkkkkk!" Chico's meaty pecs jogged up-and-down as his gymnast biceps bulged and his hips shot forward, feeling Tony's expert hand frictioning his big banana cock to eruption. He howled at the moon, fountains of Latin jizz flooding my tonsils.

Wanting them both to cum together, I quickly reached up to finger Tony's slapping ballbag--pulling the electrified skin--teasing his big rocks to eruption.

"Jesus CHRIST!" his Italian fuck-muscle leapt in Chico's grip--the huge head bursting--a pint of raw cream roping over the flat of my tongue.

“UUUUHHHHHHHnnnnngh!" Chico's small, muscular body heaved about on the ledge, his over-sized cock spewing, the creamy load striping my face. It bucked free of Tony's hand, making me grab the wild, flexing muscle and aim it to my lips. "Que rico! Aie! Que hombruno!"

Water sloshed against my neck, the hot tub churning--their throes of ecstatic joy making waves--their cum-cannons blowing out ribbons of jizz, the stuff landing in my hair and splashing my face.

"OHHHHhhhhh!" They each suddenly grabbed their own rod, fisting out the last, shuddering thrills and staring down at the horny, carnal sight of cum dripping off my lolling tongue.

I stared up at their slogging balls, their spouting cockmouths--not wanting to blink, to miss even a millisecond of that raunchy cumfest.

Chico shuddered violently, squeezing out on last volley of Latino cream, watching it arc over my cum-covered face.

"Que hermoso!"

And suddenly Tony was gone from sight, leaving me staring up between Chico's spread thighs, wanting to just push my whole face into his furry, gymnast crease.

"AHHHhhh!" I jumped against the ledge, feeling a sudden pressure take hold of my cock.

"Yes!" Chico cried out, leaping away from me, joining Tony in the tub, the two of them crouching on either side of my hips.

"Oh Jesus," I moaned, watching them lick my glowing, helmet head, feeling Chico's hands playing with my underwater balls.

I grabbed onto the edge of the ledge for support, not sure what to do. I'd never in my life had anyone take such control of my big erection--never felt a mouth suddenly go down on my cock!

Tony's handsome face was buried in my wet bush, his throat expanding to house all nine of my thick inches, his gulping muscles milking the shaft.

It was wild and exotic--my huge cock unused to the sensation--waves of prickly hunger radiating up from my balls--my balls feeling teased and tortured by Chico's adoring hands.

Water slopped around Tony's bobbing head--the big Italian cocksucking me over the brink--my mind going blank. Visions of naked studs cavorting around a field in horny-cocked arousal, smacking their bigass rods together, flexing their muscles and laughing filled my head.

"UUUHHHHhhhhhghh!" My eyes flew open to suddenly see Chico standing in front of me, wagging his thick, heavy-hanging Latino enchilada against his balls.

"Make him cum, Tony!" he flopped his dripping, vein-laced whopper in front of my staring eyes. "Suck that big, fat, horny COCK!"

My body heaved in catatonic release--the dam finally bursting--my big balls exploding. "UHHgh! Unngh! UHHGH!" My hips flew up-and-down into Tony's gagging throat, my eyes staring at Chico fondling his naked cock and balls for my pleasure.

Stars burst in colored dots before my eyes as I blew my circuits, my cock exploding in mind-numbing gushes.
Chapter Seven

Naked Gymnast Weekend - Part Three

We fell into a threeway kiss--the hot tub bubbling away--the October breezes blowing chill air across our steaming muscles. Tony and Chico lapped their own fresh cum off my face, then fell laughing and panting beside me.

We lay back against the tub--staring up at the night sky--reliving what had all just happened--and then turned together, hugging one another like the satiated, happy friends—and now lovers--we'd all grown to beautifully become.

After celebrating things with a fresh round of beers, we lay in one another's arms, the hot tub bubbling--steam rising into the cold October night--great big grins on our satiated faces.

"We're breaking all the rules, huh?" Chico said, finally.

Tony nodded and chuckled. "--all the dumb, jock rules!" He reached out and played with our underwater cocks. "If they could see us now...." he laughed, giving our soft ballbags a squeeze.

"But you know..." I said, "I can't help thinking..."

".... let’s NOT think, ok?" Chico said. "--let's get something to eat!"

I reached out and stopped him. "No, wait...I mean, if we’re breaking all the rules by doing this shit, then hell--we can't be the only ones...."

".... you think?" Tony's eyes searched mine, wondering along with me.

".... like if what you say is true--that you guys see all these hardons springing up in the showers...."

"What?" Chico laughed. "--you think David Spencer is fooling around with someone?!"

I shrugged. "--wouldn't shock me."

"Oh, yeah? Like with WHO?" Chico's smile was snow white, his eyes bright with intrigue.

"Mark Wynn!" Tony hooted.

Mark Wynn was the most foul-mouthed jock on our team, always smacking guys on the butt in the shower, making crude accusations.

"No way!" Chico giggled, trying to picture those two together naked.

"I'll bet they're getting it on with someone--just probably not with each other...."

"I hate all that hypocrite, two-faced bullshit," Tony said, staring at us. "It's guys like Wynn who make guys like David afraid of being themselves, you know that?"

"We should have a party!" I suddenly leapt up, water sloshing over the edge.

"No! --seriously?" Chico's cute face lit up with excitement.

"Sure! Why not? --we've got the whole weekend, right?"

Chico jumped up onto the ledge, hip-tossing his huge cock and balls around, flinging water all over our faces. "A naked, hot tub party!"

Tony grabbed his flexing thighs, pulling him back down. "Hey! Get a grip, huh? You know THEM! They're not gonna...."

"... if we invite the right guys, it could get interesting, though," I gave Chico's submerged dong a horny tug.

He grinned and chuckled. "I know who I'D invite!" He looked back-and-forth between us. "Coach DAN!"

Tony scoffed. "He'd NEVER come in a million years, Chico, you dreamer!"

"I'm not this, what-you-call-it... a ‘dreamer’!" Chico's eyes flashed Latin fire. "He WOULD come! He has many party photos on his wall!" He punched Tony's big bicep wetly.

"That's true, Tone--he and his jock friends toasting the camera, looking bombed?"

".... but we aren't exactly his buddies, now are we?" Tony countered. "Yet, if we keep it small...."

"I say six, total--including us," I looked across the hot tub. "--six in here is perfect. Seven's too many."

"Getting the Coach here is the main thing," Tony said, his tongue falling out lewdly. "He's so fucking hot, man...."

"Who would you invite, Chico...besides Coach Dan?"

Chico gave me a foxy smile. "Tommy," he said right away. "I'd pick Tommy!"

Tony nearly spit out his beer. "Tommy, the Equipment Boy? – he can’t be more than sixteen or seventeen. He’s still in high school.”

"No, no! He told me he had to repeat a grade and is eighteen. He only looks and acts real young – and that’s what makes him so cute!" Chico smiled.

"--and more than THAT...." Chico paused dramatically.

".... What?" Tony and I searched his big eyes.

"...Coach Dan always has him near him," Chico said. "I've watched them. They're like THIS...." he put two fingers together.

"You lie!" Tony scoffed.

I stared at Chico, then nodded. "It's true that Tommy's about the only person Coach has inside his office...."

"He's not my choice, really. There are so many on the team hotter than he is," Chico said. "--but if Tommy comes, Coach will definitely come, too,"

".... things could get VERY interesting in the ol' hot tub!" Tony dove his hand back down to feel up my cock and balls.

