The show was an intimate look at the lives of first responders, the fact that they did their job in shorts, speedo, and shirtless had no bearing on why I looked at the show. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.;)
You took the words right out of my mouth!!! Hunky Chokachi was no exception!!! :kissing_heart::heart_eyes::emoji_tongue:




I created this thread to celebrate men from the 90s, especially naked men from that era (maybe including some guys from the late 80s and early 2000s.) As someone who was a teenager and young man through the 90s, my attraction to men was shaped by this era, and how men looked back then. You see, in the 90s, men had a more natural look (body hair-wise as manscaping was almost nonexistent) facial hair was uncool, and tattoos were still a new thing usually associated with rockstars and gangs.

Facial Hair: Unlike today's prevalence of beards and mustaches, the 90s saw a minimalistic approach to facial hair. Clean-shaven faces were the norm, with most men opting for a smooth, stubble-free look.

Body Hair: Embracing natural body hair was common among men in the 90s. Chest hair, armpit hair, pubic hair, and even visible leg hair were widely accepted and often seen as a symbol of masculinity.

Tattoos and Piercings: Tattoos were relatively rare among men in the 90s compared to today's widespread acceptance and popularity. Body art was less mainstream and often associated with subcultures like punk or biker gangs. However, body piercings, particularly in the ears, experienced a surge in popularity during this time.

Now, let's share photos and videos from hot guys from the 90s with all their shaved faces and full bushes.

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The guy with long hair has super hot pits!
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Reactions: Janvier75
Rob Ingram
Playgirl - September 1994







Nothing gets more 90s-er than this delicious stud!! David Chokachi all the way!!!:yum:yum:yum
This 90s Baywatch hunk first pop his nudity cherry on a low budget straight to video suspense movie called Shadow of a Scream! David Chokachi had such an adorable booty! :emoji_peach:
Nothing gets more 90s-er than this delicious stud!! David Chokachi all the way!!!:yum:yum:yum