I chuckled at Tony's fondling fingers. "Okay, then...that's two. Now we need a third...."

"Who would YOU like?" Chico asked me.

I looked at him, then at Tony. "You're gonna kill me for saying this..."

Tony punched my bicep. "So, who already? C'mon…!"

I looked at Chico apologetically. "Mark Wynn," I said lamely.

"Wha-a-a-a-a-t?" Chico stared at me.

"Joker – you’ve had too many beers!" Tony laughed.

I took a new swig, waiting out their theatrics. "I want to see him lose that jock attitude," I said. "And at a party with the Coach? ESPECIALLY if Coach and Tommy are getting friendly? Hell..." I snorted. "...I'd like to see his face if that starts happening!"

"You want to see Mark get all hot and horny, don't you?" Chico grinned.

"I want to see him show his true colors," I smiled grimly. "He's hiding something--smacking butt and bullying guys like David for a reason...."

Tony smiled a little. "I'd LOVE to see that big fucker get his!"

"Wow!" Chico said. "This is getting in-ter-es-ting!"

"Now look," I said, "--we three should stick to having say, two beers each. I’ll fill our bottles with water after that, so we look like we're getting bombed along with them."

"Yes! That way we'll be able to push things in the right direction," Tony said.

"I just hope Mark doesn't start getting rough or something," Chico sipped his beer.

"Coach Dan'll nail the bastard if he does," Tony said. "--or I fuckin' will!"

"Okay, good," I announced. "It's settled. And now all we have to do is make the phone calls!" I raised my bottle, and we all drank a toast to our plans.

And as I hoped, all of them said they'd show up--especially Mark--who kept asking me if I were serious. It seemed he rarely got invited out anywhere, which came as no huge surprise.

And once I'd finally hung up the phone--yelling 'YES!' when Coach Dan said he'd come--I suddenly realised I was sitting there alone. And then when I found Tony and Chico in the spare bedroom--sprawled out together naked and snoring away--I decided to call it a day, too, and was pretty quickly naked and snoring, right along with them.
Naked Gymnast Weekend - Chapter Eight

Interestingly--certainly to Tony and Chico and me--Coach Dan and Tommy arrived together in the Coach's Jeep. With Mark Wynn already in the cabin, we couldn't comment on how chummy the two of them seemed as they came up the driveway. In fact, all Chico and Tony could really do from then on is throw me meaningful looks.

Coach Dan sat with Tommy on the sofa in front of the front window and everyone began talking gymnastics. I kept busy, playing the host, and watching how everyone was integrating.

The 'wild card' in our little party was Mark. And sure enough, in Coach Dan's presence, Mark's usual jock attitude withered. It was interesting to see him try to find a place to fit in.

Mark is a masculine, brush-cutted, dark-blond--a beefy-chested, big-shouldered guy--who either dominates everything, or, failing that possibility, simply says nothing at all. And he sat in the armchair drinking his beer as if he needed it, while his green eyes kept envying everyone else's relaxed sociability. And mostly, his gaze drifted from the Coach to Tommy, and back again. He seemed envious that the much-younger ‘equipment boy’ was so quietly self-assured, sitting right beside the stud-built, ultra-masculine Coach.

Personally, I was pleased at how physically relaxed the group became, aside from Mark. The Coach spread his arms out over the top of the sofa, his hand drifting down to brush Tommy's shoulder. And it wasn't long before I was handing out beer number three, while making sure Chico and Tony received only water in theirs.

Chico winked at me when he took a swig. He was appointed to be the one to push things ever-so-slightly in the right direction once everyone began loosening-up. And being the shortest, and therefore the least noticeable, Chico was still the most sexually sensual guy I knew. His dick was so oversized for his height, his beautifully muscled body seemed ruled by it.

So, when Chico saw Coach Dan stretching his arms out on the sofa, he 'upped-the-ante' by leaning back in his plain wooden chair.

We traded smiles, because with anyone else, it would have been a pretty casual thing to do. But for someone with an obvious package like Chico's, it was unmistakable. Tony and I convinced the little giant to wear his threadbare red Speedos under his jeans, and the skimpy suit shaped Chico's equipment into a grapefruit-sized mound.

With his feet stretched-out, Chico leaned the chair back on two legs, and even as the Coach yacked-on about sports to Tony and Mark, his eyes drifted over Chico's out-there bulge. Chico merely tipped his water-filled beer bottle back, as if he weren't aware.

The temperature in the cabin began rising. And with everyone else guzzling their third beer, Tony began undoing some buttons on his denim shirt. We decided he shouldn't wear an undershirt, and Tony's sexy pectoral divide was clearly exposed. And this also seemed to grab Mark's attention.

Tony had to stifle a smile when he saw Mark's eyes first sneak a peek at his chest, only to then land on Chico's crotch mound. Mark coughed a bit, glancing down at the floor, while absently spreading his legs, trying to quickly re-adjust his cramped-up jeans.

In any other situation, all this would have gone unnoticed--but Tony, Chico and I were orchestrating the whole sexy scene. And for my part, I decided to leave my jean button open after taking a pee.

There came a natural lull in the conversation because, by this time, everyone was reduced to talking about golf of all things. No one seemed keen on going for beer number four. And with three in their systems, eyes were straying all over the place.

I saw Tommy glancing at my opened jean button. The Coach seemed unable to keep his eyes off Chico's bulging crotch, and Mark was furtively looking at each of our muscular bodies, not sure where things were heading.

"Maybe I should open the door," I said, always the perfect host. "It's getting too hot in here, huh?"

That was Tony's cue. "Call me nuts or something," he said, smiling and shrugging, "--but does anyone else feel like going for a swim?" He pulled at his shirt. "I'm beginning to get sweaty!"

And that was Chico's cue. "Are you crazy, Rosario?" he dramatized, "--number one, it's pitch dark out there," he nodded towards the lake. "And number two, it's in the middle of OCTOBER." He made a point of grabbing his crotch, protectively. "We'd all freeze to death!"

Coach Dan chuckled a little, his eyes on Chico's bulge-clutching fingers. "Didn't you say something about a hot tub, Jordan?" he looked over at me.

I nodded from the kitchen counter. "It's out back and ready to go." I glanced at Tony, who smiled and gave a little nod.

The Coach stood up, his six-foot-two body commanding in its strength and size. He deliberately began undoing his belt. "Well, hell then, Chico," he said. "Why worry about it? The lake will sober us up some--and the hot tub'll feel great after!"

Eager to take the Coach's lead, Tommy was on his feet, unbuttoning his flannel shirt and pulling it off. "Um, I didn't bring a suit," he whispered to the Coach.

"Me either," Mark Wynn glanced uncomfortably at everyone suddenly undressing.

"So what? Nor do I, Wynn," Coach shrugged, "Who cares? It's night!"

"Hell," I said casually. "We're totally the only ones on the whole lake. Everyone’s closed their cottages down for the season."

Chico dropped his pants, his worn-out red Speedo pouch so frayed and stuffed with sex, it thudded heavily, sagging lewdly between his furry, muscular thighs. He quickly got rid of his T-shirt.

"Jesus Christ," the Coach said. "What've you got in there, Chico??"

"--whatever it is, it’s gonna rip through any minute," Tony laughed, playing the game, upping the ante.

"Shut up!" Chico said in mock indignation. "It’s not my fault I'm hung!"

"Wow," Tommy said in his high-pitched, high school senior voice. "—looks like ALL of you are big down there!"

Coach Dan was now shirtless, folding his jeans, wearing only a pair of white bikini briefs. The pouch was jam-packed with dick and balls, dark pubic bush poking from the out-stretched top. The fabric translucently revealed the pressed-out shape of a beautiful, huge cockhead and the weight of all the Coach had hanging turned his pair of briefs into a bulging thong, impossible for anyone not to stare at.

"If you got it, boys, flaunt it," he said proudly. "We all work hard for bodies like these." His eyes lingered over all the solid, athletic, gymnast torsos flexing in the little cabin's soft lamplight.

Mark seemed the most flustered and embarrassed, sporting an old frayed jockstrap. I also noticed that of all of us, he was the one beginning to show signs of getting turned-on. The hefty meshed pouch was slightly angular.

Tony wore Calvins, as did I, while Tommy wore jockeys and stood rather relaxed beside the Coach. Not a gymnast, his body lacked the power of the rest of ours. But making up for it was his knockout chest. Two big-nippled cones speared from the centers of his mounded tits in perky, aroused distension. It was the only indicator that the nicely muscled 18-yr old was excited by all the very muscular gymnast bodies in the room.

Most teens his age had nothing special to look at while standing in their briefs. Tommy’s, though, hugged his slim waist like a second skin. That's because the pouch was being pulled down by a fist-sized bundle of impressive equipment.

But for my money it was Chico and Tony who still made my heart pound. As sexy as the Coach was, with his furry, hunky, knockout pecs and enormous arms and delts, my mouth watered the second I saw Chico's red Speedo and Tony's big-cocked Calvins.

To my delight, I saw my best buddies staring back at my own physique and bulging pouch.

"I guess I should lead the way," I said, filling the charged silence. "The yard slopes down to the dock, and the grass might be slippery from the dew." I looked at all the muscular flesh, feeling the raw power of it. "Do you want me to hand out some towels?"

It was Mark Wynn who unexpectedly stalled things. "Look," he said. "--are we really gonna go swim in the LAKE?" He spoke to the Coach, as if appealing to an adult’s sensibility. "It's pitch dark out there!" he muttered.

We were already lined-up, with me opening the front door. Frosty air gushed into the room through the screen, a frigid foretaste of what was in store. Beyond the porchlight was a sea of black.

Coach Dan scratched his unshaven jaw, looking out at the swallowing, October night, the truly arctic air suddenly washing over his bikini brief-clad, naked body. "I guess we could think about it over another beer," he smiled at each of us. "It might take a little more 'liquid courage'!"

Everyone seemed to sigh in relief and move away from the cold. Breathy laughs filled the warm cabin.

"Close that DOOR!" Tony yelled, while throwing me a private smile. And suddenly we were all about to sit around again--only this time practically buckass!

Everyone's relaxation level seemed challenged by Mark Wynn's uptightness. The beefy-chested, thick necked jock didn't know where to keep his eyes focused as everyone resumed their seats. Everywhere he looked there was bare, sexy muscle on display, and his cheeks were burning in response.

"Well," I began babbling away, opening beers like crazy, "--it's not as 'spooky' as it looks out there," I chatted out at them. "Tony and Chico and I tested it out last night!"

They shot me warning looks, as if I shouldn't have revealed that information.

"--you three are, um, buddies?" the Coach stared at my swaying pouch as I walked towards the sofa with his brew.

"Of course," Tony rescued me. He casually shrugged. "We’ve always helped each other perfect our routines and shit."

The Coach's eyes lingered over Tony's tanned, big-pec'd, big-biceped physique and then down at his snow-white pouch.

Chico laughed at the Coach, wanting to keep the conversation from drying up. "Those two want to try doing floor stuff," he scoffed.

All eyes rivetted on Chico's dark, hair-sprinkled, big-nippled tits and the out-there, almost-obscene display of his threadbare, red Speedo. I swear I could see some ball skin leaking out a fraying hole!

"It'll kill your lower back," Coach Dan said, tearing his eyes away and looking at Tony and me. "Guys like Chico--and Tommy, if he ever decides to try it--are....", his eyes drifted back to Chico's tightly muscled body. "--well, they're better 'equipped'--lower to the floor," he said slowly, distracted by the little athlete’s raunchy display.

"Excuse me," Mark muttered, getting up rather quickly to head for the bathroom.

Tony got up from his chair. "I'm not THAT tall, Coach," he said, planting his entire six-foot physique squarely in the middle of the room.

The Coach's eyes really gave Tony's muscled build a long, careful examination. "You aren't just tall, Rosario," he stared. "--you're big. Big everywhere," eyes planted on Tony's heavy-pouched Calvins.

Tony laughed, giving his basket a healthy feel. "Gee, thanks, Coach! Coming from you, that's a real compliment!"

"Hell," Coach Dan said, "I don't know what it is about this sport, but Jesus Christ," he looked at Tony's male bulge, then at Chico's Speedo, then at my briefs, "--it sure seems to attract guys with big dicks!"

Just then Mark walked back in, futilely trying to use his beer bottle to disguise the fact that he was throwing a rod. All eyes landed on his telltale jockstrap. His lips trembled as he quickly sat in the armchair. And I thought I had a blushing problem? His face was scarlet!

It was totally obvious that the big jock was suffering as Tony stood before him--hands on hips--his weighty pouch at eye level.

Chico and I traded worried looks. If Mark remained this uptight, the whole party would cave in, and we'd end up talking about nothing but sports--or worse, start yacking about chicks!

"--Coach was just saying how everyone on our team seems unusually 'gifted' in the 'dick department'," Tony looked at Mark.

An anxious thrill went up my spine thinking Tony was pushing things too far.

"Yeah," Coach Dan said, chuckling. "And you're no exception, Wynn!"

"You've got a BIG one!" Tommy's high-pitched, quiet voice was getting even more high-pitched.

Everyone laughed, with even Mark giving an embarrassed smile at the compliment. "Well, it seems to want to get even bigger tonight," he muttered, swilling down his beer.

"Hell," the Coach said, shrugging. "When it comes to being horny, I say it's just stupid to ty and put the brakes on it."

He leaned further back in the sofa. "Either I'm totally blind, here, or I'd say we're ALL starting to get randy!"

Mark's green eyes widened. He drank nearly half his beer in one swallow. "I get so embarrassed," he confessed. "I get horny at the worst times!"

"Well, this sure the fuck ain't one of 'em, Wynn," the Coach countered. "If there were chicks here--well, that's a whole different ballgame, huh?" He ran a large hand over his huge, hairy muscle tits. "But hell, we're just a bunch of guys proud of what we got!"

Tony smiled, threw me a thumbs up and sat back down, looking at the Coach.

It appeared that the fourth beer was the charm--the catalyst we'd been counting on. Everyone was more uninhibited by the minute, which certainly did include Chico!

The small, muscular Latino patted his Speedo affectionately. "I really LIKE my dick and balls," he announced to the whole cabin. “I like them a LOT! I look at them every chance I get," he added, with his South American accent making him sound so innocent and cute. "I guess that's why I like seeing what other guys’ve got!" He hefted up his weighty package. "It makes me real horny!"

An excited charged silence took over the room. All eyes rivetted on Chico's fondling hand, and I thought I was going to have a mini stroke. Chico had totally gone off script and headed things to who knew where.

Coach Dan was by far the oldest in the group, but I knew for a fact he was really only twenty-eight--and being who he was, commanded the room. I held my breath, knowing that our studly, big-biceped, hairy-chested, number one guest could either make it or break it.

He just casually parted his hairy thighs at Chico and reach down to fumble his own overstuffed, practically transparent bikini briefs. "I guess THIS makes you horny, too, then, Chico?" his voice was low and suggestive.

Chico swallowed, eyes transfixed by the sexy display. "Oh yes," he managed, "--it really does, Coach!"

"Oh hell," Coach Dan chuckled. "It's no better n' yours, or anyone else's, man...."

"...I don't know about that," Tony said, staring. "It's gotta be huge!"

"Fuck--we're just GUYS," the Coach smiled, drinking his beer. "We can't get one another pregnant! We're having a little stag, is all--getting off on what the other guy is flaunting!"

He pawed at his chest a little and looked around the room. "--may as well go with the flow--have some fun being a bunch of horny, hung dudes with nothing to do!"

"Wow!" Chico smiled, all teeth. "We could have a game! See who's the biggest!"

Coach Dan shrugged. "Sure--why the hell not? I've done it before...." He drank his beer, then looked at me. "You got a deck of playing cards, Jensen?"
"You got a deck of playing cards, Jensen?"

I nodded, big eyes all over his bikini-fondling fingers. "Yeah," I said. "There's a deck right here." I went to the kitchen counter to retrieve the cards.

"Just pull out a 'Nine', 'Ten', 'Jack', 'Queen', 'King', and 'Ace' of anything," he called out.

I did so, my fingers trembling with excitement. "Okay," I said, "you want them shuffled, I guess, huh?" I suddenly needed a real beer—no more water.

"Yeah," Coach Dan smiled at everyone. "So here's how it works, guys...." He parted his beefy, hairy legs suggestively. "Whoever gets the 'Nine' goes first...."

"...um, excuse me? Goes first???" Mark stammered out. "What do you mean, 'Goes FIRST'???"

The Coach shrugged. "He stands in the middle, strips off his shorts, then does whatever it takes to get hard...."

"Holy FUCK!!!" Mark sprayed beer all over the room.

"....and then he has to make sure we all get a real GOOD look at it!" The Coach ignored Wynn and looked around at each of us. "--sound cool to you?"

"Fuckin' A!" Tony grinned over at Chico and me.

"What do you say, Mark?" I shuffled the cards.

The big jock's eyes looked nervously at the playing cards, his face red as a tomato. "Even if I get the 'Nine', I--I don't think I could go first," he said directly to Coach Dan. "I've never done things like this before."

He rotated his bottle around in his fingers. "--never in my life!"

"Okay. Fair enough," Tony said. "Let's all just agree that if you get the 'Nine', we do it over until you get a higher card."

Heads nodded. "No sweat," the Coach said. "The whole point, Wynn, is to have a little fun, is all," he shrugged like it was just a way to pass the time. "I mean, Christ, we're probably gonna end up naked in the hot tub anyway--and we're already admitting we're horny."

"Yeah," Tony said, "Now none of us will be embarrassed about throwing a rod—'cuz we're all gonna!’

"Hand them out, man," Chico grinned. "And I hope I get the ‘nine’!"

"I hope you do, too," Tommy smiled a sweet, beery smile at Chico.

It made us all crack up. My crotch was tingling just going around letting everyone take a card. I watched the guys look at their selection, all of them reacting to their fate. Only then did I look at my own.

My heart pounded in my ears. Mine was the 'Nine'!!

Everyone was looking at everyone else, while I set aside my beer bottle filled with water to then open a real one and take a huge gulp for courage.

I walked into the middle of the room to their cheers and shouts.

"You want to watch me get hard through my shorts--or hard with 'em off?" I asked, trying to act casual.

"Off!" Everyone yelled, eyes fixed on my Calvins.

"I'm glad I still have my tan," I said, looking at each of them while flexing my pecs and arms. "We blonds need some color, huh?"

No one spoke--just stared up at my muscled, big-shouldered, gymnast physique and nodded mutely.

I dipped the waistband down with my thumb. "I'm blond all over.... see?" I showed-off my hunky cock bush. "It's the only hair on my body--so I really dig it!"

"Sweet!" Tommy said. "I wish my bush looked like that!"

Again, tension-breaking laughter filled the intimate room.

"And here's my Danish cock," I smiled, really getting into the spirit. And I pushed my briefs down past my low-swinging, blond-furred balls.

Approving sighs hit the air.

"Um, I can't see," Mark said anxiously from his chair.

I turned to him and pulled my Calvins down to my ankles and stepped out of them. Mark's face was beet red as I paraded my fat, big-headed cock before him. "You like it, Wynn?" I asked down at him.

He nodded. "It's big, Jordie," his voice was hushed, awed. "--real big!"

"Uh huh," I said, "And you staring like that is making it even bigger..."

"Holy," Mark said as my eight-inch cock began filling and bobbing.

I turned to Tommy, whose blue eyes stared as if starved. I dug my fingers down into my cockbush and ruffled through the soft curls. "See my sexy bush, Tommy?" I asked quietly. "Go ahead--feel how nice and fluffy it is."

Tommy's small hand trembled as he reached forward. It was difficult to believe that he had actually turned eighteen, so petite and innocent his manner. His little fingers felt sexy as they played in my golden, soft, most-male of hair. He seemed too nervous to actually touch anything else, diving-in to his knuckles, then reluctantly pulling out.

"You're making my cock get all hard, Tommy," I smiled. "Look at it swell over you admiring it."

He almost stopped breathing, his eyes glowing.

I backed up into the room to let everyone watch my fat cock loll around all on its own below its bushy nest. There wasn't a sound as each guy stared at my naked, horny, helmet-headed mancock rising upwards in heartbeats.

"Pose," Coach Dan said.

Whatever inhibitions I started out with disappeared. I felt completely turned-on and horny--lifting my arms to show off my bushy pits while flexing my abs--feeling my skinrocket erect to its full-tilted splendor. It vaulted boldly from my thighs.

“Wow!" Tommy whispered.

I waltzed my hugeness around the room, letting it stiffly dance while flexing my arms and tits. My cock felt too good to be true--preening and pulsing before their appreciative eyes--a throbbing muscle of needy sex. I felt terrific--like I could conquer the world with my big, hard cock!

I'd certainly 'risen' to the occasion. Very glad now that I'd been the one to go first, I slowly walked back to the kitchen counter, rewarding myself by drinking that very welcome beer! Even still, their eyes were fixed on my hugeness.

"So…”, I broke the spell. “Who's got the 'Ten' –let’s see some more hard cock!"
No one seemed to want to do anything but stare at my own, making me blush in appreciation. But now I really wanted to enjoy the show, everyone getting naked for my own horny pleasure.

Tony got up from his chair, with everyone murmuring in approval that he was next. He smiled and handed me his ten of Clubs. We waited in excited anticipation for what he would do next.

The dark Italian's Calvins were obscenely angular in almost hideous horniness, and his hunky, six-foot, very tanned body reflected the light--mantits gleaming, deeply grooved abs rippling.

Tony then stood and smiled directly at Mark Wynn, who looked back nervously for being singled out—a look of apprehension. Tony confronted him with, "I'm not blond, am I, Mark?" It was more a statement than a question.

The beefy, buzzcut jock shook his head, eyes running from Tony's hunky carved navel, up his ab ridges, across his smooth, sirloin-slabbed pecs, to Tony's shotput-sized delts.

"This is Italian meat inside here," Tony said, tilting his narrow hips out at Mark. "See? --it's already hard."

Mark said nothing, his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed thickly, eyes darting as though not allowed the guilty pleasure of actually staring at all Tony had going.

"Give it a feel, man," Tony said, walking two steps closer.

Mark’s eyes bulged, looking like he wanted to do nothing more in the whole world, yet wasn't able to make himself do it.

"Come on," Tony said confidentially. "It's just my cock, Mark. What’s the big deal, man --you've felt entitled to smack my bare ass enough times...."

Everyone laughed, having had Wynn do the very same to them. Just as quickly, we fell silent, trying to see what he’d do.

Mark took a hurried, large swig of beer. And that in itself--all the beer he'd drunk, gave him the courage to go ahead and reach his hand up. Yet Tony wasn't about to let him retreat quickly, and grabbed Wynn’s wrist and plastered his palm all over his bonerized white pouch.

"Oh yeah," Tony said. "Feel my big hard billyclub COCK? You're making it real hot now, Wynn!"

From where I stood, all I could really see was Tony's muscular, round, Calvin-covered ass, and Mark's reddening face. And the seated, big jock's mouth fell open as Tony kept giving him a feel of something very huge and hot--and very turned-on.

Tony then backed away, leaving Mark's hand in mid-air. "Hey, Coach," Tony said, sauntering over to the sofa. "--want to do the 'honors'?"

"Sure," the muscled manstud said. "Love to!" And he brought both hands up to Tony's elastic waistband and pulled it way out and then down.

"Jesus Christ", the Coach said, his face having to back away as Tony's enormously naked, mushroom-headed, thickly-veined cock lurched-out from his studly black bush in horny, happy freedom.

Tony's Calvins were bunched around his muscular, hairy thighs as he showed off his naked, hardon-twitching Italian manmeat. "You like my big, hard cock, Coach?" Tony smiled in a low voice.

"It's a beauty," he looked at its naked majesty, eyes glowing. "--a horny work of art, Tone...."

"Thanks," Tony said, shoving his shorts down, and off his feet. "One-hundred-percent Grade A, Italian MEAT," Tony lanced it out into space with his tilting hips, his sexy cockbush adding to the obscene display.

As much as I'd certainly seen my buddy naked—and horny--I was breathless over his gorgeous body. Like me, Tony was hairless above--his muscles bulging in synchronized perfection--and hairy below. The effect was such that your eyes travelled over his rippling physique to then land on that black forest of cock-adoring bush. His enormous rod pole-vaulted out of that black, hairy nest like a male iron pipe, capped by a head the size of a baby apple.

Tony brandished it, purposely swaying his indignant fuckpole out at his admirers, walking up to each of us, giving us a close-and-personal view of all the naked dick and balls we ever wanted--and then finally sat down.

Everyone seemed to awaken from a trance, while their eyes remained glued to Tony's upthrust boner between his sitting thighs.

As a reward, I brought Tony a genuine, real beer, smiling to myself as everyone's eyes then shifted over to stare at my scything, stiff erection. "So," I said, winking at Tony-- handing him his bottle, then out at the room "--who's got the 'Jack'?"
Mark Wynn looked pained as he stood up. So pained, no one dared cause him any additional discomfort, and seemed to look at him with a mixture of sympathy and expectation.

Now, Mark Wynn was big and built. At five-foot-ten, his hairless body was powerful and beefy. His pecs were meaty, round and mounded, with two, upthrust nipples--looking like an invisible force had squeezed his tits into bee-stung cones. His abs undulated more than rippled--and his waist--though not slim--was sexy as hell because it was hard and flat, yet slightly cushioned instead of ripped.

Sexiest of all to me, was his deep bellybutton, drilled into the middle of his stomach--so deep, I wanted to poke my cockhead into it.

"Oh God," Mark whispered, unable to look any of us in the eye.

His meshed jockstrap looked ready to come apart from the pressure of his up-thrusting cock, straining to hold in what was so eager to be let free. And of course, we'd all seen Mark's big dick--but never Mark with a full-blown erection!

I stared at his amazing twin, bowling ball musclecheeks--encased by the straps of his jock, stretched over the round, hard, pink globes.

In embarrassed nervousness, Mark simply reached down and pulled his stretched pouch open from the side. An audible hush filled the room as his uniquely-thick erection speared into the air, hampered by his binding jock pouch.

"Oh, Jeez," he whispered, realising he really did have to get himself totally nude.

I could see his thick meat poking his belly as he fought the elastic material down his gigantic, peach-fuzzed thighs.

"Oh, NICE!" the Coach admired. "Show that stud cock OFF, Wynn!"

Mark seemed to draw courage from the compliment and put his hands on his hips, flexing his meaty chest while flexing his firm, concave stomach. A deep nest of soft, brown curls gushed deep between his thighs at the base of his amazing dick. And in keeping with the rest of him, Mark's dick was beefy--a throbbing cylinder of erected meat, almost bigger around in girth than it was tall--a piston-shaped chunk with a huge, blunt-nosed head capping it. And down below, his furry balls hugged the fat torpedo like two protective, suede-skinned peaches.

Mark slowly moved around to dutifully show his cock off to admiring gazes. So meaty and muscular, it barely moved--simply punched straight up in the air. And when he came over to me--the only other guy besides himself not sitting--our two cocks brushed together.

"Oh, God," Mark said, looking at them nuzzling.

"You must be proud of that whopper," I said. "I've never seen a cock so big around!"

Mark tried to laugh. "My hand doesn't even do it," he was almost trembling from all this turned-on excitement.

"I'll bet," I answered, wanting nothing more than to wrap even more than my hand around its sexy girth!

Mark's hard, round bare ass rose and tumbled as he made his way back to his chair and quickly sat down to a huge gulp of beer. He looked up to see everyone still admiring his naked, hard cocked display. "Um, who's next?" he asked, his face flushed with pride over having done it.
Chico showed everyone his 'Queen' of Clubs, then got up like a sprung tiger. "See?" he purred happily, “I kept my happy, sweet dick soft inside here," he patted his red Speedo pouch. "It wasn't easy," he added, looking over at Mark's hard cock. "But now I'm really, really horny!" he laughed, hip tossing his full-sized basket out at us.

His small hands came up to ruffle the black fur on his chocolate-toned, standout pecs; then he ran his fingers down over his hair-feathered, ultra-defined abs. He grabbed his Speedo crotch---framing it with spread fingers—and walked over to Coach Dan, showing off his bulging, red basket.

"Here’s my pouch, Coach," he said. " And I’m dying to rub it all over your hot tits!"

The Coach sat up high to flex his hairy, big-nippled pec slabs.

Chico's quad-blessed thighs stood out in bold relief as he crouched and then pressed his hot package into the cleft of the Coach's swollen, furry mountains.

"Oh yeah," the Coach muttered. "I can feel your big Latin cock inside, Chico!"

Chico groaned hotly and ran his hands all over the Coach's sexy tits, loving their furry power, lingering a long time over his excited, erected nipples.

Chico backed-up to give everyone else a view of his dark, dark body--short and compact and beautifully-muscled. "We both got hairy tits," Chico said to the Coach, "I like that!"

He pushed the bottom of his tits up with his hands to show off his dark, super-pointy nipples, then suddenly poked a finger into his hair-swirled bellybutton, fucking it lewdly. "Oh man," he sighed, "I love all this sexy showing-off!" And in a kind of smiling ecstasy began tossing his red Speedo, the unmistakable bulges of his basket careening around in the air.

He ran his hands up the backs of his thighs, as if dancing to his own music. "Oh, I'm getting all hard," he smiled. "My cock's so tingly--and so're my balls," he looked down at his tossing pouch. "I'm really getting so horny now, guys!"

"Jesus," Mark said, his thighs opening-and-closing in frustrated need.

"These are my oldest, most favorite Speedos," Chico announced. "See the holes? --see my fat balls trying to poke through?" He laughed merrily. "They can't because they're too BIG!"

He undulated, his hips flinging his heavy pouch all over the place. "They will soon, though," he smirked, and then reached down to dig his finger into one of the frayed parts of the red pouch. And Chico smiled at us, tickling his balls, teasing us.

Suddenly he poked both fingers into the hole and just tore the fabric apart—his half-full, mocha-colored cock falling out, his balls still trapped inside--laughing and throwing his big piece around like a sexy thick chorizo. "I love being a little dude with a huge cock!"

It was so obscene--his Speedo ripped apart--his naked cock flouncing from the tear. The unwieldy thing looked way too large to be slung with such abandon. It hit his brown body with thick, meaty slaps, hardening and aroused--making Chico laugh with horny joy.

Mark's mouth was slack with passion, his eyes trying like hell to keep up with Chico's dancing sausage. The brush-cutted jock was rubbing his naked erection, too turned-on to care who saw him.

Noticing this, Chico backed-up to Mark's chair and bent over at the waist. This gave Mark an eye-level view of Chico's perfect, Speedo-encased ass. "Feel it, Markie," Chico said over his shoulder.

No longer so shy, Mark gave the red-suited buns a firm smack, grinning for the first time all evening. There was nothing he liked better than smacking another stud's ass, and it seemed to revive his usual jock attitude.

"Do it again, man," Chico smiled.

"Awww, SWEET!" Mark smacked the round globes, leaving his hand there for a while. "What a hot ass, Chico," he said getting into it, really feeling it up.

Still bent over, Chico reached both hands behind him, his fingers finding another thin spot in the nylon. "Have a REAL good look at it, Markie!" suddenly ripping the whole seat apart.

Mark's eyes popped at the sight of Chico's lightly-furred, split globes jutting out from shreds of red material.

Chico mooned the sexy spheres out at him. "Now give it another one," he said.

The firm slap resounded in the room, Mark's fingers lingering, feeling the swells of Chico's brown, muscular butt. "God damn!" Mark said. "Hot, sweet ASS, baby!"

Chico rose back up, the red, tattered suit now falling down to the base of his airborne, swollen fuck muscle standing at full-tilted attention. It was pornographic and lewdly large, framed by a nest of soft black bush at the base of his beautifully-muscled, gymnast’s torso.

Chico walked the gigantic vein-laced billyclub over to Tommy. It tocked and twitched in an arc before his hips. "I can't seem to take this dumb suit off," he said. "Why don't you help me?"

Tommy's blue eyes turned violet as he raised his delicate hands to fumble with the shredded fabric. It snagged on the flared lip of Chico's fat cockhead, making Tommy's fingers tremble with excitement. "Holy Jeez!" he murmured. "It's--it's SO BIG!"

"Like it?" Chico made it throb, the lights in the room glinting off the bulbous mushroom head, the veiny shaft so tight-skinned, it looked ready to split open.

"What a pair of BALLS!" Tommy exclaimed, still trying to free the thrusting rod.

The cloth fluttered down Chico's furry legs to the floor. "You can feel 'em up you know," Chico kicked aside his shredded Speedo. "They're real soft and full of cum, Tommy...."

The teen's face turned pink as his fingers gently probed the velvety skin of Chico's fat, fleecy, ultra-male lovesacs. "Oh, MAN," Tommy whispered.

Chico grinned in horny appreciation and wagged his enormous dick at the Coach, then walked to Tony, then me, and finally showed Mark his pride-and-joy. "If it weren't for this little game of ours," Chico said, "I'd just do this sexy stuff for you all night!" He watched Mark staring at his naked, turned-on body.

He seemed reluctant to sit down--and once he actually did, his oversized erection almost hit him in the chin!

Tommy cleared his throat, then swallowed some beer, and got up from the sofa. He handed me the King of Hearts.
And not only was the lithely-built eighteen-year-old with his sexy pecs hard inside his jockeys, but there was also a telltale wet stain spreading over the out-thrusted pouch. "I'm so turned-on, I think I'm gonna...." he stammered.

"Just…take it slow," Coach Dan said quietly.

"Oh God," Tommy breathed, feeling five pairs of eyes on him. His coral-pink nipples stood out, erected and taut, jutting upwards in the light.

Tommy's muscles were baby-skin smooth, the skin creamy, like polished marble. "Oh, Coach," he whispered, "tell me what to do...."

"Okay, baby--it's okay," the Coach's voice sounded deep and gentle. "Close your eyes--okay?"

Tommy nodded, squeezing his eyes shut.

"Now just relax, Tommy," the Coach said. "--and now you're all alone in the woods..."

"Okay," Tommy smiled a bit.

"....and no one is there but you and the trees...and the sun is shining on your body through the leaves...."

Tommy breathed deeply, his chest rising and falling, looking sexy and relaxed.

"And, Tommy," the Coach went on, "you're all horny."

"Yeah. Yeah, I am," Tommy smiled, eyes still closed, his jockeys almost ridiculously tented in arousal.

"You're horny because you just love your big dick so much--and it's begging you to let it out of your shorts."

Tommy laughed a little and put his hand down and pressed his fingers against his swollen teen cock. "OOoooh," he sighed, "My big boner!"

"Yeah," the Coach said, "Feel it? Isn't it great?"

"Oh, yeah!" Tommy said, his voice husky. "Feels so hard--so horny! It's leaking. It’s all wet..."

The Coach sat back, his dark eyes watching every slight movement.

Tommy sighed and then--eyes firmly shut--peeled his jockeys down over the top of his pink, smooth-knobbed, sweet-looking hardon. It was rosy in the lamplight, the glossy bulb glistening with pre-cum.

He pushed his shorts down to his knees and ran his fingertips up the straining, skin-blessed shaft, the whole seven inches looking brand new--right out of the box--surrounded by a lush bush of sandy-brown hair. Fat, juicy balls hung in their luxuriously draped bag, coated with wispy fuzz between his hairless thighs.

No one made a sound.

Tommy rotated his hips, letting the jutting pole sway in stiff counterpoint--a cock to be proud of--very thick around at the base, tapering up at the top--and crowned by a deeply-lipped flaring bulb. Juice pearled at the hole in the spread open lips.

The boy opened his eyes to see us staring in hushed awe, and then proudly walked around to give everyone a good view of his bursting-with-pride joystick. And I drank in the beauty of his peachy-smooth, round butt cheeks as he then sat back down beside the Coach.

"Good show," Coach Dan said, putting his hand on the teen's knee.

"God, thanks!" Tommy whispered, looking like he'd just conquered Mount Everest.

"Well!" the Coach said heartily. "I guess we now know who's got the 'Ace'..."

My eyes felt challenged, not knowing how to take in the whole of his tall, wide-shouldered strength and power. His tiny bikini briefs hugged his narrow hips, distended by a cock so hard and so enormous, the colossal head nearly ripped through.

"Jesus God!" Tony breathed out.

Coach Dan brought his arms behind him to flex his eye-popping triceps while going on to then display his deep, hairy pits, his movement making his distorted pouch angle outwards like a spinnaker sail. And then he smoothly swung into a double biceps pose—his arms becoming tremendous boulders--while then swinging those arms back behind him, clasping his hands just under his hard ass to flex his tits--the hairy mountains jumping independently of each other--his fingertip-sized nipples like a second pair of staring eyes.

"Oh fuck, oh FUCK!" Mark said. "Check that out!"

The Coach laughed a bit and patted his thrusting briefs. "Want to see more?" he teased.

"I can't stand it!" Chico hoarsely shouted. "I'm SO horny now! So HORNY!"

The Coach slipped a finger down the inner seam of his pouch and teased both his furry balls out, their plump pornographic maleness hanging from the pulled-aside bikini. Gushes of rich, black hair poured from the exposed gap, and he patted his gigantic log of a cock. "You boys made me get hard inside here--see?" he said, smiling at our gaping mouths.

And then he just slid both hands down into his waistband and fanned the material out and over his Cock-of-Cocks.

It shot upward above his deep bellybutton, the huge, blunt-nosed head brushing his hairy abs, while endless folds of thick, juicy ballskin draped over two testicles the size of pomegranates, the bulging orbs covered in fleecy fur.

It simply was the hairiest, most erotically-male pornographic display even my imagination couldn’t compete with.

"Oh, Sweet Jesus!" Tony whispered. "That can't be for REAL! It just can't!"

The Coach chuckled and seemed almost unable to pull his briefs completely off--his thunderous cock stabbing hotly at his tits and abs, looking haughty and indignant. And finally, he stood up again and looked at us staring at him. "I'm a hairy bastard, huh?" he said, digging his fingers into his jungle-of-a-cockbush.

"Sexy as hell, Coach," Mark Wynn muttered. "Look at that COCK!"

"Glad you like it, dudes," the Coach said, strolling his incredible Titan around the room. "--like the rest of you, it's sometimes embarrassing when it decides to do THIS," he waved it stiffly about, showing off its hardness. "—but we wouldn't want to trade them in for a smaller model, now, would we?"

"God, no," Chico stared.

It was way more male than any of our young cocks--a man's cock--a he-man's, bigass Amazon Cock—a thick-veined, bulging, hair-wreathed, thumping, pulsing cock --arching, preening, throbbing out before him like the peacock of cocks, the head flared and deep-toned.

The Coach ran his palms over his hairy, generously-full pecs, huge biceps rolling. "Guys like us should be proud of our big cocks," he said, making his flex hotly at Chico. “But you know what really turns me on?”

"Oh man," Chico sighed, staring, "What, Coach?"

The Coach dropped his arm and dug his hand into his thickly-forested vee. "...a nice fat set of THESE," he grunted.

"Your balls," Chico whispered, watching the Coach pull his hairy ovals forward in his palm.

"Damn right!" he fondled his sexy hang. "Like 'em?" he asked.

Everyone stared hypnotically, watching the huge eggs tumble loosely around in his large hand, their weight and size making them fall over the sides like ripe guavas.

"Come on, guys," his voice was deep and quiet. "Help me play with my big, hairy balls..."
Chico didn't need a second invitation, immediately sliding from his chair to his knees, his face only inches from the furry velvet and heat of Coach Dan's naked, male nuts.

Tony came over behind Chico--huge cock wet and throbbing--and, as he reached out to have a feel of that stud hang, his own ample bag draped over Chico's curly-haired head. This made Chico lift his face to wantonly lick at Tony's lovesacs, dark eyes slitting with passion.

Tony grunted, then grabbed Coach Dan's purse of goodies, the bag so full of sex, Tony needed both hands.

I then came behind the Coach, mesmerized by his full-sized, beachball butt, my hard cock glancing over the deeply-divided, solidly-muscular rounds.

"Oh, yeah," he turned to stare into my blue eyes, "Rub my big, hard ass! Rub it with your big, blond hairy cock, Jordan..."

I swooned at his words--at the feeling racing up my torched rod--at the almost feminine softness of that wispy hair covering those ulta-masculine swells, as it caressed my tingling shaft. And I drew his narrow hips back with both hands, sliding my wet, slick tool up his deep furry divide.

Chico slurped Tony's balls, the sound wet and sloppy, and Tony moaned, his cock lurching around, his hands busy with the Coach's fat nuts.

"Get over here, you two," Coach Dan stared at Tommy and Mark. "Play with my big furry muscletits..."

Mark Wynn looked tortured, his face flushed with carnal lust, his beer can-sized cock dripping pre-cum like a spigot. "Oh Jesus," he whispered harshly. "I can't take this sexy shit, man!" he confessed to Tommy, looking helpless.

"M-Me, too," Tommy said, moving to Mark, his nipples all pink and stiff--his boycock dancing and twitching in heat.

Mark groaned as Tommy came closer, then lunged his face into the shocked teen's pec valley, licking the buttery skin. And then Mark latched onto one of Tommy's hot cones, suckling like a piglet.

Tommy's head fell back, his hand reaching out to force Mark's mouth further onto his sweet tit. "Oh, God, Markie," he whispered, his other hand falling down to find the jock's girth-blessed cock.

Mark's hips thrust into Tommy's grip, his whole body going rigid. He came off the boy's chest in astonished surprise, staring at the small fingers trying to encompass his iron-hard bar. "Fuck! You're holding my COCK!" Mark's hips pumped into Tommy's massaging hand, pistoning his hugeness into the boy's inadequate grip.

We stared at the sight--Tommy's face beet red with newfound lust, his fingers unable to grasp it all, and Mark trembling, his legs bent at the knees--his hips out of control--his balls slogging below Tommy's challenged hand.

Mark's eyes flew open, and, just in the nick of time, the big jock pulled free of Tommy, his cock drooling and spasming.

"Take a deep breath," the Coach advised, "We gotta pace ourselves—enjoy it...."

Tommy walked his own rock-hard erection over to us, leaving Mark, as he then stared at the Coach's chest.

"Go on. I said you could play with 'em," the Coach sounded gruff, while he flexed his tits.

Tommy's hand was small and pale as his fingers worshipped the forested chest; and the Coach flexed his chest outward into Tommy's small palm, feeding the boy more meaty muscle. "Smack 'em, Tom-boy," he growled. "Get a little rough!"

Tommy's boycock rode up the Coach's hairy thigh, massaging itself as his hand experimentally tried to spank the furry mountains, his slaps sounding childish against all that power.

"Get over here, Wynn," Coach Dan ordered.

Mark's eyes narrowed lecherously watching me shimmying my hard cock over the swells of the muscle-coach's split cheeks, my right arm flung around his narrow waist, my baby finger buried in the cave of the Coach's hunky navel. And I moaned, my face pressing into the arch of that amazing back, kissing and laving the Coach's tanned skin with the flat of my tongue.

Tony's cock pulsed at a rakish angle above Chico's scalp, his balls tea-bagging Chico's forehead. And Tony was busy feeding Chico the Coach's huge balls as the little Latino drooled all over the hairy orbs and slurped at each in turn.

Mark's cock was a huge piston of up-thrusting heat, the fat head juicing up the floor as he walked the twitching beast over to the other side of the Coach.

"You dig this sexy shit, don’cha, Wynn?" Coach Dan looked down at Mark's slippery rod. "You look ready to pop your cork!"
Chico didn't need a second invitation, immediately sliding from his chair to his knees, his face only inches from the furry velvet and heat of Coach Dan's naked, male nuts.

Tony came over behind Chico--huge cock wet and throbbing--and, as he reached out to have a feel of that stud hang, his own ample bag draped over Chico's curly-haired head. This made Chico lift his face to wantonly lick at Tony's lovesacs, dark eyes slitting with passion.

Tony grunted, then grabbed Coach Dan's purse of goodies, the bag so full of sex, Tony needed both hands.

I then came behind the Coach, mesmerized by his full-sized, beachball butt, my hard cock glancing over the deeply-divided, solidly-muscular rounds.

"Oh, yeah," he turned to stare into my blue eyes, "Rub my big, hard ass! Rub it with your hard, hairy cock, Jordan..."

I swooned at his words--at the feeling racing up my torched rod--at the almost feminine softness of that wispy hair covering those ultra-masculine swells, as it caressed my tingling shaft. And I drew his narrow hips back with both hands, sliding my wet, slick tool up his deep furry divide.

Chico slurped Tony's balls, the sound wet and sloppy, and Tony moaned, his cock lurching around, his hands busy with the Coach's fat nuts.

"Get over here, you two," Coach Dan stared at Tommy and Mark. "Play with my hot furry tits..."

Mark Wynn looked tortured, his face flushed with carnal lust, his beer can-sized cock dripping pre-cum like a spigot. "Oh Jesus," he whispered harshly. "I can't take this sexy shit, man!" he confessed to Tommy, looking helpless.

"M-Me, too," Tommy said, moving to Mark, his nipples all pink and stiff--his boycock dancing and twitching in heat.

Mark groaned as Tommy came closer, then lunged his face into the shocked teen's pec valley, licking the buttery skin. And then Mark latched onto one of Tommy's hot cones, suckling like a piglet.

Tommy's head fell back, his hand reaching out to force Mark's mouth further onto his sweet tit. "Oh, God, Markie," he whispered, his other hand falling down to find the jock's girth-blessed cock.

Mark's hips thrust into Tommy's grip, his whole body going rigid. He came off the boy's chest in astonished surprise, staring at the small fingers trying to encompass his iron-hard bar. "Fuck! You're holding my COCK!" Mark's hips pumped into Tommy's massaging hand, pistoning his hugeness into the boy's inadequate grip.

We stared at the sight--Tommy's face beet red with newfound lust, his fingers unable to grasp it all, and Mark trembling, his legs bent at the knees--his hips out of control--his balls slogging below Tommy's challenged hand.

Mark's eyes flew open, and, just in the nick of time, the big jock pulled free of Tommy, his cock drooling and spasming.

"Take a deep breath," the Coach advised, "We gotta pace ourselves—enjoy it...."

Tommy walked his own rock-hard erection over to us, leaving Mark, as he then stared at the Coach's chest.

"Go on. I said you could play with 'em," the Coach sounded gruff, while he flexed his tits.

Tommy's hand was small and pale as his fingers worshipped the forested chest; and the Coach flexed his chest outward into Tommy's small palm, feeding the boy more meaty muscle. "Smack 'em, Tom-boy," he growled. "Get a little rough!"

Tommy's boycock rode up the Coach's hairy thigh, massaging itself as his hand experimentally tried to spank the furry mountains, his slaps sounding childish against all that power.

"Get over here, Wynn," Coach Dan ordered.

Mark's eyes narrowed lecherously watching me shimmying my hard cock over the swells of the muscle-coach's split cheeks, my right arm flung around his narrow waist, my baby finger buried in the cave of the Coach's hunky navel. And I moaned, my face pressing into the arch of that amazing back, kissing and laving the Coach's tanned skin with the flat of my tongue.
Tony's cock pulsed at a rakish angle above Chico's scalp, his balls tea-bagging Chico's forehead. And Tony was busy feeding Chico the Coach's huge balls as the little Latino drooled all over the hairy orbs and slurped at each in turn.

Mark's cock was a huge piston of up-thrusting heat, the fat head juicing up the floor as he walked the twitching beast over to the other side of the Coach.

"You dig this sexy shit, don’cha, Wynn?" Coach Dan looked down at Mark's slippery rod. "You look ready to pop your cork!"

"No one's ever touched my cock before," Mark whimpered with lust, staring at the Coach's chest.

The Coach brought his large hand behind Mark's brush-cutted head and forced the dark-blond jock's mouth onto his swollen, right nipple. "Have some hot tits, Wynn--get into the action..."

Mark moaned and nursed greedily on the thickly carved slab, making Coach Dan laugh at the sight of his gymnast-lavished body, while locking both biceps around the necks of Tommy and Mark, forcing their mouths even further onto his cork-sized nipples.

The Coach felt me licking at the broad nape of his bullneck--my cock wedging up between his basketball cheeks--and suddenly jerked his face around to spear his tongue deep inside my panting mouth. And I moaned and sword played with his, then dove past to chew his earlobe.

"Oh Jesus, buddy," the Coach husked, "--that's my spot..."

Suddenly Chico stood up, coming between Mark and Tommy, making everyone jockey around for somewhere to be. "Get over here, Jensen," the Coach said to me, "We're all gonna blow..." And I wedged myself between Tony and Chico, staring down into a bouquet of cocks jabbing into the center.

We thwacked those hard cocks, wincing and moaning--pre-cum spurting out our open-O cocklips, sluicing over the fat heads--creating a steamy slapping sound, the aroma of man and boys filling the cabin.

And we locked arms, our hands all over one another's flexing asscheeks, grunting at our clashing javelins, thrilling at the sensations rifling up our big rods.

"Look at all that hard COCK," the Coach whispered hotly. And his was twice the size of ours, barely moving under everyone else's assault, as hips swivelled, cocks glanced, bruising themselves in a tortured tango of ripe, horny, erected meat.

"Now dig a hand in and grab the balls of the guy on your right," the Coach muttered.

Fascinated and eager, I fumbled my fingers down beside me and then froze as Chico's hand grabbed my bag, the feeling too erotic to handle. "Ohhh," I moaned, reaching down and finally finding Tony's warm, furry hang.

"Oh, Jesus," Tony's knees bent.

"My BALLS," Mark Wynn yelled, never having had anyone clutch his naked rocks before, either.

Tommy was fondling Mark's blond-furred sac, while the Coach was cupping Tommy's. "Take 'em, Wynn," the Coach ordered, feeling left out. And Mark gasped and moaned, just able to reach his shaky hand under the tremendous hang of the Coach's furry peaches.

The dark-blond jock seemed too turned-on to know what was happening. "Oh my god, Coach!" he shuddered. "They're huge!"

"Fuckin' hot, you playin’ with my nuts," the Coach husked. "Give `em a pull, damn it, Wynn!"

Mark looked flushed and dazed, and when he yanked those hairy bells, suddenly everyone did the same, pleasured howls filling the air as balls stretched and thick boners careened haughtily above them.